
The voices of Li Chengqian and Hu Hai swallowing saliva came from the pavilion, both of them were shocked by Ye Yu's words.

First, the previous Yunshan fog cover had already made their scalps numb, but this time the combination of hardness and softness made the two of them even more as if they had been electrocuted.

According to what Ye Yu just said, the former First Emperor is still in this state, this is the real profoundness!

Both of them could use their minds to understand how profound the cloud and water Ye Yu said. This is the most important part of the emperor's mind, a means and an act. To be caught by the emperor, such an emperor's ingenuity is really too arrogant.

Li Chengqian was excited for a while, his father Li Shimin couldn't master this level of imperial skills!

If he wants to learn, he must study hard, learn the real emperor's mind from Ye Yu, and become a great emperor surpassing his father's Li Shimin.

Hu Hai had no intention of being an emperor, he was just thinking, if he learned this awesome emperor's mind, wouldn't he be able to act in front of his father?

There is also Fusu, he is inferior to this eldest brother in no way. If he learns this emperor's mind, maybe his eldest brother will ask him for advice~ How cool this is!

Just when Hu Hai barely suppressed the excitement in his heart and was about to clear his throat with a teacup, Ye Yu suddenly nodded on the table and pointed to the big characters "cloud and water" at the same time.

"The two artistic conceptions just now are just pure cloud and water. Next, I will tell you about the third artistic conception, which is the most suitable artistic conception for Chengqian. 35

"Pfft, cough, cough.

Hu Hai sprayed Li Chengqian's face with a sip of tea, instantly pouring Li Chengqian into a soup.

Li Chengqian didn't care about his face full of tea and looked at Ye Yu in disbelief: "Sir, with this short sentence, can you still decipher the third level of artistic conception?"

Ye Yu rolled his eyes, raised his hand, and the tea on Li Chengqian's face immediately evaporated: "What I said about Yunyun in Tianqingshui in the bottle is the masterpiece of the emperor's mind, and of course it cannot have only two meanings.

It's just that you are still too young to be exposed to too many scheming things, and you shouldn't indulge in all kinds of imperial tricks, so I will only tell you about the third layer, and there are two more layers left to wait for Lao Li. It's time to abdicate, I'm talking to you. "5

Li Chengqian and Hu Hai were stunned, and the corners of their eyes twitched involuntarily.

They just thought that Yunzai Tianqing Shui had only two layers in the bottle, and their emperor Laozi was already a lot of arrogant wandering between the first layer and the second layer, but they didn't expect that there were five layers.

So, when it comes to the imperial mind, their father is still a layman?

Hu Hai couldn't help but want to ask, what exactly did you Ye Yu do before he became an immortal, and how did you know so much about the way of the emperor? Couldn't you be an emperor in the ancient times?

Emperor Yan? Or Emperor?

The seven characters written down by hand can be interpreted with so many meanings, this level is too high!

After thinking about it in his heart, Li Chengqian still sat upright and listened to Ye Yu's words earnestly.

Ye Yu dipped the teapot with the brush, then drew a circle on the left and a square on the right.

"This circle represents a smooth person like Changsun Wuji, and this square represents Wei Zheng who is upright and upright, but the edges and corners are too sharp. 99

"The cloud is in the sky and the water is in the bottle. One of these two people is a cloud and the other is water. No matter how the cloud floats, it will only be in the sky. Once it hits the ground, it will turn into a puddle of mud. It is only useful inside, and it is still a pool of sewage if you pour it on the ground.

Then, as a superior, you must remember your identities as Qingtian and Aquarius. No matter how these two kinds of people sway, as long as they don't sway outside from your palm, they are worth coexisting.

Different factions and different personalities, but as long as they are for the same goal and allegiance to the same object, then these two types of people should coexist!"

"The way to balance is to balance left and right, one is to hold a wooden stick in the middle to support the balance, one is to ensure that the forces on the left and right sides are equal and there will not be too much deviation to cause imbalance.

The other is as a measuring pillar, you have to support yourself, if the pressure on both sides crushes your minister, then all this is empty talk!

"I don't know what I'm talking about, can you understand?"

After that, Ye Yu didn't say more, but sipped tea and felt the fragrance of Juling leaves. Only Hu Hai and Li Chengqian fell into endless pondering.


Ye Yu handed over their emperor's technique to almost include three points, all in the sentence that the cloud is in the sky and the green water is in the bottle.

What Ye Yu just said was right. If he could figure out this sentence thoroughly, then being an emperor would be easier than cooking and cooking.

Li Chengqian's little face flushed with excitement, this thing is too awesome, if he fully grasps this sentence, after he ascends the throne and becomes emperor, he will definitely become an even more awesome emperor than his father!

Of course, Li Chengqian is still a kind of child with pure nature in essence, and his temperament is relatively simple. He is still much worse than his father Li Shimin's black-bellied nature.

Although Li Shimin's tricks were not as powerful as the Jiajing Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, his self-taught thick and black science was definitely a talent.


And Ye Yu instilled three emperor's mind tricks into Li Chengqian in one breath, and they were all relatively dark tricks.

However, Li Chengqian knew that Ye Yu had laid a solid foundation for him in advance, which was enough for him to use for a lifetime, to guide him for a lifetime, and to be able to make him a good prince and a good emperor in the future.

I am afraid that apart from Ye Yu in front of him, many other ministers in the court and the opposition, as well as his several moral teachers, and even his emperor Laozi Li Shimin would never pass these tricks to his ears.

It's not because he doesn't understand it, or because other people really don't understand it. After all, this is the emperor's method, and no minister can teach the emperor how to discipline himself.

Because of his previous guilt, Li Shimin didn't want Li Chengqian to be exposed to these tricks too early. In addition, he has only just ascended the throne a few years ago, and now he is still in the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period and has not reached the point of handover between father and son. Of course, it is even more impossible to teach Li Chengqian. This prince emperor means.

Only Ye Yu did not have such scruples, and taught as much as he wanted.

Looking at Li Chengqian staring at the words "Cloud in the sky and Qingshui in the bottle" in front of him in a daze, Ye Yu couldn't help grinning.

With his help, Li Chengqian's ascension to the throne in the future is almost a certainty, and he does not know how much he can gain by doing so.

Not only Li Shimin, the old leek, he wants to smash, but Li Chengqian, the little leek, he can't let go.

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