I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 102 Kidnapping! Hu Wenming Is Completely Crazy! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

"Donor Hu, put down the knife quickly!"

One of the older monks advised.

"I don't!"

"I will threaten you today and ask you to protect me! Let me avoid being killed by the judge!"

Hu Wenming's eyes were about to burst.

On his forehead, the tendons were exposed.

I can tell.

At this time, he was extremely angry.

Facing these monks, Hu Wenming had no other choice.

And those people look.

Very nervous too!

They all know that the judge is the one who judges sin.

Therefore, this Hu Wenming must not be a good person!

They also don't want to be associated with the judges at all.

But even so, the monks seem to have no other choice now.

After all, their companions were in Hu Ming's hands.

See this situation.

One of the older monks came out.

"Amitabha, I can let you stay in the temple. Please put him down, okay?"

This monk is the abbot of the temple.

At this time, he must stand up.

"No! If I let him go, you will definitely notify the Sheriff's Department!"

Hu Wenming was very vigilant16.

"Then how about I exchange with him? You use me as a hostage!"

The abbot continued.

Hu Wenming thought for a while and finally agreed.

Of course, he was also afraid of what tricks the abbot would play.

The whole process was done with great care.

But it's okay.

The abbot knew what kind of person he was.

Therefore, he did not play any tricks with Wen Ming at this time.

Instead, he honestly changed places with the young monk.

Although the young monk was out of trouble, his mood could not be calm.


Unexpectedly, the abbot was willing to become Hu Wenming's hostage in order to save himself.

This made him deeply moved.

"Yiming, don't worry, I'll be fine!"

The abbot reassured the monk.

At the same time, he said the Buddha's name.

He just closed his eyes slightly and looked very calm.

Beside him, Hu Wenming smiled slightly: "I didn't expect the abbot to be so calm and calm in the face of danger!"

"The fate of a poor monk is determined by heaven, there is no point in being anxious."

the abbot replied.

"So, the abbot thinks that he will not die today?"

Hu Wenming asked again.

"Everything has its own destiny!"

The abbot did not answer directly.

In his words, it seemed that he was selling something.

"It seems that the master is very confident! Then if I stab you in the neck now, wouldn't you just burp your ass!"

Hu Wenming said with a ferocious smile.

The abbot made no reply.

But he just recited the Buddha's name.

But in fact, it is true to say so.

Hu Wenming would not really do this!

The reason why he came to kidnap these monks was just to use them for his own use.

Make them your own hostage.

Help yourself to deal with the Judge!

If I stabbed the abbot to death right now.

If the other monks swarm you, you may not be your opponent at all!

Therefore, Hu Wenming will not risk being stupid!

The two sides were in a stalemate, and no one acted rashly.

The abbot seemed really calm.

He asked all the monks to gather inside the Mahavira Hall.

And I am sitting here quietly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Hu Wenming seemed quite satisfied.

However, it's quick.

He changed the subject and asked, "Master, do you think my life will be in danger today?"

The abbot recited the Buddha's name again.

At the end, I just heard him say: "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

Although he didn't say it clearly, Hu Wenming seemed to realize something.

He smiled and then asked: "So, if I don't put down the butcher knife, will there be only a dead end?"

The abbot still said nothing.


However, Hu Wenming laughed.

It’s like hearing some really funny joke!

When he had laughed enough, he continued: "I have killed so many people, and one day it is only a matter of time. But I don't accept it, I want to see if [that judge] is really as powerful as the legend says!" "011803416 Feilu202032430]

The reason why he chose to hold these monks hostage was mainly for two purposes.

If the judge is just an ordinary person.

So there are many monks here.

Taking them hostage can also threaten them for your own use.

Let them fight the Judge.

If the judge is like what is said on the Internet, he is a ghost-like existence.

The wonderful sounds of Dharma in the temple may help you resist the judge!

He didn't believe in the so-called ghosts and gods before.

But when facing the judge, he can no longer care about so many things!

So, anyway.

You must seize every possible way to save your life!

This is exactly what Hu Wenming had in mind.

In fact, his wishful thinking was quite good.

But whether it is useful or not is unknown!


What Hu Wenming wants to do.

Just waiting for the judge to come!

the other side.

Inside the Sheriff's Department.

Detectives are preparing to close the case.

Unexpectedly, the murderer behind the sensational murder case was actually a guy with abnormal brain!

This is somewhat disappointing.

Some detectives with a strong sense of justice don’t even know how to explain to the victim’s family!

after all.

Their wives and daughters died so tragically!

But because the murderer is a mental patient, he can escape punishment!

This will undoubtedly make people feel very uncomfortable!


That seems to be the case.

Even the 483 agents of the Public Security Department were unable to do anything.

That's all they can do.

But at this moment, a voice rang: "The case will be closed in a moment!"

Everyone followed the sound and looked over.

I found that the director was coming.


The detectives were confused.

"I just received a police call from the temple in the town, saying that someone kidnapped the monk in the temple!"

The director looked very unhappy.

This matter made all the detectives feel very strange.

Kidnapping a monk?

I have never heard of such a strange kidnapping case!


What does this have to do with not closing the case temporarily?

Next, the leader added: "The kidnapper is Hu Wenming!"

The words came out of his mouth, instantly shocking all the agents.

"What? It's actually Hu Wenming!"

The detectives were stunned for a while.

They never thought that Hu Wenming would kidnap people!

No wonder the Director said he would not close the case for the time being!

It turns out there is such a relationship!

But why did Hu Wenming kidnap the monk?

This is unclear for now.

But no matter what, since they have received such a report, they certainly cannot sit idly by and ignore it.

We must investigate to get to the bottom of it!

"Everyone, come with me and go to the temple to see what Hu Wenming is up to!"

The director gave the order.


All the detectives took orders one after another. .

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