Time gradually came to night.

In the most luxurious private room of Charming Jindu KTV.

Zhao Xinrong ate and drank.

All the music was turned up to the maximum!

Even a little deafening.

As Midnight approaches, it seems that only this sound can dispel the fear in Zhao Xinrong's heart!

Over time.

Zhao Xinrong was also a little tired.

"Hmph, it seems that the judge has nothing to fear!"

“When I saw so many people guarding me here, I was so scared that I didn’t dare to come!”

Zhao Xinrong stood up and moved his hands and feet.

"I'm going to sleep, you continue to be on duty here. If there is any trouble, wake me up immediately!"

Zhao Xinrong ordered.


Xiao Liu responded.

This box is large and has complete facilities.

In addition to the lobby outside, there are also facilities such as bathrooms and lounges.

Zhao Xinrong walked into the lounge, took off his clothes, lay directly on the bed and began to fall asleep.

Maybe it's because my nerves have been tense today.

Soon, he fell into sleep.

in the room.

There was silence.

As the clock beats one by one.

A translucent figure gradually appeared beside him.

When the time comes, nothing will always appear.

Take your soul to hell!

"Where am I?"

Drowsily, Zhao Xinrong opened his eyes.

Looking up, he found that he had arrived at a two-story building.

Look at the furnishings in the house.

This should be a private house.

Beside him, there were two people standing.

It was a mother and daughter.

They hugged each other tightly and looked out the window in panic, as if they were very scared!

"Excuse me……"

Zhao Xinrong looked confused.

He didn't know how he got here.

I just wanted to step forward and ask.

But suddenly, I heard a noise outside the house.

Zhao Xinrong's attention was attracted.

I saw a figure flashing outside the house, accompanied by shouts and screams!

Zhao Xinrong felt strange.

He was going to open the window and see what was going on.

But suddenly, a burst of fire shot into the sky!


A scalding heat wave swept over me.

Through the gap in the window, he rushed toward Zhao Xinrong!


Zhao Xinrong was shocked.

He fell on his butt and grimaced in pain!

Next, there were fires on all sides of the house!

Doors and windows can’t resist it at all!

The flames spread in and ignited all the furniture in the house!

The air is filled with a strong smell of gasoline!


Electric sparks burst out!

That's electrical appliances and circuits being ignited!


The little girl cried in fright.

She kept shrinking in her mother's arms, shivering all over.

My mother also cried.

But with her daughter in her arms, of course she has to protect her safety!

While protecting her daughter, the mother searched for something that could save her life.

She quickly came to the sink and turned on the faucet.


Water gushes.

The mother turned on the faucet as high as possible and soaked her body with water.

At the same time, he picked up another basin. Keep scooping up water and pouring it in the direction of the blazing flames!

But the flames were too big!

It was like a scorching demon, attacking the people in the house with impunity!

What my mother did was just a drop in the bucket!

As the flames approached step by step, the hot and burning feeling became more intense!

The mother was completely panicked and watered the water faster and faster!

But at this moment, there was no water in the faucet!

"what happened?"

The mother was shocked.

"Break the water pipes for you and see how you can save yourself! Hahahaha"

A voice came from outside.

That was a maniacal laugh!

For a moment, the mother fell into deep despair!

Zhao Xinrong was stunned by everything that happened unexpectedly.

He sat on the ground blankly, unable to recover for a long time.

It wasn't until he heard this burst of laughter that he realized that the sound was so familiar!

This is his own son!

It's Zhao Yongliang!

Isn’t Yong Liang dead?

Why is he here?

Countless questions came to mind.

But now the heat of the flames took his breath away.

Zhao Xinrong couldn't care less, and the instinct of survival instantly took over his heart.

He shouted loudly: "Yong Liang, Yong Liang, help! I am your father, Yong Liang! Help me!"

He opened his mouth, and heat waves mixed with thick smoke were instantly poured into his throat.

Zhao Xinrong only felt a burning pain in his throat!

In an instant, he coughed repeatedly.

As the fire continues to burn, the temperature in the room is getting higher and higher!

Zhao Xinrong shouted while looking for a place to hide.

Soon, he was forced to retreat into a corner.

His voice was hoarse from shouting, but the people outside turned a deaf ear.

"Ahem, Yongliang..."

Zhao Xinrong was not willing to let go of this life-saving straw.

He fell to his knees, still shouting at the top of his lungs.

as if.

Used up the last bit of strength!


Finally, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Having inhaled so much smoke, his lungs now felt like broken bellows.

A tearing pain came!

Zhao Xinrong almost suffocated!

At the same time, the ruthless tongues of fire finally began to eat away at his body!

The scalding heat wave is coming!

Zhao Xinrong grimaced in pain!

"Mom, I'm afraid!"

"Dad, where are you!"

"Help! Someone come and save us!"

At the same time, the screams of the mother and daughter were also heard in the ears.

But gradually.

Their voices also became quieter.

Wherever the flames touched, the originally fair skin also changed.

First, large and small blisters appeared, and then the blisters burst and the skin turned black.


The whole person disappeared in the flames!

At this moment, Zhao Xinrong also felt that he was being swallowed by flames!

in flames.

His body was burned bit by bit!

Painful, suffocating!

The roar of the flames was like the cries of countless innocent souls.

It echoed in Zhao Xinrong’s ears for a long time!


Zhao Xinrong suddenly opened his eyes.

He broke into a cold sweat and gasped for air.

At the same time, he looked around.

I am still in the lounge of KTV.

Was everything just a dream?

Zhao Xinrong was in shock.

"Mr. Zhao, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Liu's voice came to my ears.

Zhao Xinrong looked over and found Xiao Liu standing beside the bed with an anxious look on his face.

Behind him, there were some bodyguards standing.

"Why are you here?"

Zhao Xinrong wiped the sweat from his forehead.

At this time, his clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

It's very uncomfortable to stick to your body.

"We just heard you talking in your sleep outside, talking about fires, buildings and other things."

"I was worried that something might happen to you, so I came in quickly to have a look..."

Xiao Liu answered tremblingly.

"I'm fine, you go out!"

Zhao Xinrong finally recovered.

He let out a sigh of relief and waved his hands.


Xiao Liu and others retreated.

Zhao Xinrong was the only one left in the room.


ps: A new book is about to set sail, data is very important, please give me flowers and evaluation votes!

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