I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 101 Completely Crazy Hu Wenming! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Five big characters.

Hu Wenming was shocked!

Because of course he knows what this means.

It means that the legendary judge has finally set his sights on me!

This made Hu Wenming's heart tremble.

An unprecedented chill emerged from the bottom of his heart!

In fact, Hu Wenming didn't believe the judge before.

He himself is a madman with antisocial personality!

Hu Wenming was filled with disdain and contempt for the so-called judge!

He thought it was just a rumor on the Internet!

Someone else must have killed those villains.

He even wanted to see who the judge was!

But what about now?

The situation seems to be completely different from what he thought!

A death notice was actually sent to me!

This made Hu Wenming feel sad.

I also had to pay more attention to the death notice!

Now the death notice "297" has been sent to him, which means that he has been targeted by the judge!

So next.

The judge will surely come!

In that case, I have to find a way to deal with him!

The legendary judge is a very powerful mysterious existence.

He can kill people without anyone noticing.

This also made Hu Wenming feel a little panicked.

He wants to live!

He didn't want to die in the hands of the judge like this!

Hu Wenming's thoughts were spinning rapidly.

Soon, an idea emerged.

"Huh, yes!"

Think of this.

Hu Wenming no longer hesitates!

He immediately left the house and walked towards the temple in the town.

Hu Wenming has a hobby.

That is to burn incense and worship Buddha!

The temple in the town is a place he often goes to!

Every time I go there, Wen Ming buys a lot of incense.

So everyone there greeted him with a smile.

Everyone thinks that Hu Wenming is a devout pilgrim!

But actually.

Hu Wenming went to burn incense and worship Buddha not because he believed in Buddhism.

Nor was it because he harbored victim guilt.

It’s just arrogance!

People in the world like to say that gods and Buddhas will protect others and punish evildoers!

But he just went in and out of the temple without hesitation.

He just liked to see how those clay and wood sculptures were helpless against a villain like him!

This feeling makes Hu Wenming feel very happy!

but now.

An exception has occurred!

That is the judge!

This finally gave Hu Wenming a sense of fear in his heart.


Judgment really exists!


He came to the temple in the town.

Hu Wenming's steps stumbled a bit, which seemed to indicate that he was extremely panicked at the moment.

That’s right!

He was really panicked!

It’s true that he has an antisocial personality!

It is true that he is cruel and easy to kill.

All along, he had been feeling complacent about his shrewd calculations.

Whether it's killing those victims, or watching the Sheriff's Department being tricked around like a headless fly!

This gave him a strong sense of accomplishment!

But what about now?

All this is gone!

Because, in this world.

There is a judge beyond yourself!

He can monitor everything about himself!

Expose all your crimes!


This gave him infinite fear!

It's late at night now.

Therefore, the temple gate is also closed.

Most of the monks in the temple also went back to their rooms to rest.

Only a young monk on duty at the door was still sitting under the lamp reading a book.

Bang bang bang!

Hu Wenming banged on the window of the duty room.

The monk heard the sound and opened the window.

He knew Hu Wenming, so he hurriedly asked: "Donor Hu, do you have any business coming to the temple in the middle of the night?"

"I want to live in a temple for a while!"

Hu Wenming said.

He did not directly state the purpose of coming here.

“However, our temple does not accept lay people.

The young monk replied.

Some temples will take in people such as lay people, and let the lay people help work in the temple, chant sutras, and practice Buddhism.

But this temple does not provide such services.

The reason is also very simple.

This is just a small temple.

Simply can't afford that kind of service!

So, naturally there is no more!

But after hearing this, Hu Wenming glared.

His tone seemed very serious, even a little urgent: "No! You have to let me stay here!"


The young monk was just about to ask a question.

But when the words came to his lips, he quickly swallowed them back.

Because, he noticed.

Hu Wenming seems a little different from before!

In the past, Hu Wenming looked honest and kind, and there was no way he could be as angry as he is now...

Now, they are completely different!

This made him feel very incredible!

He is not a fool either.

At this time, he looked straight at Hu Wenming.

It was discovered that Hu Wenming's eyes were about to burst and he seemed to be very angry.

It seems that if you don't do what he says, he can do something very outrageous!


The young monk forced himself to speak calmly.

After a pause, he continued: "Tell me honestly, what happened to you?"

Hu Wenming spat, and then cursed fiercely.

"I have received a death notice and my life has been threatened! I want you to protect me and protect me from being killed by the judge!"

"Hurry, let me in!"

When Hu Wenming said these words, his voice almost roared.

Death notice!

The monk heard this.

Undoubtedly, his heart also trembled.

Of course he also knows about the Judge and the Death Notice!

Also know.

The person who received the death notice is not a treacherous person!

Could it be that this Hu Wenming...

Looking at Hu Wenming, the young monk felt an unknown feeling in his heart.

Hu Wenming looked at him.

It seems that he also realized something.

Hu Wenming smiled deeply.

"That's right! It's just as you guessed! I am indeed a villain!"

"I killed a lot of people! A lot of women! The 2.7 missing women case that has been making a lot of noise recently is what I did!"

"Hurry up, take me in! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

Hu Wenming pulled out a knife from his waist.

Then, he burst into the duty room.

He put a knife on the young monk's neck.

In an instant, the young monk was caught off guard.

Hu Wenming is really willing to risk everything!

With death approaching, he had no scruples at all!

If you die.

These bald donkeys will be buried with him!

"Donor Hu, don't worry. I, I will take you in!"

The young monk was so frightened that he could not speak coherently.

At this moment, I could only take Hu Wenming with me and enter the temple.

In the temple.

The other monks were awakened by the movement here.

And when they saw the scene in front of them, without exception, they were all shocked by Hu Wenming!

For a while.

The whole temple was in a mess!

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