I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 103 Black And White Impermanence Appears, The Victim’S Revenge! (Please Subscribe, Please Cu

In the temple.

The night is already dark.

Inside the Mahavira Hall.

The lights were dim and the smoke was curling up.

Although Hu Wenming was very sleepy, he did not dare to relax at all.


the death notice stated.

Tonight at midnight the judge will come.

It will definitely be a fierce battle by then!

Hu Wenming's heart was beating faster and faster.


Finally, the time has come.

And when he realized that this moment was coming.


I found that the atmosphere in this room was completely different.

The main hall is solemn in appearance.

In my ears, there was a faint sound of Buddha.

Originally, it could give Hu Wenming some comfort.

But what about now?

The situation is completely different!

While Hu Wenming looked around.

He noticed that the Yin Qi around him became stronger and stronger.

It seems that this is no longer the main hall of a Buddhist temple.

It is the entrance to hell!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of footsteps was heard.

The footsteps came slowly, from far to near.


He came to them.

And with the sound of footsteps, Hu Wenming finally saw the face of the visitor!

There were two figures, one black and one white.

They were armed with wail sticks and soul hooks.

Just like the legendary black and white impermanence!

"Black, black and white are impermanent?!"

Hu Wenming exclaimed.


The black and white impermanence opposite him didn't talk nonsense to him.

He headed straight towards them, approaching step by step.

Step by step.

Soon, he came to stand in front of Hu Wenming.

Hu Wenming trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he probed the abbot's neck with the knife in his hand.

At the same time, he said in a gloomy tone: "I, I tell you, don't come over! If you dare to take a step forward, then I will kill him!"

As soon as he finished speaking.

The figure took a few steps back unconsciously.

It seems that he wants to distance himself from the black and white impermanence in front of him.

And at the same time.

He also looked at the monks around him: "What are you guys still doing? Come on, come on! Defeat him and kill him!"

The monks were stunned and didn't know what to do.


When they saw Black and White standing in front of them.

I was also stunned by this scene.

But listening to Hu Wenming's roar, they didn't want to help Hu Wenming.

But Hu Wenming clearly realized something.

I saw a fierce flash in his eyes, and he said viciously: "If you don't take action, then I will kill your abbot!"

After saying that, he even used the calendar point.

I saw a little bit of blood seeping out from the abbot's neck.

At this moment.

The monks really didn't know what to do.

The abbot was threatened in this way, and what they had to face was the legendary black and white impermanence!

This put them in a dilemma instantly!


At this time.

Hei Wuchang on the opposite side gave out a strange smile: "Threat? Is it useful?"


He waved the mourning stick in his hand.

I saw a breath of air coming out instantly!

The monks were swept away by this aura and flew out one after another.

And from their mouths, there were shrill screams!

Bang bang!

After a while, the group of monks were already staggering around.

They all fell to the ground!

And, they all fainted.

Zhou Chen, who transformed into impermanence, did not harm these monks.

He just knocked these people unconscious.

After all, he knew it too.

These monks are not behind this.

They can’t help themselves!

At the same time, Wu Chang slowly approached Hu Wenming.

At this moment.

Hu Wenming still put the knife on the abbot's neck.

But the look on his face clearly showed some fear.

"You, don't come over. If you come over, then I will kill him!"

Hu Wenming threatened.

However, impermanence remains unmoved at all.

"You can try!"

A strange sound sounded.

Hearing this, Hu Wenming's eyes flashed fiercely.

he thinks.

Impermanence's words were simply a huge provocation to him.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and then shouted angrily: "Okay, I'll kill him!"

His eyes turned cold.

But Hu Wenming discovered it.

It was as if his hand was controlled by something.

Can't move at all!

And very quickly.

He found more than just his hands.

But his whole body seemed to be petrified!

At this moment.

It seems that all he can do is wait here quietly for death!


The corners of Hu Wenming's mouth twitched.

He wanted to speak, but when the words reached his lips, no sound came out at all.

Such a scene.

Hu Wenming could only stare.

Next, Bai Wuchang also walked up.

"Hu Wenming, the death notice has arrived, you should just die obediently!"


The soul seducing chain was sent out smoothly.

It seemed like a spiritual snake, piercing Hu Wenming's body in an instant.


In a scream.

Hu Wenming's soul has already been extracted from the body!


Hu Wenming felt like the world was spinning.

When he came back to his senses, he found himself in a gray minister of heaven and earth.

at this place.

There were weird screams everywhere.

It's like someone is being tortured here!

Hu Wenming shivered and had no idea what was going on.

And the next second.

He saw a figure appear.

That's a woman!

A woman covered in blood and mud!

This woman's whole body was even swollen, as if she had been soaked in water for a long time!

She dragged her heavy steps and approached her step by step.

"."Hu Wenming, give me back my life..."

"Hu Wenming, give me back my life..."

The woman spoke.

The voice was hoarse and resentful, as if it came from hell!

The main thing is.

When she opened her mouth, countless mud and sewage spurted out of her mouth!

How disgusting!

And Hu Wenming (Qian Hao) finally recognized the identity of this woman!

It was the female college student he killed more than a month ago.

Guo Wenjing!

Now, why did she appear again?

And it turned into such a terrifying appearance!

"What do you want to do? What do you want to do!"

Hu Wenming was frightened.

He kept asking.

But Guo Wenjing did not answer.

Just step by step, he walked towards Hu Wenming.

Next, several more figures appeared.

Those figures are all women who were killed by Hu Wenming!

Now, they have all turned into a ferocious and terrifying appearance. They surrounded him from all sides and trapped his ministers!

Let him not escape at all!

Finally, their hands reached for Hu Wenming.


In one fell swoop, one of Hu Wenming's arms was ripped off!

Hu Wenming let out a shrill scream.

But unfortunately, he has nowhere to escape!

The women who had been harmed by him now finally took revenge on him!

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