I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 446: Lao Zhao, you can pretend again

Ying Zheng stood on the deck holding the railing and almost lost his footing. His face paled and he said with fear: "Sir, what is going on here? Why did you build the imperial mausoleum? Isn't the widow dying?"

Now Ying Zheng can still remember the incident when he secretly built the imperial mausoleum before and was scolded by Ye Yu when he discovered it. At that time, Ye Yu said that he would definitely enter the immortal realm in the future, and building the imperial mausoleum would be useless. What does it mean to let him build the imperial mausoleum for himself?

Isn't it just to say that he won't win the political life soon?

When he thought that he had finally developed Daqin to such a level that he would die before he could conquer the world, Ying Zheng felt a lot of sympathy, gritted his teeth and said solemnly, Ye Yu said, "Sir, can you please let me know? Are you giving the widow some time?"

"When the widow has conquered the whole world this time, it is not far from death-!

"Brother First Emperor..."

"Sir, Brother Shi Huang has made unparalleled achievements, can you save Shi Huang Lao-ge? 35

"Please help sir!"

Chongzhen and the others had tears in their eyes, and hurriedly bowed their hands to Ye Yu.

After getting along with Ying Zheng for so long, they admired the first emperor who was sometimes amused and sometimes domineering, how could they just watch him die.

Seeing that the plot deviates more and more from what he expected, Ye Yu hurriedly stopped.

"Stop, stop! Lao Zhao, when did I say you were going to die? Don't act here, okay!" Ye Yu rolled his eyes and said, "I just asked you to build the First Emperor's Mausoleum, and I never said you were going to die. Oh, you are too involved in the play!


Li Shimin and the others were dumbfounded, staring at Ye Yu, not knowing what to say.

Ying Zheng was even more stunned, and said inexplicably, "Isn't the gentleman asking the widow to build the first emperor's mausoleum to bury the widow?"

"Then your first emperor's mausoleum began to be repaired more than ten years ago. Are you ready to die more than ten years ago?"


Ying Zheng and the others blushed.

Ye Yu was right.

As long as the emperors, they basically started to build the imperial mausoleum from the beginning of the upper position. For example, Lao Cao, this guy has set up a gold captain, specializing in excavating the tombs of various ancient seniors and borrowing their treasures , and then supplemented the military expenditure, built Chang'an City, and built his own imperial mausoleum by the way.

Li Shimin and the others were the same, but they didn't dare to let Ye Yu know.

Ye Yu's reaction was so sharp, he understood what they were thinking at a glance, but he didn't say much.

These guys still have some lower limits, as long as the people who are not summoned help them build the imperial mausoleum, Ye Yu doesn't care how many barbarians outside the Great Wall die.

"I asked you to build the imperial mausoleum, not to bury you, but to let you transform the imperial mausoleum into a historical museum, and then leave it for later generations to pretend!"


Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked: "Sir, can you still pretend to build the imperial mausoleum? Please teach me sir!

Ye Yu pouted secretly, Lao Zhao was more anxious than Xiao Xianggong entering the bridal chamber when he mentioned pretending to be a coward.

"Didn't you borrow the Xuanjin dragon robe to show it off in the live broadcast before, these modern audiences are all pretended by you, everyone thinks you are a real immortal, so I'm going to dig your first emperor's tomb to find out. So, I am going to let you transform your Shihuang Mausoleum into a broken martial arts hall, and when the Shihuang Mausoleum is unearthed, you will be able to install it again, 35

"Excavating the First Emperor's Mausoleum?"

Li Shimin and the others twitched at the corners of their mouths. These descendants of later generations were really bold enough to even dig the tomb of the First Emperor.

However, Li Shimin suddenly rolled his eyes. This was a good opportunity to pretend to be aggressive. He couldn't be preempted by the First Emperor every time.

"Cough cough~" Li Shimin coughed twice and hurriedly said: "Sir, why don't you let these boys in later generations dig my tomb, how can the identity of the first emperor be easily excavated.

"Yes, it's okay to excavate my tomb, my imperial tomb has been prepared a long time ago, and I will have someone remodel it right away with a word from the master!"

"No! Master said that if you dig the widow, you will dig the widow!" Ying Zheng said arrogantly: "Can the mausoleum built by your two boys be as awesome as me?""

"Brother Shi Huang, you are always pretending to be forceful in front of future generations, now this opportunity should be left to us!

Ye Yu's eyes twitched as the three of them were arguing about whose grave to dig.

These three guys are amazing!

Which emperor heard that his imperial tomb was stolen, he was not angry and wanted to draw his sword to kill, these three guys wanted their imperial tomb to be dug in order to pretend to force.

"It's alright, alright, stop arguing, the tombs of the two of you, Lao Li and Lao Zhu, have already been dug up, and now they have become tourist attractions.

Ye Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Now the most famous and difficult to dig is Lao Zhao's tomb, the most suitable one to dig him!

·For flowers·

"Huh? 35

Li Shimin and Chongzhen were stunned.

Was dug up? Are these youngsters moving so fast?

"Hahahaha" Ying Zheng was extremely proud, and said to Ying Zheng, "Sir, how should the Shihuang Mausoleum be remodeled? Please give some advice, Mr. Widow will not go to America anymore, and immediately turn back to Daqin!"

"Actually, it doesn't require much renovation. The First Emperor's Mausoleum should be 80% built by now. You can just make some fine-tuning based on the current foundation!"

Ye Yu said with a smile: "You have conquered various countries recently, you can get all the precious treasures plundered from various countries into the imperial mausoleum, according to the different countries, it is good to classify them into different categories, and mark the time of your imperial mausoleum. Turn into a museum!

"Wait until the day when the imperial mausoleum sees the light of day again, when everyone sees the precious treasures in your imperial mausoleum, how do you think everyone will react? How will those foreigners react?"

"Fuck! 35

"Hey, sir, this method is a bit ruthless!

"Hey, why was my imperial mausoleum dug up so early, and such a good opportunity was snatched by the first emperor's brother."

Li Shimin and the two spit out sour water, thinking that Ye Yu's method is simply wonderful.

Not only can it humiliate the barbarians, but it can also greatly improve the status of Tianxia in later generations, and it can also give him a long face.

"Don't worry, sir, the widow has obtained countless treasures from this expedition, and when I return this time, people will fill it into the imperial mausoleum and make it a blog, a museum!

"Sir, if you want to humiliate the barbarians, you can also find something special to display!" Li Shimin suggested: "For example, let the painter spend some portraits of barbarians bowing their heads to Wu Tianxia and Chen Chen, as well as their kingdom's crown, Quan sticks and the like. 99

"Well, you can discuss these things yourself, and it's best to be representative."

Ye Yu's face suddenly turned positive, and he turned over and took out a jade slip.

"Old Zhao, building a museum is the next best thing, I want you to keep this thing in the museum, and then spread it to reality! 99

"I want to lend your hand to let all Tianxia people have access to this jade slip!

"Huh?" Seeing Ye Yu's serious expression, Ying Zheng was startled and immediately solemn: "Sir, what is this?

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Yu's eyes, and he said slowly, "This is the way to cultivate immortals!"

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