I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 208: We should be with the country!

the next day.

Li Shimin personally ordered 3,000 soldiers and led them to the expedition.

In Chang'an City, countless people fled nervously with their families and their families, but there were also a large number of people with forks in their hands and sickles behind Li Shimin.

The faces of these commoners were all determined, and they vowed to be with the Tang Dynasty to the death.

The gate of Chang'an City.

Li Shimin was wearing a Xuanjing dragon robe, riding a black BMW standing at the forefront, Qin Shubao and Cheng Yaojin stood beside him, behind him were 3,000 soldiers in bright light armor, and behind them were more than 20,000 civilians.

Li Shimin's majestic gaze swept across the faces of many people one by one, his sword pointed to the sky, and he shouted angrily!

"People, the Turks killed my people, invaded our country, deceived me in the Tang Dynasty, and someone proposed to surrender, what should we do?"

Qin Shubao pulled out his mace and hissed angrily:

"We should be with our country!"

"We should be with our country!

"We should be with our country!

The people raised the sickles and dung forks in their hands, the blue veins on the backs of their hands burst out, their eyes were red, and they shouted hoarsely.

"it is good!"

Li Shimin took a deep breath, turned around on his horse, and the city gate in front slammed open.

Li Er 26 took the lead and stepped out of the city gate first, and the soldiers followed me on the expedition.

"Kill the enemy! 35

"Li Shimin went to war?"

At the Cui family's house in Qinghe, listening to the movement outside, Cui An put down the teacup, moved his hand for a while, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Master..." Outside the door, the housekeeper Cui Jiu walked in and said respectfully to Cui An: "Just now, Li Shimin led three thousand soldiers and 20,000 citizens of Chang'an City to step out of Chang'an City. It is to prepare for a showdown with the Turks.99

"Three thousand people? Is Li Shimin crazy?" Hearing this number, Cui An's expression became dull.

There were a whole 150,000 Turkic army outside. Even if the soldiers under Li Shimin were able to fight well, it would not be easy for 3,000 people to fight against 150,000 people.

"Is it possible that Li Shimin really wants to court death?"

Cui An rubbed his chin. He didn't understand Li Shimin's approach. He just became emperor and committed suicide like this. This is not common sense!

No matter how clever Cui An was, he could not have imagined that Li Shimin had a large number of advanced firearms and equipment that he had traded with Chongzhen. This stop seemed to be hitting a stone with an egg, but it was actually a great opportunity for him to show off his muscles.

Another 20,000 people will witness together that after the war, his popularity among the people will surely reach its peak, and then he can implement the plan Ye Yu made for him.

Cui An couldn't think of these things, but thought that Li Shimin wanted to die for the country, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit of admiration for the new emperor in his heart.

Not to mention how well Li Shimin was an emperor, it is indeed admirable to have the courage to sacrifice himself for the country.

Cui Jiu hesitated for a moment and asked: "Master, how should we deal with the Turkic troops now overwhelming the border?

Cui An rubbed his chin and said in a deep sigh: "Li Shimin will lose this battle, inform the officials of the Cui family in the DPRK to be ready at all times, and immediately close the city gates after Li Shimin's defeat, and at the same time put the materials in Chang'an City as soon as possible. transfer out.

"It doesn't matter if Li Shimin is dead or not, as long as I have five surnames and seven hopes, I can support a new emperor at any time.


"This Li Shimin is really arrogant!"

Lu Qingye put down the book in his hand and smiled disdainfully, his face full of ridicule.

3,000 soldiers dare to go to war, isn't Li Shimin's brain squeezed by the door?

"The order goes on, so that my officials of the Fan Yang Lu clan are ready, since this Li Shimin does not cherish this throne, then we will help him operate.

"The throne takes turns, come to my house this year!" Lu Qingye's face showed a hint of eagerness, and he muttered: "Also let me, the people of the Lu family, try it, what is it like to be an emperor.


On the banks of the Wei River, the Turkic barracks.

Looking at Li Shimin's army that was pressing towards the banks of the Weishui River, many people were full of jokes.

"What are these Chinese dogs shouting? Three thousand cavalry just want to kill us two hundred thousand cavalry? 35

"Hahaha, there are more than 3,000 people, you see, how can there be more than 20,000 people?

"Is there no one in the Tang Dynasty, and even the common people have come out, hahahaha, is this Li Shimin being scared by us?"

"It's ridiculous, this battle will destroy the Tang Dynasty in one fell swoop!"

The Turkic generals talked a lot and seemed quite disdainful.

They drove straight in and attacked Chang'an City from Mobei all the way. Three thousand soldiers and twenty thousand unarmed people tried to resist them. It was just wishful thinking.

"It seems that there is no one in Chang'an City, otherwise, even the common people would not have gone out with the army.

At the front of the crowd, Tuli looked at the people with sickles, dung and forks in their hands, and a smile appeared on his face: "We attacked from Mobei, and we didn't encounter any obstacles along the way. I thought Li Shimin was going to show the army. Fighting to the death on the banks of the Weishui River, I didn't expect them to be so weak."

55 Hahahaha, yes!" Jie Li laughed heartily and stared at the gate of Chang'an City eagerly: "This battle eliminated Li Shimin, we will also enter the palace to see what it is like to be an emperor!

"Hahaha, from now on, the Central Plains will be my Turkic territory!"

"These summer pigs have occupied the rich Central Plains for so many years, and it is finally my Turkic turn to enjoy."

"Destroy Li Shimin, attack Chang'an City, kill all the men and take away the women!"

"With a mere three thousand men, the last commander leads a thousand men and one charge to eradicate them! 35

In the Turkic camp, there was a thunderous roar 657, and the Turkic generals raised the weapons in their hands with ghastly expressions, wishing they could lead their troops on an expedition now.

"Hehe! 55

Li Shimin rode a steed and looked at the Turkic camp in the distance, with a hint of contempt on his face.

Behind him, Cheng Yaojin, Qin Shubao, Yuchigong and others were also unafraid.

There are also civil servants such as Changsun Wuji. Although some people look at the Turkic military barracks on the opposite side, which is almost invisible, there will be a trace of worry on their faces, but when their eyes fall on the Xuanjing dragon robe on Li Shimin, this worry It will instantly turn into peace of mind.

They are protected by immortal masters, what are the little Turks, this time His Majesty will be able to completely eliminate them.

Among the people in the rear, listening to the arrogant declaration of the Turks on the opposite side, some people had a grim expression on their faces, and some people were pale and retreated subconsciously.

Aware of the fears of the people around him, Zhao Feng gritted his teeth and stood up and shouted, "Don't be afraid, folks, we are guarded by His Majesty, and the Turks can't hurt us!

"Folks, the enemy is in front and the family is behind. Are you going to run away? No, we are going to fight!"

"We must resist, destroy the Turks, and protect our Tang Dynasty!

The surrounding people were silent for a while, then they picked up two forks and roared loudly.

"Destroy the Turks, protect the Tang Dynasty, long live the Tang Dynasty!"

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