I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 107 Notorious, Yang Xin Appears! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

That's right.

The feeling of money self-improvement is correct.

This so-called training institution is actually similar to a prison.

He was first taken to an office.

Here, he saw the person in charge of the training institution.

Yang Xin.

A stout middle-aged man in his forties, slightly bald.

When his parents saw Yang Xin, they immediately felt like they saw a life-saving straw.

They said nothing.

He held Yang Xin's hand tightly.

Especially the mother, who was even more excited and incoherent at this time: "Professor Yang, please, please, please find a way to save my son!"

"Parent, please rest assured. When your child is sent to me, he will definitely change his previous rebelliousness and Internet addiction and become a well-behaved and obedient child!"

Yang Xin's eyes were filled with a ferocious smile.

It looks really weird!


Ji Wenqin was still a little doubtful.

16 But before Yang Xin could speak, the husband on the side spoke first: "How can this be false? Who is Professor Yang!"

Seeing that her husband was so sure, Ji Wenqin also believed it.

But she was still a little uneasy.

Don't know why.

And what about Qian Ziqiang?

After he saw Yang Xin.

There was also a kind of fear in my heart!

His guess was correct!

Parents really sent themselves to those "Internet addiction centers" that mainly used electric shocks and punishment.

Because he mentioned Yang Xin's name.

Yang Xin is also notorious online!

at this point.

A stronger rebellious mentality was aroused in Qian Ziqiang's heart!

"I don't want to stay here!"

"I want to leave, I want to leave the village!"

His legs kicked wildly.

He accidentally kicked one of the big men in the crotch.

The big man was accidentally kicked by Qian Ziqiang, causing him to grimace in pain.

Yang Xin on the side also frowned tightly when he saw this.


Qian Haifeng slapped Qian Ziqiang hard.

At the same time, he said angrily: "You little bastard, how dare you resist? Kick you! I tell you, you just stay here. When will you quit your Internet addiction, when will you leave!"

Ji Wenqin looked at Yang Xin with a worried look: "Professor Yang, this...

Yang Xin's eyebrows froze.

While watching this scene, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Then, he pretended to be regretful and said: "Hey, his Internet addiction symptoms are already very serious, and they must be corrected in time. Otherwise, it is likely to be even more serious in the future!"

"Then do you have any way to cure it?"

Ji Wenqin asked again.

"Don't worry, there is no Internet addiction that cannot be broken here!"

Yang Xin answered very simply.

"Okay, Professor Yang. My son, I'll leave it to you!"

Qian Haifeng also seemed a little relieved.

"Well, no problem!"

Yang Xin nodded.

After taking care of some more things, Qian Haifeng and Ji Wenqin turned around and left.

Seeing his parents walking away, Qian Ziqiang kept shouting: "I want to leave here, I don't want to stay here!"

"Did you hear that? Don't leave!"

"Dad, Mom! I will never go online again!"

"help me!"

Perhaps he realizes that he will eventually fall into endless darkness.

Qian Ziqiang still called out those two long-lost titles.


My parents didn't look back.


Or completely disappeared from Qian Ziqiang’s sight!

At this time, Qian Ziqiang was still screaming.

Immediately afterwards.

Yang Xin walked up.

And there was a cold look in his eyes.

When he looked at Yang Xin, Qian Ziqiang swallowed the words he spoke.


He felt a strange aura from Yang Xin.

That kind of aura turned into endless fear.

All of a sudden, Qian Ziqiang’s heart came to his mind!

Qian Ziqiang's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but feel a chill coming over him.

"You keep shouting, you keep shouting!"

"Weren't you still eloquent just now? What's wrong now? Why don't you continue shouting!"

Yang Xin walked up with a sneer.

Qian Ziqiang only felt that he was facing a devil at this moment!

A complete devil!

He swallowed and felt a chill in his heart.

Then, he said with a slight trembling: "You, don't come over. I tell you, if you come over, I won't be polite to you!"

Qian Ziqiang clenched his fists.

When Yang Xin saw this, he smiled even more.

"You still want to be rude to me? Then why do you want to be rude to me!"

"Your parents raised you with the hope that your children would become successful, but you actually failed to live up to your parents' expectations! It's simply treasonous!"

"So, I must correct your wrong behavior and thoughts!"

Yang Xin's expression became more ferocious.

It seemed to Qian Ziqiang that he was becoming more and more frightened.


He couldn't hold it in any longer.

A surge of anger surged out of his heart, and he directly swung his fist and hit the opponent hard!


Yang Xin was caught off guard.

He was punched in the face by Qian Ziqiang!

Gritting in pain!

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