I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 11 The Fire Of Karma Burns The Body And Falls Forever!

It turned out to be just a dream!


Thinking of everything just now, Zhao Xinrong cursed.

Get up and follow him outside the house.

Zhao Xinrong glanced at the time, 11:53 pm.

In less than ten minutes, it will be midnight.

"The judge is nothing more than that!"

"They said they were going to kill me tonight, but now there's not even a trace of me! It's just an illusion!"

After a nap, he felt the urge to urinate.

Zhao Xinrong walked into the bathroom.

Breaking out in a cold sweat, he wanted to take a shower.


Zhao Xinrong closed the bathroom door.


There was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom.

Xiao Liu and the others' hearts that had been hanging around were slightly relieved.

It’s already this point.

It seems like that won’t happen anymore!

"Mr. Zhao should be taking a shower, let's continue doing our own things!"

Xiao Liu did his duty faithfully.

Hearing this, the other bodyguards also responded.


They don't know.

Zhao Xinrong turned on the faucet but did not take a shower.

Instead, he was like a walking zombie, sitting on the toilet.

"Where am I?"

In a trance.

Zhao Xinrong was stunned again.

Didn’t you just walk into the bathroom?

Why did the scene in front of me suddenly turn to one side?

He raised his eyes and saw that there was ruins in front of him!

There was a burning smell everywhere, obviously like it had been burned by a fire!

"Here, where is this?"

Zhao Xinrong was startled, and felt that the scene in front of him was really familiar.


Isn't this the small private building in my dream just now?

How did you get here!

Isn't that a dream?

For a moment, Zhao Xinrong felt that his mind was in a tangle of thoughts.

"Zhao Xinrong, Zhao Xinrong!"

Suddenly, a faint and resentful sound came into my ears.

Zhao Xinrong looked in search of the sound.

He found that something seemed to be slowly coming towards him in the ruins.

That is……

Those turned out to be two charred corpses!

One big and one small.

It was the mother and daughter who died tragically!

An idea flashed in Zhao Xinrong's mind, and he seemed to realize something.

"You, don't come here, don't come here!"

Zhao Xinrong was frightened.

The fat body suddenly collapsed to the ground.

But the charred mother and daughter obviously turned a deaf ear.

After a while, he arrived in front of him.

His withered hands, like charcoal, firmly grasped Zhao Xinrong's calf.

What was passed on was a burning pain like a burning fire!

"Give us back our lives!"

"I killed us, give us back our lives!"

The shrill shout echoed in Zhao Xinrong's ears.

Zhao Xinrong was so scared that he peed.

His whole body was shaking like chaff, and his face was as pale as paper.

He hesitated in his mouth and said with a sad face: "I, I didn't harm you, your death is none of my business!"

"none of your business?"

"In order to get this land, you let your son burn it violently! Twenty-three people died, and this is none of your business?!"

"Today, we will make you pay with your life!"

"You can taste the suffering we suffered back then with us!"

There were roars one after another.

I saw more and more figures appearing in the surrounding ruins.

Without exception, they were all charred blackened remains!

Step by step, approaching Zhao Xinrong!

What followed was a raging heat wave sweeping across!


The huge flames instantly engulfed Zhao Xinrong!

"Help, help!"

Zhao Xinrong screamed in pain.

However, it was of no use at all.

Sweeping by the fierce flames, Zhao Xinrong could only accept the endless pain of being burned!


He felt that his consciousness gradually disappeared.

He was burned alive!

However, things don't seem to be that simple.

The next second.

Zhao Xinrong was in a daze.

He found again that he appeared in the ruins of the small building intact.


The broken bodies of those innocent souls once again attacked with endless flames.

Zhao Xinrong, on the other hand, repeated the feeling of being swallowed and burned by endless flames.

Next, again.

Just like that over and over again.

Zhao Xinrong felt that time was stretched infinitely!

Every time he was burned by fire, it seemed like it lasted ten thousand years!

The scariest thing is.

This burning pain could not numb him.

His consciousness was extremely clear from beginning to end.

Feel the cries of countless innocent souls!

Feel the pain of those victims!

The scenes from back then finally emerged from the depths of Zhao Xinrong's memory.

This KTV was built on that piece of private housing that was to be demolished.

Tomorrow evening at home.

The tongues of flames burn your sinful body!

The contents of the death notice appeared in Zhao Xinrong's mind again.

That's right.

This place is indeed not his home.

This is the home of those innocent souls!

It's the home of those victims!

Initially, in order not to pay compensation for demolition.

Zhao Xinrong and Zhao Yongliang, father and son, planned the violent demolition incident.

Twenty-three innocent souls are buried here!

Today, I finally get to seek revenge on him!

He cried, he screamed, he asked for help...

However, no one paid any attention to him.

What awaits Zhao Xinrong is the endless purgatory of monstrous karma!

In the anger of the twenty-three wronged souls, Zhao Xinrong's soul will suffer unparalleled torture!

In the end, it was completely wiped out!

Zhou Chen and ghost servant Li Qian, on the other hand, just watched all this happen quietly!

As early as when Zhao Xinrong had a nightmare.

His soul has been affected by Li Qian.


Just completing the steps of death as usual!

In the KTV private room.

Xiao Liu and others are still on duty.

Now, it's past twelve o'clock.

The judge has not yet appeared.

It seems that he will not come!

That’s all!

Xiao Liu was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

But suddenly, he noticed a large amount of water flowing out from under his feet.

It was flowing out from the crack in the bathroom door!

Only then did he notice.

It has been more than an hour since Zhao Xinrong entered the bathroom.

Why haven't you come out yet?

Xiao Liu felt bad.

He quickly came outside the bathroom, leaned on the door and listened.

I found that apart from the sound of rushing water, there was no other sound at all!

"not good!"

Xiao Liu felt bad.

Without saying a word, he knocked open the door.

boom! boom!

The door was broken down.

Xiao Liu stumbled and fell to the ground.

He found that the bathroom floor was full of water.

The water flows from the bathtub.

The bathtub was already full, but the faucet was still running.

As a result, the ground has long become a piece of Wangyang!

"Mr. Zhao, you..."

Xiao Liu slowly raised his head.

The first thing he saw was Zhao Xinrong's feet.

The other person is sitting on the toilet.

Face yourself.

However, it remained motionless.

There was a burning smell in the air.

Xiao Liu's eyes moved upward.


The next second.

He burst into heart-rending screams!


Zhao Xinrong is dead.

Sitting on the toilet and dying!


ps: A new book is about to set sail, data is very important, please give me flowers and evaluation votes!

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