In Vietnam, the country is bleak.

Many netizens are crying. Today's large-scale face-slap scene is really unacceptable to everyone.

I thought my ancestors were awesome, but it turned out that they were stupid.

Today's Vietnamese people don't even dare to speak freely on the Internet.

As the saying goes, how high they float and how miserable they are, they have always emphasized that they are the smartest people in the world.

now what?

As long as someone sees a Yuelan netizen going online, it's like saying, your ancestors were scolded by my ancestors.

In this case, all Vietnamese people die directly and socially.

The Vietnamese officials are also gloomy and gloomy.

They broadcast the scene of Daqin attacking the ancient snail city live nationwide.

I even planned to send the entire copy to the world.

Now, if it weren't for the fact that there are too many video materials on the Internet, they would all want to deny that they are descendants of Anyang people.

It's so embarrassing.

There is no alternative, the Yuelan officials can only block the video transmission on the Internet as much as possible, and at the same time send law enforcement officers to block the entire ancient snail city.

Ancient snail city.

"Every traveler, there is a risk of collapse of the ancient conch city, and please leave as soon as possible. The tourism bureau of Yuelan is solely responsible for all losses caused by this trip."

"Passengers, please don't stay, leave as soon as possible!

Hundreds of law enforcement officers in police uniforms pulled up yellow cords, black-faced and loudspeakers to publicize.

Especially when 26 saw the mocking expressions on the faces of the Chinese tourists, he wanted to find a crack in the ground to drill a hole.

I've never been so embarrassed in my life.

"Hahahahaha, it's so heartwarming!

"Xiaofeng, look, these people are still going to block news on the Internet, and the Yuelan people say that today is actually a fake, it's a farce specially arranged by our Tianxia, ​​it really makes me laugh!

Fang Yan was holding the phone, his slender and powerful fingers twitched on the screen.

"If you say it's fake, it's fake, weren't you arrogant before? 35

"Vietnamese people, the smartest race in the world? The plot has reversed, and you won't admit it? Do you know the magnetic field of the planet, Turtle!~"

"Do you think the plot is unreasonable? What do you think? Who are you? Are you worthy?'

On the Internet, he fought fiercely with those Yuelan people, Fang Yan put down his phone in a good mood, and his face was full of brisk smiles.


Fang Yan let out a sigh of relief, stretched his waist, and said cheerfully: "Now that the Internet is so developed, it is too funny to even want to block news!

"Okay!" Li Xiaofeng patted his good friend on the shoulder, and said with a smirk: "Xiaofang, don't talk about it, if you say it again, you will probably be beaten!

Speaking, Li Xiaofeng pointed to the dark-faced law enforcement officers around him.

The few law enforcement officers stared at Fang Yan with their hands on the baton. If there were not so many people around, he would have dragged this arrogant little bastard to the bureau long ago.

Fang Yan honestly shut his mouth and muttered in his heart: "Freedom of speech is still breaking the law? I will edit these videos when I go back today, and play them over and over 500 times.

Compared with the gloomy and gloomy Yuelan, the domestic atmosphere is extraordinarily cheerful.

All the netizens told their relatives and friends about what happened in Guluocheng just like the Chinese New Year.

And to those who knew the news, they burst into laughter again, and passed the news to their relatives and friends.

Therefore, in less than a day, all Tianxia people knew about this news that subverted people's three views.


"In the ancient city that has survived for thousands of years, a thousand-year-old video is broadcast, and a modern aircraft appears in the blue and boundless sky. Why did the Qin army travel thousands of miles, why did modern firearms be born in advance, and what secrets are hidden in the heavy history? Welcome to watch and go. A special interview program on near science, the mystery of taking pictures of the ancient city for thousands of years.

Following the mysterious opening remarks, familiar faces appeared on the screen.

The host said excitedly: "Dear audiences, the phenomenon of planetary magnetic field was discovered in the ancient conch city in Yuelan today, which caused a global shock. Today, we specially invited Professor Wang Qingcang, a famous historian in my country. 64

The host turned the camera on Wang Qingcang and said with a smile, "Professor Wang, what do you think of this incident?

Wang Qingcang still had a serious expression on his face, even when he was facing the camera, he looked unsmiling, he pondered for a while, and said slowly: "Actually, this phenomenon is not uncommon, in some valleys, people can often hear it. You can even see the scenes of ancient wars by shouting and killing. In fact, this is all because of the weather, topography and special magnetic field at that time, and the combined effect caused a projector-like effect. Of course, such as the ancient snail city Large planetary magnetic field phenomena are extremely rare!"

