I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 182: The twists and turns, the imperial expedition!

On the Internet, many netizens were stunned when they saw this subversive scene.

"No, no, no, it can't be true, right? This is a live broadcast more than 2,000 years ago, with grenades?"

"I'm not mistaken, the ancient Anyang people invented the grenade more than 2,000 years ago? 39

"The people of Anyang are too awesome. Hot air balloons and grenades have advanced the history of firearms in the world by thousands of years!"5

This battle was like a storm that swept through all countries in the world. The audience who saw this battle were all shocked and gave a thumbs up to the direction of Yuelan.

This is too arrogant!

And the Yuelan government is even more excited, and urgently will notify all TV stations to broadcast all these pictures.

Enjoying the admiration of netizens from all over the world, the Yuelan people's tails are about to go up, and they are excited to share everything on major forums, circles of friends, and chat software.

See, our Dayuelan has also been brilliant.

Our ancestors advanced the history of hot air balloons and firearms by thousands of years, and we are the most intelligent race in the world.

We invented air-to-ground strikes more than 2,000 years ago.

"Haha "six five seven" haha, praise the great ancestors, I am proud of being a descendant of Anyang people!

"Who is this army? Does it still matter now? Since it appeared on our land, it must be the ancestor of our Anyang people. Could it be the army of Daqin?"

"Hahahaha, yes, I guess this is an infighting of our Anyang ancestors. I guess the grenade is not all of them, and I guess there are more weapons that need to be played."

"Now the whole world knows that we are the most powerful race. What kind of Tianxia people are all scum in front of us!"

"Ancestors are invincible!"

The netizens in Yuelan were so excited that their eyes filled with tears, and everyone couldn't help poking around with excitement. Today is the highlight moment for all the Yuelan people!

Half an hour later, the air raid ended.

The city was already littered with corpses, and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere. Fortunately, the magnetic field could not record the smell, otherwise, all the tourists would be stunned by the number of corpses.

And the hot air balloon above the sky is also slowly descending.

As the hot air balloon landed, the text on the air balloon gradually became clear.

When Li Xiaofeng saw this, his whole body was covered with horror, and his eyes were full of horror.

"This, this is..."

Fang Yan was still chatting with those Yuelan netizens on the Internet, and noticed the abnormality of his good friends, he quickly put down his mobile phone and asked, "Xiaofeng, what's the matter with you? 99

Li Xiaofeng didn't reply immediately, his eyes fixed on the familiar font on the airbag, and his voice trembled: "Not from Anyang..."


Fang Yan was taken aback: "What did you say?"

Li Xiaofeng suddenly became excited: "That's Qin, Xiaofang, look at it, that's the character 'Qin' in Xiaozhuan of the Qin Dynasty, that's not the army of Anyang people at all, it's the army of my Great Qin Empire, it's Our ancestors!"

"Great... Great Qin Empire?

Zhang Yan was stunned, turned his head stiffly and looked at the huge Qin character, his whole person was chaotic.

At this moment!


A loud bang sounded at the city gate, and everyone turned around in shock.

I saw that the gate of the ancient conch city was blasted open.

Amidst the smoke and dust, a group of warriors in black armor, riding high-headed horses, walked in slowly.

The leader was a strong and powerful young man, dressed in black armor, with a scarlet blood-like cloak behind him, his face was majestic, and wherever his eyes passed, all the people of Anyang bowed their heads.

I saw this general draw out the long sword around his waist, pointing to the sky and shouting: "I am Wang Li, the son of the Great Qin Tongwu Marquis, and I am here to subdue Guluo on the order of Tu Ju, the general of the Southern Expedition, and everyone surrenders immediately, in violation of the order. , slash!"

After saying that, he pointed his long sword in front of him, with a grin on his face, and said aloud: "All of them, those who resist, kill!"

"Kill! 99



Thousands of Qin soldiers roared, and a completely black torrent rushed into the city.

But those who resisted were all killed by them mercilessly, and the rest were all tied up like pigs.

In the end, even the five short-statured King Anyang, as well as his concubines and maids were escorted out by the soldiers.

Seeing this scene, all the tourists were stunned.

"This is not the ancestor of the Anyang people, but the army of Da Qin?"

"Didn't you hear what the general said, he is the son of Wang Ben, the Marquis of Tongwu, this is a famous figure in our Tianxia history!"

"I. Sun, is Daqin so fierce, that more than two hundred people have traveled thousands of miles, and Guluocheng has been slaughtered?"

