I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 341: The 1 kill after strengthening!

The eighteen princes attacked Dong Zhuo, all of whom had ghosts.

With Cao Cao and Sun Jian, the two iron-headed babies, the other princes were hardly at ease, and led their soldiers to the Hulao Pass area slowly and leisurely.

Dong Zhuo is not a good character either. After keenly aware of the danger, he dispatched a large army to block it.

The first to encounter the enemy was the hot-blooded middle-aged Sun Jian.

The Xiliang army led by Dong Zhuo's fierce general Xu Rong and Sun Jian's subordinates collided. The two sides were like Mars hitting the earth, and the collision must be tragic.

Sun Jian was brave and invincible, and his soldiers were all brave and good at fighting, but Xu Rong was not simple. Each of the Xiliang army was also fierce. The two sides fought for a while on the plain between Hulao Pass and Xuchang City.

Each of the eighteen princes was so frightened that his hands and feet were cold, Xu Rong was only one of Dong Zhuo's generals, and Sun Jian was already the best among the eighteen princes in terms of his gentry and his own military literacy. Crushing, one can imagine how terrifying the combat power of Dong Zhuo's subordinates is.

At this time, the troops led by Cao Cao had already reached the vicinity of Hulao Pass.

With Ye Yu's guidance, Cao Cao's road was almost always blocked by people, while Buddha was blocked and killed by Buddha. No one team was his combined enemy, which formed a stark contrast to what happened to Sun Jian at this time.

Dong Zhuo's subordinates had many excellent advisors, so he naturally noticed Cao Cao - he was a pioneer.

Immediately, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji and others stopped him.

Looking at the seemingly unbreakable military barracks blocked in front of Hulao Pass, Dian Wei's face showed a touch of excitement.

"My lord, Dian Wei has applied to leave the station!"

On the way, all the encounters were small fish and shrimps. In order to hide Dian Wei's true power, Cao Cao let Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan attack the camp, and Dian Wei had no chance if he wanted to.

At this time, he finally met one of Dong Zhuo's generals, how could Dian Wei not be excited at this time.

"it is good!"

Cao Cao was also very excited at this time. This battle can be said to be the prelude to the battle of Hulao Pass. If he wants to show his style, he must play beautifully in this battle, let Dian Wei shoot and completely crush the opponent!

"Gather the drums and gather the generals, and the whole army strikes!

"Boom boom boom!

With the sound of rapid drum beats, Dian Wei excitedly rode his horse and rushed to the local military camp. The double halberd in his hand, which weighed 100 jin, was only wearing a single shirt, revealing dark and thick black hair, and his muscles were like horned dragons. Generally solid and powerful, the whole person is like a diamond, full of wild and wild energy, even the horses under him can't bear this powerful force.

Dian Wei looked triumphantly at the barracks in front of him with a loud voice like a giant bell rang: "Hey! Wuwu is Dian Wei under the command of General Cao Mengde of the allied army of thieves, and the thieves will come out and die soon!"

"What a reckless man!"

In the barracks, Zhang Ji exclaimed, looking at Dian Wei's physique, his eyes went straight.

With such a strong physique, even the number one general under Dong Zhuo's command, Lu Bu, the most powerful warrior in the Three Kingdoms, is far inferior.

"Hmph, the unknown junior dares to be mad and kill this general!" Fan Chou's eyes widened angrily, and he led the troops and rushed out with a stern shout.

In his opinion, this Dian Wei was nothing more than an embroidered pillow. If he really had unparalleled martial power, he would have been famous long ago, how could he have never even heard of his name.

During the Three Kingdoms period, general fighting was popular, and the men and horses under his command were in battle, and Xu Chou alone killed Dian Wei.

"Hahahaha bold dog thief, today your grandpa Fan's will send you on the road!

Fan Chou had a sly smile on his face, and a ghost-headed sword slashed at Dian Weidong in the head.

