I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 106 The Transformation From Eugenics To Poor Students! (Please Subscribe)

To know.

Qian Ziqiang’s classmates are also surfing the Internet at the moment.

In addition to my classmates, there are also several friends I met in Internet cafes.

At this moment.

They were all looking in this direction at the door of the Internet cafe.

And, this is still on the street.

There were also some passers-by who stopped to watch!

For a moment.

Qian Ziqiang just felt like he was back in the first grade of junior high school!

The day my father wantonly humiliated and abused me in front of the entire class!

"Your grades weren't very good before, why are they so bad now?"

"You've really wasted all my hard work in raising you! I have a dog that can look after my house. It's such a waste of money to raise you!"

"You are worse than a dog! You might as well die!"

My father was furious.

He slapped the paper hard on Qian Ziqiang's face.

"Mr. Qian, Qian Ziqiang's grades are actually very good. He just lost zero this time. I believe he can definitely restore his previous grades in the next exam!"

The head teacher was advising from the side.

But Qian Haifeng didn't listen at all.

He continued to humiliate Qian Ziqiang wantonly, and then left viciously.

And money strengthens oneself.

From that day on, I felt deeply helpless for the first time!


This feeling came back to me.

He couldn't hold it back any longer, and tears burst out.

"You have been controlling me since I was a child and never gave me a moment to relax. Even when I was in elementary school, other children could go out to play on weekends, but I could only stay in my room reading!"

"They also said that as the only descendant of the Qian family, I must shoulder the responsibility of honoring our ancestors!"

"Let me bear a burden that I shouldn't bear!"

"Junior high school, it was just a test failure, and my dad humiliated me like that! Now it's better, you are doing this again!"

"My grades are not good! Why am I like this? Why don't you find the reason within yourself?"

Qian Ziqiang blushed and felt thick-necked.

He poured out his thoughts.

Ji Wenqin was also stunned by this barrage of words.

She didn't expect that her son would actually say such things!


He didn't wait for his mother to say anything else.

Qian Ziqiang turned around and strode away!

Ji Wenqin was left standing there blankly.

That night.

Qian Ziqiang did not go home.

He spent the night in the bridge cave.

The night wind was so cold that it made him shiver all over.

But he thought.

This is far less harmful than the harm caused to you by your family!

Ji Wenqin returned home.

He told Qian Haifeng about the matter.

After Qian Haifeng heard this, he smoked cigarettes one after another.

Soon, he spoke sharply.

"This little brat has rebelled against him! His wings have become stiff and he dares to yell at you! He is just like this when he is only a teenager. When he grows up, he will not be able to go to heaven!"

After saying that, he slammed the table.

"What can we do?"

"It's also our fault that we have been working outside all year round and neglected to discipline him."

Ji Wenqin sighed.

On the way home, she thought about Qian Ziqiang's words.

I feel like there is some truth in what he said.

"Shit! Don't I need to make money outside? If I don't make money, where will his food, drink, and food come from? Who will support this family!"

"You listen to his nonsense! Do you really think you can talk to us after studying for two days?"

"Then why aren't the daughters of Lao Wang's family in the same village like him? Lao Wang and his wife also work outside all day long, and there is only one daughter and an old lady at home!"

"Why are people so self-conscious? I am ranked first in my grade!"

"Let me tell you, this little brat needs to be dealt with! If this continues, there will be no way to discipline this guy!"

Qian Haifeng also talked eloquently for a while.

Ji Wenqin was silent.

She felt that what her husband said seemed to make sense.

She is just a woman with a low level of education.

I can’t think of a too profound truth!

However, she felt that what her husband said was right.

If you don't care anymore.

I'm just afraid that my son will continue to fall.

Didn't even go home tonight.

She went to the homes of some of Qian Ziqiang's classmates to look for him, but he couldn't be found.

Who knows where he went?

If you frequent places like Internet cafes, you will inevitably come into contact with some gangsters.

Over time.

It may even be illegal!

We can't let him continue like this!

After a moment of silence, she asked her husband: "So, what are you going to do with Lao Qian?"

Qian Haifeng seemed to have already planned it.

"Hmph! A filial son emerges from under a stick. Only strict control can correct his bad temper!"

"I have a workmate, and his son is similar to this kid. A few days ago, he was sent to an institution for treating Internet addiction. I'll ask him tomorrow and send this kid to that institution too!"

He made a decision.

Early the next morning…………

Qian Ziqiang returned home covered in mud.

Although he didn't want to go home, he had no money.

Another night without food.

If you are hungry, you still have to go home.

But as soon as I got home, I was greeted by my father's stinky face.

He didn't talk to his father either.

After eating a few mouthfuls of rice, I picked up my schoolbag and got ready to go to school.

But before he left the house, he was stopped by Qian Haifeng: "Stop!"

"Why? Why don't you let me go to school?"

Qian Ziqiang asked back.

"You didn't even look at what time it was? It's already past nine o'clock now, and you're still trying to fool me!"

"And I went to your school early in the morning to apply for withdrawal. From today on, you don't have to go to that school!"

Qian Haifeng answered.


Qian Ziqiang couldn't understand.

Father, what does this mean?

"I'll change your school to a military-style school! It can also relieve your Internet addiction!"

Qian Haifeng took out a cigarette and lit it.

Qian Ziqiang said nothing.

When he heard that he could quit Internet addiction, he immediately felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

Because he also saw it online.

Some Internet addiction treatment institutions may use violent addiction treatment measures such as electric shock and corporal punishment.

Is his father going to send him there?

Thinking of this, a chill came out of my heart.

It made him feel an unreasonable resistance emerging in his heart!

"I dont go!"

Qian Ziqiang roared.

"If you don't want to go, you have to go!"

Qian Haifeng stood up at 4.2.

Next, it is useless to resist even if it is money.

Qian Haifeng had already contacted people.

Several burly men rushed in from outside and tied up Qian Ziqiang with three strokes.

At the same time, he was packed into a van.

No matter how loud Qian Ziqiang is, it will be of no use!

The car starts.

Riding away in a jiffy.

After running all the way, we finally came to a very remote place.

This is a remote town.

There are only a few scattered households in total.

The innermost part of the town is a small valley-like place.

In the valley, there is a building surrounded by high walls.

Several large characters were written in scarlet paint on the high wall.

Lao Yang Training Center!


In Qian Ziqiang's eyes.

This place doesn't feel like a training center.

It's like a prison instead!

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