On the horizon in the distance, dark clouds rushed towards the direction of the camp, hundreds of millions of finger-length locusts spread their wings and danced in the air, converging into a huge roar like a plane taking off, covering the sky and covering the sky.

"Run! 66


There was a burst of screams from the crowd, and the otherwise calm crowd suddenly exploded.

It was as if the sky had collapsed. In the face of this terrifying natural disaster, the people who had just arrived at this camp lost the pride and ambition to catch the locusts, and left everything in their hands, fleeing like crazy. .

Zhao Chongshuang. The locusts that covered the sky and the sun approached little by little with weak legs. Only when facing such a natural disaster at close range, can you deeply appreciate how terrifying it is.

The flesh and blood are so fragile in front of this swarm of locusts, Zhao Chong has no doubts, no matter how powerful the flesh and body will turn into bones in an instant in front of this locust tide.

"Seven-five-zero" "Find cover!

Zhao Chong shouted and dragged Sunzi, whose legs were weak, into a shack.

The surrounding people also reacted instantly after Zhao Chong's reminder. They rushed into the room in a hurry, and the wave of locusts outside the house was waiting with their heads in their arms.

After a while, the roaring sound outside the house suddenly quieted down, replaced by a burst of noisy footsteps.

"Brother Chong, locusts... Are the locusts here?"

Sunja timidly looked at Zhao Chong, who got out from under the bed.

Zhao Chong's face was solemn, and he paced in place.

Although locusts don't eat meat, if they don't have food, these guys don't know whether they are green leaves or human skulls. Hundreds of millions of locusts flood the sky and cover the sky, instantly turning people into a pool of bones.

After a while, listening to the footsteps outside the house, Zhao Chong gritted his teeth and walked slowly to the door.

It's not the same thing to hide in this room, it's better to go out and have a look.

"Brother Chong, it's dangerous outside!

Seeing Zhao Chong's actions, Sunja's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly stopped.

"I'll take a look, I'll be right back!"

Zhao Chong stared at the door in front of him and waved his hand without looking back.

"Boom boom boom!"

Just as he was about to open the door, there was a sudden knock on the door, and at the same time, an old voice rang Qi Ali from outside the house.

"Lady, come out to catch bugs, we will catch all the bugs that don't come out!"

Zhao Chong was taken aback for a moment, and he pushed open the door abruptly.

I saw that there were people everywhere in the camp, and every commoner had a look of excitement on their faces, rushing forward with insect-catching nets in their hands.

Above the sky, there are still shadows of locusts, leaving only a black trace.

Zhao Chong looked intently and saw that on the plain in the distance, countless dark-brown shadows were like a carpet. At a glance, there were dark-brown shadows almost everywhere.

"What's the matter, first time here?"

The old man standing at the door smiled and said: "The Immortal Master said that the locusts can only fly three hundred miles a day at most, so His Majesty turned all the nearby grasslands of three hundred miles into a piece of scorched earth, and these worms flew away. After so long, you should be tired.35

The old man smiled and shoved a insect net into Zhao Chong's hand: "Young generation, hurry up and catch the locusts, it will be too late if you are late.

After all, the old man hammered the waist rod and walked slowly towards the distance.

"Immortal Master, do you even count this?"

Zhao Chong stared blankly at the old man's back, and his heart was full of confusion.

Calculate the physical strength of the locusts, and then burn all the surrounding grasslands into ashes so that the locusts can only fall on the ground for food, so that they can easily catch the locusts.

This is also amazing!

Zhao Chong's admiration for Ye Yu increased by three points. He turned around and greeted Shunzi in the room facing him. The one with the insect net rushed over thinking of the plain in the distance.

At this time, the plains were full of people holding insect traps, some holding nets, some holding large dustpans, and some people simply sewed several fine fishing nets specially woven. Just a swarm of locusts.

At the front of the crowd, there were millions of chickens and ducks that could not be seen at a glance.

In an instant, this piece of locust disappeared in the stomachs of these chickens and ducks.

"There are bugs over there!"


"Go on, brothers! 95

The people looked at the insects on the ground as if they were not pests that could destroy farmland, but copper coins that fell to the ground one by one.

Driven by this group of people, the people who had just arrived here also forgot their fears and became excited one by one.

"Walk around and we'll follow."

"We're going to catch locusts too.

66 'Brother Chong, what are we going to do? Shunzi looked at Zhao Chong in doubt as he saw that the friends from Chang'an City were all gone.

"Let's go too!"

Zhao Chong squeezed the insect net and followed with Shunzi.

In the distance from the market, in a military camp, Qin Shubao was standing on a small hill watching the scene over there.

Looking at the locusts that were gradually decreasing under the combined action of the common people and chickens and ducks, a smile could not help showing on his face.

"The method of the Immortal Master is indeed correct, without wings, these locusts are the food of our Tang Dynasty!

Standing next to him, a young lieutenant general said with a smile: "General, this is the fourth wave of worms in the past three days. It is estimated that there will be more than a dozen times. This locust will be completely given to my Tang Dynasty. wiped out. 35

"Don't take it lightly!" Qin Shubao put down the binoculars, with a dignified look on his face: "Let the people stand at every post, and don't let any locusts enter the territory of my Tang Dynasty!"


Su Ding nodded solemnly. He knew very well that the most important thing that could resist the locusts here was that these locusts had no food and could only stay on the ground to die.

But once there are locusts entering the territory of Datang, green-leafed rice seedlings are everywhere. With food, these locusts can multiply rapidly. Once they grow, they are likely to become the monstrous disaster that swept the Datang.

"By the way, how's the situation on the Tubo side?" Qin Shubao suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Tubo, and asked with a faint look in his eyes.

"They still don't move." Su Ding tugged, a cold look flashed in his eyes.

"It is estimated that the plague of locusts is still waiting for the spread of the locust plague in my Tang Dynasty, and then it will be looted in my Tang Dynasty!"

"Hmph, a group of aliens who dare to think about me, Tang Dynasty, are really courting death! 35

Qin Shubao snorted coldly, with a ferocious look on his face.

When the plague of locusts just arrived at the Tang border, they discovered the traces of the sneaky Tubo soldiers.

If you think about Qin Shubao a little, you can understand that these guys definitely want to take advantage of the locust plague raging in the Tang Dynasty, and take the opportunity to loot the Tang Dynasty to make up for the loss of their country in this locust plague.

But what they didn't expect was that Datang had already received Ye Yu's warning and made adequate preparations, and it was impossible for the locust plague to break through Datang's defense line.

These guys thought that the Tang Dynasty would become a mess of porridge in this locust plague, which is simply delusional!

They want to take the opportunity to loot the Tang Dynasty, and there is no possibility of destroying them. This time, they will not only interrupt their claws, but also completely take this country into the pocket of the Tang Dynasty!

Qin Shubao smiled coldly: "Dingfang, pass the book to let Jingde get ready, and guard against these Tibetan wild dogs. When this locust plague is settled, the troops will be attacked in Tubo immediately, and they must not be given a chance to breathe!"

"Yes! 39

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