"Wait, if they're not from Anyang, it doesn't mean that hot air balloons and grenades were invented by Da Qin, and our ancestors are too awesome, right?"

On the Internet, the insignificant Tianxia people who had just been sprayed were instantly excited, and could not wait to incarnate the Lu Jianxian to spray the feces of the just arrogant Yuelan people.

"How is this possible, this is not true, how is this possible!

Compared with the Tianxia people who celebrated all over the world, all the Yuelan people were dumbfounded.

A lot of people hold their heads and can hardly believe this is true.

This 180-degree reversal is unacceptable to all Vietnamese.

Just now they were still bragging about how awesome their ancestors were, but within half an hour, the plot completely reversed?

The real force is the Daqin army, and their ancestors, the people of Anyang, were pressed and rubbed on the ground, and there was no room for resistance.

This is too embarrassing.

On the Internet, all kinds of ghost and animal videos mocking the Vietnamese people have almost been screened.

The official media in Vietnam and Lan silently removed all TV broadcasts at almost the same time.

This is so embarrassing. It is conceivable that the Vietnamese people will usher in a social death for a long time from now on.

At the very least, before this matter subsides, the Vietnamese people are expected to close their country.

Stupid. The two words are almost engraved on their foreheads, and they can't be washed away!

"Hahahaha, Xiaofeng, look at them, their expressions are too funny!" Fang Yan covered his stomach and pointed at the tour guide just now. Tears of laughter almost came out... .

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that such a large-scale face-slap scene would be met by myself.

As soon as he saw the expressions of those Anyang people around him, he felt refreshed.

Aren't you arrogant just now? Haven't you been belittling Qin Shihuang and saying that we are not good at Tianxia?

Do you know who is the father now?

Even Li Xiaofeng showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, proud of his ancestors.

This is the Great Qin that Li Xin's ancestor has always been obsessed with, and he is really domineering.

Li Xiaofeng was overwhelmed, holding down Fang Yan who was laughing wildly beside him, pointed to the open space in front of him and said, "Xiao Fang, don't be in a hurry to laugh, the show is about to begin! 35


Fang Yan quickly turned to look at the open space in front of him.

Where, all the people of Guluo City were tied in place like pigs, and the king of Anyang, who was wearing a python robe, was roaring angrily.

"Bold, why did you Daqin attack me in Anyang for no reason, aren't you afraid of my revenge?

"I am the king of Anyang, where is your coach, let him come out to see me!"

This fat man was originally the prince of the ancient Shu Kingdom, and his accent was almost the same as that of Tianxia, ​​and he even had a hint of the Yuelan dialect of later generations, so that all the Yuelan people present could understand it.

Therefore, the Tianxia and Yuelan people in the audience couldn't help but start making noise.

"This... this guy is the King of Anyang, the King of Anyang that you blew into the sky?"

"Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter, you want to blow this pig into the sky, you Yuelan's population skills are good!

"Impossible, doesn't the history book say that King Anyang is a strong man who is eight feet tall and can lift a cauldron? How could he be this fat man with five short legs? Could it be that the history books are all fake? 35

All the Yuelan people present couldn't help covering their faces, wishing they could cross over and slap the fat man to death.

You've already been imprisoned, and you still dare to rant here, is this shit filled in your mind?

0.6 "You bastard!" Wang Li put his foot on Fatty's face and kicked him two meters away.

"Bold madmen, the barbarians and natives dare to be kings, we are under the imperial order of the immortal master to go south to Baiyue, and the barbarians dare to resist without turning their necks, seriously courting death!

Anyang native Wang Shupan was lying on the ground, depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

You come to the south to conquer Baiyue, and I don't care about Anyang. I didn't provoke you. Why are you beating me?

It was only now that he realized that he had suffered a disaster!

Wang Li's majestic eyes looked around the ancient conch city, and after confirming that no one was left, he waved his hand and said, "Come here, take them away and build a highway for us!

"Yes! 99

A group of soldiers in black armor immediately stepped forward, escorting the desperate Anyang people, especially Anyang Wang Shupan, who was crying for his father and mother, and walked towards the city gate.

At this time, the surrounding scene was distorted again, the magnetic field of the planet slowly dissipated, and the modern high-rise buildings were gradually revealed.

Everything dissipated like a mirror, but the influence of it was passed down, and even became more and more intense with the passage of time.

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