
Empty darkness enveloped the entire land.

Above the sky, a huge fissure hung like a scar. There seemed to be countless dark red stars flickering above the fissure, and vaguely, tentacles that were huge like mountains waved and brought a storm.

The ground seemed to be bombed, and broken buildings and corpses were everywhere in the blood and fire.

"Come on!

"Stop this group, we still have a chance!"

"We should be with the human race.

Vaguely, Ye Yu saw some tiny figures the size of ants flying towards the crack, turning into a dazzling firework in the crack with a sonorous and heroic voice.

On the ground, countless Dongfeng express delivery across the sky, turning the end of the earth into sparks.

In the sea of ​​​​fire, one by one human-like figures rushed towards the direction of the Great Steel Wall at an extremely fast speed.

"Brother Yu, hurry up!

Ye Xiaoling's panicked scream came from the ears of "Seven One Zero", Ye Yu only felt a pain in his chest and abdomen, a sharp tentacle pierced his chest, and blood spurted out of the wound instantly.

There seems to be a faint sound coming from a distance...

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a positive value of 30000."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a positive value of 20000.99

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a positive value of 20,000.""

Ye Yu opened his eyes suddenly and looked at the ceiling in confusion.

"Is it a dream?"

Ye Yu murmured, he raised his hand and touched his chest.

The hand was smooth, and there was no terrifying wound in his memory, but the substantive pain still remained in his memory, causing his eyes to twitch.

But fortunately, as time passed, the pain passed quickly like a tide.

"Sir, what's the matter."

As if awakened by Ye Yu's actions, Diaochan opened her eyes in a daze.

She subconsciously reached out and stroked Ye Yu's face, then instantly woke up.

Diaochan stood up instantly, the sheet slipped down her smooth shoulders, revealing a spring light like jade.

She looked at Ye Yu anxiously, her eyes full of anxiety, "Sir, are you alright, why is your face so ugly? You must be sick, right?

Diao Chan was a little flustered. In her heart, Ye Yu has always been a real immortal people, and it is not a problem to see him for a long time, not to mention getting sick, but Ye Yu's face at this time is as pale as paper, and his cheeks are even more delicate. It's extremely cold without any temperature, just like, like a very dying person...

"It's alright." Ye Yu smiled reluctantly, perhaps because of the dream just now, he didn't care about Chun Guang in front of him, and the quilt he raised his finger automatically floated over Diaochan's slender shoulders.

Looking at Diao Chan's worried eyes, Ye Yu smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, I just had a nightmare, it's really okay, you get up first, I'll slow down a little bit.

"Well~ I'm going to help Sister Yangzi make breakfast, sir, call me if you have something to do.

Diaochan had no choice but to nod, looked at Ye Yu worriedly, and then got up and dressed.

There was a rustling sound of dressing in his ears, but Ye Yu's consciousness sank into the dream just now.

Most of the memory of that dream has disappeared.

But Ye Yu still remembers some one-sided pictures.

Darkness and fire, blood and song.

What kind of world is this, and why does he have such a dream?

Diaochan looked at Ye Yu worriedly after getting dressed, and seeing Ye Yu's distracted eyes, she didn't want to be disturbed, so she turned around and left the room three steps at a time.

"System, what's going on?"

As soon as Diaochan left, Ye Yu couldn't help but make a sound, but her voice was a little cold.

He had a hunch that if the system hadn't made a sound just now, he would most likely sink into the purgatory-like dream just now.

This matter is absolutely inseparable from the system, at least the system knows a little bit of the inside story.

After being silent for a long time, the system seemed to disappear, Ye Yu was not in a hurry, waiting for the system's answer.

As if a year had passed, the sound of the system finally sounded again.

"The host has insufficient authority to answer, please increase the authority.

"Insufficient authority?" A look of anger flashed in Ye Yu's eyes, "Fuck him. Mom's authority is insufficient, do you tell me? I will close the gate of time and space, believe it or not.



Suddenly, a sigh sounded in the system.

Ye Yu was horrified in an instant, and the surrounding environment changed instantly, turning into a purgatory-like world just now.

There are corpses and flames everywhere, and there are always bright fireworks flickering in the sky.

At the end of the earth, countless monsters with pitch-black scales and tentacles came from a distance like a tide, and were then blocked by a strange light blue protective cover.

Ye Yu stood up from a steel city wall and looked at the world in the distance in surprise.

The ground is broken, the mountains and rivers are upside down, and the mask has been covered with cracks and looks like it may be broken at any time.

On the edge of the city wall, a man standing with Ye Yu on his back pointed to the mountains and rivers in the distance and said, "Look at this world Ye Yu, look at it carefully. 99

"This is your world.

"You don't have much time.

This voice contained an unknown amount of vicissitudes, pain, and finally turned into an iron-like hardness.

"Change the world, your bias is very important, very important! 35

"It will be your weapon to change the world!

After saying that, the man waved his hand, the surrounding environment like a streamer was instantly pulled away, countless fireflies fluttered, and countless broken pictures flashed through the tunnel of time and space.

There is aura sweeping the world, and the world is full of changes.

There are enemies coming from the starry sky, coming from outside the time and space, and the mountains and rivers change color between waves.

There are endless tide-like monsters madly hitting the broken mountains and rivers.

Ye Yu also saw countless familiar faces in it.

There is Ye Xiaoling, Ye Dagen, Chu Yusuo, and Xu Linian.

In the end, it was a face that had been through the vicissitudes of life. He stood on the top of the steel city, lit a cigarette and looked at the mountains and rivers in the distance, but his eyes were still unclear.

That's his face!

Ye Yu stood up suddenly in a cold sweat, and by this time he had returned to the bedroom.

It is also possible that he never left just now and experienced a strange dream.

But this dream is so real.

After being silent for a while, Ye Yu finally came back to his senses, and he said in a dry voice: "System, is it true that it was just 5.6? 99

"When the fake is real, it is also fake, remind the host, please pay attention to every point, he will be your weapon against foreign enemies!

"foreign enemy!

Ye Yu murmured.

Is it those pure black monsters, or the monsters like mountains and stars in the cracks in the sky?

Is this monster really human-powered?

There are also those figures with long swords and long songs, who are generously dying like fireworks, are they all cultivators?

With countless questions lingering in Ye Yu's mind, he subconsciously turned his head to look at the sky outside the window.

At this time, the sky was twilight, and there were dogs barking and cocks croaking all around, and it was as peaceful as the last dawn before darkness.

The foreign enemy invaded, and the mountains and rivers were broken.

Once that day comes, all the good things will disappear, leaving only mourning and corpses everywhere.

What's the solution?.

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