In the end, it was a tiger general under Dong Zhuo's command. Although Fan Chou was frivolous, he was not an embroidered pillow. He was wielding a big sword with a ghost head.

But Dian Wei was not an ordinary person, even without Ye Yu's reinforcement, Fan Chou and the others would not be able to beat him for twenty rounds in his hands, not to mention that he was strengthened at this time.

Now, in his eyes, only Lu Bu is worthy of an opponent, and everyone else is a douchebag!

"court death!"

Killing intent boiled in Dian Wei's eyes, and the remaining warhorses did not move, his right hand swept the hundred-pound halberd abruptly, and there was a sudden sound of brocade breaking in the air.


A terrifying sound of Jin Ge handover suddenly exploded.


Fan Chou only felt as if he had touched an ancient giant mountain, an unparalleled force came from his hand, the weapon in Fan Chou's hand shattered instantly, and the whole person was like a dragonfly with broken wings, and the whole person flew out instantly.


A sound of broken bones sounded, and Fan Chou flew like a cannonball for more than ten meters and fell into the crowd behind him. In an instant, several people's bones were shattered, and Fan Chou himself spat out a mouthful of old blood. , The whole person slumped in an instant, his complexion was like golden paper, and he was obviously seriously injured.

"tui, rubbish!"

"Death to the Lord!

Dian Wei gave a disdainful smile and killed him with a pair of halberds in his hand.

I originally thought that I would be able to have a good time this time, but I didn't expect that this garbage was already cut off before I warmed up.

"Forgive me!"

Fan Chou screamed desperately in fright, struggling to get up, but the bones all over his body seemed to have been crushed by Dian Wei in that blow, and he couldn't exert any strength at all.

Dian Wei snorted coldly, and the warhorse stepped on it violently, crushing Fan Chou into a puddle of minced meat.

This terrifying combat power immediately frightened a lot of Dong Zhuo's soldiers, dumbfounded.

Zhang Ji stayed where he was, buzzing in his head.

How could there be such a terrifying character? Although Fan Chou was not a top-notch general, he could still occupy the middle position among the many generals in the Three Kingdoms. Even if he faced Lu Bu, he could take three or five rounds with him. In the hands of this fierce man, he couldn't even come down in one round. What kind of terrifying combat power is this?

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" Zhang Ji's face changed wildly, and he quickly organized his soldiers to retreat when he lost the will to fight.

"Hmph, even the defeated generals dare to flee and kill!"

"Brothers, kill!"

Dian Wei waved the iron halberd in his hand, leading thousands of people to charge in.

One thousand reinforced soldiers rushed into the 30,000 Xiliang army, killing these people in an instant like hot knives cutting butter.

Even if the Xiliang army resisted desperately, it was difficult to resist the attack of Dian Wei and others.

No one would have thought that Cao Cao's men would be so powerful. Everyone was a fighter out of ten, and their bodies were so strong that almost anyone could pass through their hands in a single round.

The most terrifying thing is Dian Wei. The double halberd swings like a meat grinder. Even if it is touched by his double halberd, it can take people out and fly out. indescribable.

Dong Zhuo's team was completely befuddled. Such a powerful team had never appeared during the Sang Kingdom period. No one expected that the seemingly ordinary Cao Cao's troops were all such powerful soldiers and horses.

In just one face-to-face, the 30,000 soldiers of Xiliang were smashed to pieces, and there were sounds of soldiers colliding and shouting to kill everywhere.

Compared with the magnificence of hot weapons in combat, the sound of soldiers colliding is more exciting.

And when the force is strengthened to a level, the shock of the fight is far beyond the reach of hot weapons.

Gradually, the 30,000 generals of Xiliang fell into decline, and after throwing away more than 2,000 corpses, they hurriedly fled into Hulao Pass.

This is because Cao Cao ordered his men to show mercy.

