On the other hand, Fu Su kept frowning.

He thought for a while and said, "Sir, the land of Baiyue occupies thousands of miles of forest. If they do not fight head-on, but flee in the forest, or even take advantage of the dense forest to fight guerrillas against us, my Daqin will be considered a guerrilla. There are too many firearms, and it is not enough for such consumption!"

The smiles on Ying Zheng and Wang Ben's faces instantly froze.

What Ye Yu said just now was too good, but they forgot about it.

Yes, Bai Ruo is determined to dig into the forest, even if all the firearms of Da Qin and Daming combined, it is impossible to raze the forest for thousands of miles to the ground.

Ye Yu smiled lightly, pointed to the sky and said, "Since the ground can't work, then change the way, they are fleeing in the dense forest, then you fly in the sky, with an air-to-ground tactical bombing, the Baiyue people can escape?"

Ying Zheng and the others looked stunned.

"Fly...fly over?"

"Sir, we are mortal bodies, how can we know how to fly."

"Is it possible that Mr. Cheng wants to teach me Da Qin's flying fairy art?"

Ying Zheng and the others stared at Ye Yu with fiery eyes, and their hot eyes were about to melt Ye Yu.

The art of flying!

If this is mastered, then it is really a fairy!

Ye Yu was a little embarrassed by the sight of several people, and secretly complained in his heart, I don't know how to fly, so how can I teach it to you.

He rubbed his temples, and said with some headache: "The art of flying, ahem, you guys can't master it yet, but I have a way to make ordinary soldiers fly into the sky.

Seeing Ye Yu's serious face, Ying Zheng couldn't believe his eyes.

Playing and playing, they also know that they are ordinary people, and flying in the sky is the power that can only be mastered by immortals in legends, how could they possibly have mastered it.

But Ye Yu will never aim for nothing, he is so serious, is it really no joke today?

Ying Zheng widened his eyes and asked in disbelief, "Sir, is this true? Can we really fly?"

Ye Yu didn't rush to explain, but rummaged through the system for a while, and after a while, a Kongming lantern appeared in front of everyone.

Chongzhen rubbed his eyes, raised his eyebrows and said, "This...is this a Kongming lantern?"

Ying Zheng had never seen such a thing, so he asked curiously, "Brother Chongzhen, what is the Kongming lantern?"

Chongzhen stared at the Kongming lantern, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes: "Brother Shi Huang, you don't know, the Kongming lantern was invented by Zhuge Kongming, a military advisor of Shu State, to detect the enemy's situation at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

"As you can see, this thing is a paper cover with a candle inside, and after lighting it, it can fly high into the sky, but I'm a little confused, what is the meaning of this thing, sir, is it possible that this thing can take us God can't do it?"

Chongzhen was amused by his own guess. If the Kongming Lantern can take people to the sky, then the sow can climb the tree by itself!

It's not like he hasn't seen this thing before, it's completely impossible!

Ye Yu smiled faintly, pointed to the Kongming lantern on the ground, and said to Yang Zi, "Go and light the candle!"


Yang Zi took the lighter, carefully picked up the Kongming lantern, and lit the candle in it.

With the Kongming lantern in her hand, the lampshade continued to expand.

Yang Zi only felt the light in his hand, and the Kongming lantern staggered and flew out, and when the breeze blew, it flew straight into the sky.

Yang Zi and Wang Mushi, who saw this magical gadget for the first time, quietly watched the Kongming Lantern disappear into the thick fog, their faces full of yearning.

"This thing can really fly!"

Ying Zheng and the others also held their heads high and murmured as they watched the Yingying firelight slowly disappearing above the sky.

Chongzhen pulled his head out and couldn't think of Ye Yu's intention to put the Kongming lantern, so he could only ask inexplicably: "Sir, even if this Kongming lantern can fly, it can't bear the weight of an adult soldier.

Ye Yu smiled lightly: "The Kongming lantern cannot bear the weight of an adult male, but what if the size of the Kongming lantern is expanded by a hundred, or even a thousand times?

Chongzhen was stunned for a moment.

"What do you mean, sir, are we going to make an oversized Kongming lantern?" Ying Zheng's breathing suddenly became rapid: "Then we can ride on this oversized Kongming lantern and attack the Baiyue people?"

"It's still old Zhao, you are clever!" Ye Yu laughed: "Actually, the principle of Kongming lanterns is very simple, that is, using air to heat, the hot air is lighter in quality, and it is easy to float to the sky. Take a lot of heavy loads to the sky with ease.

"You imagine, the soldiers take a hot air balloon and then throw grenades on the hot air balloon. The Baiyue bows and arrows on the ground can't reach this height at all, and they can only watch you bombard them. How desperate they must be!

"In future wars, what you fight is equipment, as long as you have control of the air, you will be invincible in the world, and others will only be passively beaten.

Ye Yu talked eloquently, but Ying Zheng's breathing became more and more rapid.

