I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 447: The Way of Cultivating Immortals

"Xiu, the way to cultivate immortals?"

Ying Zheng took a deep breath, looked at the jade slip in Ye Yu's hand with burning eyes, and swallowed.

This is the method of cultivating immortals? That is, the mysterious method that he has pursued in his entire life.

"Sir, why do you leave this cultivation method to the modern age?" Chongzhen asked with a frown.

He doesn't have much of a cold about this so-called method of cultivating immortals. This guy is a fanatic of weapons and only believes in the weapons in his hands. In his eyes, what is the use of immortal cultivation, how can he stand against Ye Yu for them to see? A nuclear bomb attack?

He was quite puzzled by Ye Yu's practice. Wouldn't it be better to leave it to the First Emperor or Li Shimin with the method of cultivating immortals? What does it mean to leave it to a group of modern people.

Ye Yu was silent for a while, but decided to reveal the future crisis to Lao Zhao and the others to give them a little time to prepare.

"Old Zhao Laozhu, the world is about to undergo a major change of "July 23". Not only do I have to win over all the forces that can be attracted, but you should also do your best to develop yourselves, otherwise once that time comes, everything will be shuffled.

"Major change?"

Li Shimin grinned, "Sir, you don't mean that all the countries in the world unite to attack us, they are not our opponents! 35

"It's a thousand times more serious than that!" Ye Yu's eyes slammed, "The world where the alien demons will arrive soon, if we prepare from now, we may be buried in the hands of those demons at any time in Tianxia! 35


The smile on Li Shimin's face froze, and Ying Zhenghe's Chongzhen was even more solemn.


Ying Zheng and Chongzhen looked at each other and their eyes suddenly froze.

The two of them thought of a question almost at the same time. There are immortals like Ye Yu in the world, so why are there no demons?

In various myths, demons are the mortal enemies of immortals!

And looking at Ye Yu's face, you can tell that this monster must be a very difficult character to deal with, otherwise Ye Yu would not be so solemn.

"Sir, how long are you talking about the invasion, what can we do?"

Ye Yu, who was looking at Ying Zheng with a solemn face, asked in a deep voice.

"Three years, three years at most!" Ye Yu's expression was serious, "But these three years are for my world, according to your world, there are still hundreds of thousands of years!

"However, you must not let your guard down, three years later, perhaps I will summon you thousands of years later to send troops to help.

The hearts of the three emperors were immediately suspended.

Ye Yu had been helping them before, and this was the first time they heard from Ye Yu that he also needed help, which made the three of them nervous.

How terrifying is this demon, even the omnipotent immortals in their eyes can't deal with it?

However, this did not prevent the three of them from surrendering to Ye Yu.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Ying Zheng, the help of Mr. Ying Zheng who always remembers, if he is called by Mr. Ying Zheng one day, Ying Zheng will do his best!

"Yes, I will make every effort to develop the military industry, and I will definitely contribute to Mr.

"I, the Tang Dynasty, will never fall behind!""

The three of them solemnly assured that Ye Yu had helped them so much, and it can be said that letting them die completely changed their fate, but they could only send some gold, silver, jewelry, beauties, etc., which was in line with what Ye Yu did to them Giving is totally mismatched.

The three of them have always remembered this, always thinking of repaying Ye Yu. Now that there is such an opportunity in front of them, they will definitely not miss it.

"Well, it's good if you have the heart! Seeing the three of them look like this, Ye Yu suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was a lot easier. The three emperors in front of him are all true heroes. If they develop their best, who will be in a thousand years? I don't know what other worlds can be developed into.

With their help three years later, defending against those demons may not be a problem.

"Old Zhao, you buried this jade slip in the imperial mausoleum. There are 1.4 billion Tianxia people in modern times. If everyone embarks on the road of cultivation, it can also be a great help in resisting foreign invasions.

"Don't worry, sir, the widow remembers it!" Ying Zheng nodded solemnly, thought for a while and then said, "Sir, I wonder if this jade slip will allow me, the people of Qin, to start the path of cultivation?"

"Don't worry, this cultivation method is not suitable for Da Qin." Ye Yu smiled and said, "Wait for three years, I will give you a more powerful cultivation method after three years.

"Mr. Xie."

Ying Zheng hurriedly cupped his hands towards Ye Yu, his face full of excitement.

Three years!

He has been chasing immortality all his life, and he can still afford to wait three years.

Three years later, Daqin, which is almost the same, has already unified the world. When the time comes to open the whole people to cultivate immortals, Daqin will no longer live up to the name of immortal Qin.

"Sir, what about my Tang Dynasty?" Seeing that Ying Zheng was about to set foot on the road to immortality, Li Shimin suddenly became anxious about Da Qin Xiuxian, Da Ming military engineer, and Da Wei practicing martial arts. Now the rest of him has not made any arrangements in Da Tang, and his old Li Ke I don't want to be left behind.

"Da Tang...

Ye Yu frowned and fell into thought.

Datang is not like Daqin Daming who has always had foreign enemies to fight, and the overall development has been very stable, so his attention to Datang is still not as high as that of Daqin Daming.

However, in order to fight against the war of aggression in the future, it is also time to arrange a route for the Tang Dynasty.

After thinking about it for a long time, a light suddenly flashed in Ye Yu's eyes.

There has always been a joke on the Internet about Zuxia, Huangshang, Tianzhou, Xianqin, Shenhan, Shengtang, Daosong, Moyuan, Wuming, Yaoqing, and Kewu Xinghe. Now Daqin has embarked on the path of immortality. Known as Shengtang, why can't we take a holy road?

The way of faith of the cultivators of the foreign Holy See is very suitable for the Tang Dynasty.

Datang has always been the richest among several dynasties, and he is also the most stable among several dynasties, and he has manifested many times in Datang. It is also a very good idea to let Datang go to the divine way. .

"Sir, do you have a solution?" Li Shimin looked at Ye Yu nervously.

Ye Yu nodded and smiled lightly: "Not bad!

"Old Li, after you go back, continue to expand my fairy temple. It is best to have a fairy temple in every 5.6 state and every village.

"Then, I will set up a Holy See in the name of the imperial court, which can also be called the Court of Heaven. You will act as my spokesperson in Datang to preside over all things in the Court of Heaven. As long as you can ensure that every citizen truly believes in, I will let Datang go on the stage. A holy way!""

"Thank you sir, thank you sir, I'll do it right away!"

Li Shimin nodded excitedly, his face flushed.

It is too simple for the Tang Dynasty to build a fairy temple and let the people believe in it.

Nowadays, except for some extremely remote places, there are fairy temples in almost every corner of the Tang Dynasty, and the people of the Tang Dynasty are very religious to Ye Yu, and it is not easy to find someone who does not believe in him.

Compared to Ying Zheng's three years in the morning, he will soon be able to embark on the extraordinary road, seconds!

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