
Hearing the roars of the people behind him, a smile appeared on Li Shimin's face.

As soon as he thought about it, the gate of crossing the world suddenly appeared beside him, and the water on the door suddenly turned into a mirror, and the big faces of Ye Yu, Ying Zheng, and Chongzhen suddenly appeared in the mirror.

These days, Li Shimin has figured out how to use the gate of crossing the world, so he specially set up a mode that only he and Cheng Yaojin can see. The immortal master who read is floating beside him.

"Hey, is there going to be a war so soon?"

"That is the Turks, the descendants of the Huns. They are indeed the same raccoon dog. It's a pity that there is the influence of the revision of time and space as mentioned by the master. Otherwise, the Turks will wipe out the Huns. Li Shimin, you don't have to worry about the Turks. 66

"Brother Shimin, give me a slap in the face of them!

The three Ye Yu looked curiously at the Turkic army opposite.

Cheng Yaojin looked around and touched the mirror from time to time, his face full of curiosity.

"This is the gate of crossing the world, it's really amazing!" Cheng Yaojin slammed his mouth, cupped his hands to Ye Yu in the mirror, and said, "Sir, I will lead my troops to the expedition later, you But look good, this time, these beasts will be eliminated in one fell swoop!

"What Zhijie said is right!" Li Shimin's face turned serious, and he said in a deep voice: "If you are not my race, your heart will be different. I will definitely not be soft this time. I will definitely destroy the Turks in one battle, and restore the stability of the Tang Dynasty. 35

"Well said, slap them hard!

"These aliens deserve to be killed!

"If you dare to insult my Tianxia people, if they fall into the hands of the widow, they will be stripped to the bone and cast into Jingguan."

Ye Yu and the three of them immediately shouted lively, and in a few words they decided on the names of the Turks on the opposite side.

In Beijing, Ye Yu was much calmer in the face of a war of this scale. From the experiments of Ying Zheng and Chongzhen, we could know that firearms were completely nuclear weapons in ancient wars. Whoever mastered firearms would win. Seeing that Li Shimin only brought 3,000 troops, it was really not difficult to eliminate these 150,000 Turks.

And Ye Yu's encouragement made Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin excited.

Six hundred soldiers of the First Emperor could wipe out the ancient city of 40,000 to 50,000 people. His 3,000 soldiers faced 150,000 Turks, so what was there to be afraid of.

fuck him!

Zhangsun Wuji and the others looked at the cheerful Li Shimin in confusion, completely stunned.

"Since the war has not yet begun, why are Your Majesty and Kuroko so excited?

"Who else are they trying to talk to, but there's no one around here but us?"

"Is it possible that Your Majesty and Cheng Yaojin were frightened by these Turks?"

Qin Shubao got together and muttered softly, looking up at Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin from time to time, with a worried look on his face.

"Hahahaha, you idiots who have never seen the world!" Cheng Yaojin rode his horse proudly to Yuchigong's side, grinning: "My Majesty and I are communicating with the Immortal Master, if you don't understand, don't mess around. say.99


Zhangsun Wuji and others were startled, Immortal Master?

Several people quickly looked up and looked around, but aside from them, there was not even a ghost, let alone a living person.

"Hehe." Cheng Yaojin lit a cigarette, and said triumphantly: "If you raise your head three feet, there are gods who understand whether or not the immortal masters are just ordinary people who want to see them, only your majesty and my old Cheng are like this. Only those who have the fate of immortality are fortunate to meet the immortal master immortal face.

Qin Shubao and the others all glared at Cheng Yaojin with black lines all over their heads.

This idiot, does it keep pretending to be forceful?

If it wasn't for the immortal master watching, if it wasn't for the battle right now, they would definitely give Cheng Yaojin a look and let him know why the flowers are so red.

Li Shimin also rolled his eyes at Cheng Yaojin, ignoring this idiot, but riding his horse to the front, drawing his sword and pointing at Jie Li, roaring, "Jie Li, you daring thief, you dare to tear up the covenant. Invade my Tang Dynasty territory, do you want to die?"

"Hahahaha, naive!" Jie Li laughed proudly: "Li Shimin, Ben Khan didn't break the covenant, you Li Shimin tried to usurp the throne and imprisoned my brother, I, Turks, are just looking at the covenant between the two countries for the Tang Dynasty. Do the right thing, take care of you, a traitor who is trying to usurp the throne."

"Li Shimin, if you get off your horse now and call me Grandpa Jie Li, Ben Khan will consider letting you go, otherwise..."

Jie Li suddenly grinned, with a lewd smile on his face: "I heard that the eldest grandson Wugou is a famous beauty in the Tang Dynasty, when Ben Khan kills you, take this beauty back to Mobei, and have a good taste of this beauty! ""

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Da Khan is right, and only the dragon and phoenix in a person like Da Khan can be worthy of a peerless beauty."

"Li Shimin's son, if you want to be acquainted, call out the throne and beauties, and I will spare you a dog's life."

The Turkic generals burst into laughter, and vulgar and filthy remarks came from the Turkic camp.

"""Bold dog thieves, you are courting death!

"Your Majesty, the last will be willing to go to war!"

"I am also angry, this old man is going to chop off Jie Li's dog's head and hang it on the city wall."

Hearing the vulgar words coming from the opposite side, Yu Chi Gong and the others were flushed with anger and their hair stood on end.

Cheng Yaojin was so angry that he danced with a double axe, and wished he would rush out now and cut off Xie Li's head.

Changsun Wugou is the queen, and the mother of the Tang Dynasty. They humiliated the queen Changsun, which is a slap in the face of all men in the Tang Dynasty!

Li Shimin's face was extremely gloomy, and he was holding the reins with both hands, and the blue veins on the back of his hands burst out.

He pointed to Jie Li, who was on the opposite side, and shouted sharply, "Li Junxian, shoot him down!


Li Junxian immediately took out a fire gun from his back and aimed it at Jie Li.

The next moment, a roar sounded, the smoke filled the air, and a red-hot projectile flew out.

Seeing the red-hot projectile aimed at him, Jie Li felt that there was no coming in his heart (Wang Li Zhao) panicked, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

Especially when he heard the deafening roar, his heart tightened, and he turned over and rolled off the horse.


Jie Li slammed his butt on the ground, fell a dog and ate shit, and the red-hot projectile flew down his scalp, hitting a thumb-sized bullet hole behind him.


Jie Li got up from the ground in dismay and stared at the bullet holes on the ground in a stunned manner.

"This... what is this thing, it has such a powerful power?"

"Hahahaha, Your Majesty did a great job!

On the other side, there was laughter from Yu Chigong and the others.

The people were even more delighted. They didn't know the existence of firearms. They only saw Li Shimin raise his hand, and Jie Li, who had just been arrogant and domineering, rolled to the ground.

This scene made the people all applaud.

This Jie Li is nothing more than that!

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