The host said excitedly: "Professor Wang, do you mean that everything that happened in Guluocheng is real?


"Including the hot air balloons used by Qin Jun and the grenades, these are all real?"

"It's very possible!" Wang Qingcang pushed his glasses and his eyes flashed: "I've watched a lot of videos shot on the spot, the clothes, appearance, and even the decoration style of the ancients at the time, as well as the language, are all the same. It's exactly the same as recorded in the history books!

"Furthermore, with such a huge phenomenon of taking pictures, with modern technology, it is impossible for people to fake it!

The host was very excited: "Friends in the audience, according to Professor Wang, if these phenomena have actually happened, it means that gunpowder and hot air balloons appeared in the Qin Dynasty in Tianxia, ​​which will be a great discovery that subverts history! 35

"Professor Wang, as far as I know, although there are records in the history books of the Great Qin Nan Conqueror's Baiyue War, there is never any record of the destruction of the ancient Luocheng. According to the official history, Anyang Kingdom was conquered by Nanyue Kingdom in 208 AD. Mie, Professor Wang, what's going on?"

Wang Qingcang said in silence for a while: "There are many secrets in history that we don't know yet. What is the truth about the destruction of the ancient conch city? Maybe what we have witnessed is the real history, or maybe the records in the history books are wrong."

"However, according to our research, the biggest possibility is that after the Qin army destroyed the ancient snail city, a certain ancient snail clan was left behind. They re-developed and expanded on the ruins of the ancient snail city, rebuilt the country of Anyang, and then in the park 208 Year was destroyed by South Vietnam!

"So it is." The host nodded in agreement. This explanation is indeed tenable. It can explain why the magnetic field of the planet recorded such a picture, and the history books will record the fact that the ancient snail city was destroyed.

The host paused, his face suddenly turned straight, and he asked seriously: "Professor Wang, I have one last question, in the video, we heard the word 'Xianshi' from Wang Li's mouth, and the photo was taken. Finally, he also mentioned the 'highway'. As far as I know, traces of 'Xianshi' have been found in many Qin and Ming dynasty relics during this period."

"Now there is news on the Internet that this Immortal Master is a transmigrator, Professor Wang, do you think this statement is true?""

Everyone in the audience looked at Wang Qingcang.

Traveler, is it really possible for this kind of thing that exists in online novels to happen?

Wang Qingcang was silent for a while, the word Immortal Master really made them burn their brains dry recently.

Even if they rummaged through all the ancient books, they could only find clues about the Immortal Master from some records of Da Qin and Daming.

He was like a ghost that was active in these two dynasties, and he was completely asleep for the rest of the time, and there was no record at all.

The most puzzling thing is that if he is really an immortal who has lived for thousands of years, with modern technology, why can't he see a trace.

And as more and more historical relics were discovered, Chu Yusuo's claim of "traversers" seemed to be more and more tenable.

However, the situation is not yet clear, and of course he can't tell the netizens, so he has to lead to chaos.

After pondering for a while, Wang Qingcang said: "No one is sure whether the traversers exist or not. After all, our human technology has not yet developed to the extent that we can study time and space."

"However, it would be too arbitrary to say that the grenade hot air balloon was brought by the traversers. It should be that in the Warring States Period, the prototype of gunpowder had already appeared. Among the medicinal pills refined by alchemists, there are many There may be gunpowder, and this phenomenon is also found in many cemeteries around the world."9

"As for the hot air balloon, although the prototype of the current research is the Kongming lantern invented by Zhuge Liang, but no one can guarantee that before Zhuge Liang, no one has discovered the principle of hot air rising.

"During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in our country, the stars were bright, and there were many talented people. Maybe someone observed these magical phenomena in which era, and it is not necessarily the case that the grenade and hot air balloon were invented."

"And the collapse of Daqin was too sudden. Many historical materials were buried in history. Perhaps it was because of this that these advanced technologies were finally lost. Loss of the world!

What Wang Qingcang said was ambiguous, as if denying the existence of transmigrators, but at the same time, it seemed that he did not completely deny it.

However, most netizens did not hear the deep meaning of Wang Qingcang's words, but they were quite emotional about his last sentence.

"Yeah, the collapse of Daqin was too sudden, and many advanced technologies were lost. I also know the ancient rammed earth technology, and the concrete of the Great Wall of China has to be taken into account. This technology is also lost, it is really What a pity.

"Yes, if Daqin still exists, it is estimated that the whole of Asia is our Tianxia territory. 35

"Brother, be confident and remove the estimate. With the means of Zheng Ge, not to mention Asia, even if the whole world is tied together, it is not his opponent."

"Brother Zheng is really awesome!"

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