After all, during the Three Kingdoms period, the population was sparse, and every soldier was a scarce resource. When he was wiped out, Dong Zhuo and these soldiers could still be used by him. Moreover, after the establishment of the Great Wei Dynasty, these soldiers could become his help in eliminating foreign races. A sharp knife, so Cao Cao should have invested in advance.

・・・Seeking flowers 0.

"court death!

Dian Wei's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the rest of the war horses didn't understand. The 100-pound halberd in his right hand swept sharply, and there was a sudden sound of brocade breaking in the air.


A terrifying sound of Jin Ge handover suddenly exploded.


Fan Chou only felt as if he had touched an ancient giant mountain, an unparalleled force came from his hand, the weapon in Fan Chou's hand shattered instantly, and the whole person was like a dragonfly with broken wings, and the whole person flew out instantly.


A sound of broken bones sounded, and Fan Chou flew like a cannonball for more than ten meters and fell into the crowd behind him. In an instant, several people's bones were shattered, and Fan Chou himself spat out a mouthful of old blood. , The whole person slumped in an instant, his complexion was like golden paper, and he was obviously seriously injured.

"tui, rubbish!"

"Death to the Lord!

Dian Wei gave a disdainful smile and killed him with a pair of halberds in his hand.

I originally thought that I would be able to have a good time this time, but I didn't expect that this garbage was already cut off before I warmed up.

"Forgive me!"

Fan Chou screamed desperately in fright, struggling to get up, but the bones all over his body seemed to have been crushed by Dian Wei in that blow, and he couldn't exert any strength at all.


Dian Wei snorted coldly, and the warhorse stepped on it violently, crushing Fan Chou into a puddle of minced meat.

This terrifying combat power immediately frightened a lot of Dong Zhuo's soldiers, dumbfounded.

Zhang Ji stayed where he was, buzzing in his head.

How could there be such a terrifying character? Although Fan Chou was not a top-notch general, he could still occupy the middle position among the many generals in the Three Kingdoms. Even if he faced Lu Bu, he could take three or five rounds with him. In the hands of this fierce man, he couldn't even come down in one round. What kind of terrifying combat power is this?

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" Zhang Ji's face changed wildly, and he quickly organized his soldiers to retreat when he lost the will to fight.

"Hmph, even the defeated generals dare to flee and kill!

"Brothers, kill!"

Dian Wei waved the iron halberd in his hand, leading thousands of people to charge in.

One thousand reinforced soldiers rushed into the 30,000 Xiliang army, killing these people in an instant like hot knives cutting butter.

Even if the Xiliang army resisted desperately, it was difficult to resist the attack of the Dianweituo people.

No one would have thought that Cao Cao's men would be so powerful. Everyone was a fighter out of ten, and their bodies were so strong that almost anyone could pass through their hands in a single round.

The most terrifying thing is Dian Wei. The double halberd swings like a meat grinder. Even if it is touched by his double halberd, it can take people out and fly out. indescribable.

Dong Zhuo's team was completely befuddled. Such a powerful team had never appeared during the Sang Kingdom period. No one expected that the seemingly ordinary Cao Cao's troops were all such powerful soldiers and horses.

In just one face-to-face, the 30,000 soldiers of Xiliang were smashed to pieces, and there were sounds of soldiers colliding and shouting to kill everywhere.

Compared with the magnificence of hot weapons in combat, the sound of soldiers colliding is more exciting.

And when the force is strengthened to a level, the shock of the fight is far beyond the reach of hot weapons.

Gradually, the 30,000 generals of Xiliang fell into a downturn, and after throwing away more than 2,000 corpses, they hurriedly fled into the chaos.

This is because Cao Cao ordered his men to show mercy.

After all, during the Three Kingdoms period, the population was sparse, and every soldier was a scarce resource. When he was wiped out, Dong Zhuo and these soldiers could still be used by him. Moreover, after the establishment of the Great Wei Dynasty, these soldiers could become his help in eliminating foreign races. A sharp knife, so Cao Cao should have invested in six in advance.

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