I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 104 Justice Is Carried Out, Hu Wenming Is Put On Trial! (Please Subscribe)


"Someone come and save me!"

Hu Wenming let out a shrill scream.

But it's a pity.

No matter how hard he tried, it was of no use.

Instead, use those dead souls to tear your mouth apart and mine it!

He stuffed Hu Wenming's mouth with countless dirty, rotten flesh and blood!

This made Hu Wenming feel sick!

But now, he has no choice but to endure it silently!

Only the shrill screams echoed in this place for a long time!


Finally judged!

In the temple.

Hu Wenming died very miserably!

He cut the skin all over his body.

His eyes were wide open and his mouth was opened very wide.

It seems like an extremely painful death!

And throughout the temple.

It was completely deathly silent.

Only the dark wind blows.

After a while.

There was a sound of rapid footsteps.

It was the detectives from the Public Security Department who came over!

They received a report and rushed here to rescue the monk.

At the same time, I also want to find out why Hu Wenming is crazy.

Why did you kidnap the monk for no apparent reason!

950 however.

When they arrived at their destination.

From afar, I could smell the smell of blood in the air.

Immediately afterwards.

They just noticed.

There was a large area lying down inside the huge temple.

"not good!"

The director was taken aback.

He quickly rushed into the temple.

The other detectives also followed closely at this time.

Everyone was in a hurry.

After a while, everyone figured out the current situation.

Most of the monks were found to be fine.

They just fainted.

There was only a little blood stain on the abbot's neck.

Apparently, it was a stab wound.

Fortunately it's not serious.

It's just a skin injury!

As for who hurt him, it is actually very easy to understand.

It was Hu Wenming.

Because Hu Wenming also held a knife in one of his hands.

There was a little blood on the knife.

As for the circumstances of Hu Wenming's death, the people in charge of public security also noticed it.

Looking at such a miserable death.

Without a doubt, everyone realized that it was the judge who did it again!

"W-what's wrong with me?"

After a while.

The abbot slowly opened his eyes (bgba).

He looked around and saw Hu Wenming dying in front of his eyes, and was shocked by this scene.

"How did he die?"

The abbot exclaimed.


He saw the people from the Sheriff's Department again.

The eyes were full of confusion and confusion.

"Abbott, come with us!"

The director said in a deep tone.

They knew that this must be the work of the judge.

But according to the rules and procedures, these monks still have to go with him.

at the same time.

The entire temple was also cordoned off.

The abbot still knows the importance.

After all, this incident happened in the temple, and as people in the temple, they are also obliged to cooperate with the investigation.

not to mention.

It was indeed someone from the temple who called the police.

So, the abbot and the caller followed the people from the Public Security Department back.

As for the other people, they all stayed in the temple.

There are people from the Public Security Department here who are responsible for monitoring, which can also prevent them from having other ideas.

In the Sheriff's Department.

The abbot told everything that happened last night.

Including how Hu Wenming kidnapped monks and so on.

This series of information was all told intact and word for word.

And the people of the Sheriff's Department.

I also investigated the surveillance video in the temple and "I found out that the residence is not false!"


Through the mouth of the abbot and surveillance in the temple.

People from the Public Security Department also got a shocking truth!

That is.

The murderer in the recent high-profile murder case is actually Hu Wenming!

Crazy Wang is just the person he dragged out to take the blame!

At first.

It’s not like the people from the Sheriff’s Department didn’t believe it.

After all, in the surveillance room, Hu Wenming told everything about what happened.

But they lack evidence.

The most crucial evidence is missing!

How Hu Wenming created false clues to frame evidence to frame others!

But it didn't take long.

A document bag appeared at the door of the Sheriff's Department.

There is a USB flash drive inside.

In the USB flash drive, there are videos one by one.

They are all the process of Hu Wenming creating false clues!

For the people in the local police department, this clue appeared very suddenly.

They want to find the person who sent the USB drive.

But they checked the surveillance of the Public Security Department and found that the document bag suddenly appeared at the entrance of the Public Security Slaughterhouse.

No matter how they investigate.

No clues could be found at all.

So, I can only give up.

Of course.

Later, they also learned from other colleagues.

This is also the usual method of judges!

After killing a criminal, the judge would place such a document bag at the door of the Sheriff's Department.

It is filled with all kinds of incriminating evidence of the parties involved!

After learning this piece of information, the people from the local public security department were finally relieved.

Since it is a message sent by the judge.

Then they can only accept such information happily!

Collated the evidence.

People from the Public Security Department published all of Hu Wenming's crimes online.


The whole network exploded once again!

Originally, it was because of the murder of Hu Wenming.

Everyone is still talking about it.

Because everyone can probably figure out what kind of person Hu Wenming is by searching on the Internet.

In ostensibly public news.

He is a taxi driver who makes a lot of money.

It seems that it is impossible to be killed by the judge.

But after this series of cases, netizens also know.

The judge will definitely not kill a good person by mistake!

So, people began to speculate.

Could this Hu Wenming have committed something?

But most people can't guess what Hu Wenming committed!

All we can do is wait quietly for the Public Security Bureau to announce the results.

And now?

The Sheriff's Department finally announced the results.

This, of course, once again aroused heated discussion among netizens!

No one expected it.

A driver who seems to be a free man actually has such a dirty, scary and unknown side behind him!

He turned out to be such a thoughtful murderous demon!

"This guy really deserves it!"

"That's right! He deserves to be killed by the Judge!"

"Things that are inferior to animals actually killed so many women! It's really embarrassing for us men!"

"Actually, I feel that the person he framed is pitiful. He was arrested for no reason. I guess his already bad spirit has been hit even harder!"

"Hey, luckily the clouds finally cleared and the sun finally came out!"

"Yes! I hope we can give more and better compensation to the families of the victims!"

Various comments.

Platforms that flood the internet.

Fortunately, such a murderous demon was brought to justice.

Otherwise, I don’t know how many people would be murdered by him!

Netizens applauded the judge for his execution of justice!

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