Especially the old boy Ying Zheng, when he thought of the scene of Baiyue people standing on the ground, while his soldiers were bombarding the 'Kongming Lantern', he couldn't wait to make the hot air balloon that Ye Yu said. .

Daqin has already mastered the current schedule to lead the world, and he is invincible on land. If he were to create a hot air balloon, he would have to go into space.

The world is big, and that country is their combined enemy!

"So that's how it is!" Chongzhen said excitedly: "Sir, this idea is brilliant. If this thing is made, it will not only be invincible on the battlefield, but if it can be used for business or long-distance travel, it is completely feasible!"

"This is the real artifact that can change the shape of a country, or even the pattern of the world! 99

Chongzhen was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

If he was able to invent a hot air balloon in the battle to eliminate Huang Taiji, and he still needed a hammer strategy, would he still use the strategy of bringing troops into the urn?

Hundreds of hot air balloons flew over the sky and covered the ground, bombarding them with grenades, not to mention 200,000 Jiannu troops, even if it was 500,000, they would only have to die!

This thing is really cool!

Fusu stood up abruptly and bowed to Ye Yu: "Sir, may I ask how to make this hot air balloon, and please give me some advice, I will send someone to make it immediately after returning to Daqin.

"Young Master Fusu is right!" Chongzhen nodded and said, "This hot air balloon is really too important, please give me some pointers!"

Ye Yu thought for a while, then simply took out his mobile phone, found a structural diagram of a hot air balloon, and put it in front of Ying Zheng and the others and said, "Actually, the manufacture of this hot air balloon is not difficult to say, and it is not easy to say it is simple. If I were here, I could buy whatever materials I need with just a phone call, but in Daming and Daqin, it is really difficult to make a hot air balloon.


When Ying Zheng heard this, he immediately became anxious. In his conception, this hot air balloon was his magic weapon to dominate the world, how could he give up easily.

He hurriedly said: "Please also teach me, no matter what the problem is, the widow can find a way to solve it!

Chongzhen also said: "" "Yes, sir, we have to work hard to overcome the difficulties. I have countless excellent craftsmen in Daming, and even ocean-going ships can be made, and hot air balloons can also be made. 35

"You guys..."

Ye Yu smiled helplessly, shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter if a craftsman is a craftsman or not. The structure of a hot air balloon is simple, that is, it consists of three parts: the airbag, the basket and the ignition device, but the material is the only one. key.

"If not, this Kongming lantern has been circulated in the Tianxia land for thousands of years, and it would not have been invented by a group of foreigners in the eighteenth century. Could it be that I have never thought of riding a Kongming lantern to the sky? Just allow it!

"What, hot air balloons were invented by foreigners?"

When I heard Ye Yu's words, I wanted to detest foreigners and alien races, and Lao Zhao, who wanted to kill him quickly, even screamed angrily.

Especially when he thought of foreigners stealing Tianxia Zimin's ideas and creating hot air balloons to attack Tianxia's people, Ying Zheng's eyes turned red.

"Sir, ask the widow to make a hot air balloon. There are countless treasures in my palace. Even if it is piled up, the widow will pile up hundreds of hot air balloons, and then use it to open the gates of foreign countries. The widow wants them to see, My Tianxia people are not to be humiliated!" 5

"Okay, okay, Lao Zhao, don't get excited." Ye Yu smiled helplessly: "Since you really want to make a hot air balloon, I'll tell you. 55

"To make a hot air balloon, the most important thing is the air bag!"

"If you want to make a hot air balloon that can withstand the weight of an adult, the airtightness of the airbag must be good, and the airbag must be light, otherwise it will be difficult for the heavy airbag to fly."

"Lao Zhao, you are lucky. You killed the Xiongnu and harvested a lot of cattle, sheep and pastures. The skins of these cattle and sheep can be used to make airbags for hot air balloons! 35

‘After the cowhide is tanned and cut, it is handed over to the craftsmen for careful sewing without leaving any gaps, so that it can be regarded as a perfect airbag.

"The manufacture of the basket is relatively simple, as long as it is strong and light enough, you can make it out of rattan that has been infiltrated with tung oil. It's this igniter, it's a little troublesome!"

Ye Yu magnified the ignition device of the hot air balloon on the screen of the mobile phone and let Ying Zheng and the others look at him, frowning slightly.

Chongzhen took a closer look and found that it was a complex mechanical structure that he, an ancient man, couldn't understand at all, so he looked at Ye Yu with embarrassment.

"Sir, what's so difficult about this ignition device, please make it clear, sir!

Ye Yu waved his hand and said: "Actually, the main problem is the fuel. To fly a hot air balloon, it must have a very stable combustion source. Lao Zhu and you have oil in Daming, that is, fierce kerosene, which can solve this problem. With our strength, we still can't extract oil, but it's a little difficult!"

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