I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 118 The Death Notice Was Sent Out, Zou Mingwei Panicked! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize

That person's name is Xu Jin.

Seeing the captain suddenly coming to him, he couldn't help but tremble suddenly.

"No, it's nothing!"

He did not dare to speak out about his findings.

Because in that case, you will definitely suffer!

Xu Jin had no doubt that the captain would also kill him to silence him!

So, this made him tremble.

An ominous feeling emerged from the bottom of my heart.

As for Zou Mingwei, he looked at Xu Jin meaningfully.

Then, he asked with a gloomy look: "Is that so?"

Xu Jin trembled all over.

Obviously, he was taken aback by the captain.

But he still nodded and replied: "Yes, I..."

"Captain, you know, I have a very good relationship with Shi Chenglei. After his death, I felt very sad and unbelievable...

Speaking of this, Xu Jin's voice gradually became quieter.

Looking at his appearance, Zou Mingwei beside him also sighed: "Yeah, I forgot, you and him are the best friends!"

"Hey, yes!"

"So of course I'm devastated."

Xu Jin added another sentence.

Zou Mingwei and him looked at each other.

There was a gloomy look in his eyes.

Although he didn't speak.

But from the look in his eyes, Xu Jin trembled all over.

He didn't dare to look at Zou Mingwei!


Zou Mingwei did not continue to embarrass Xu Jin.

Just patting him on the shoulder, Zou Mingwei turned around and left the place.

But the next day.

Xu Jin is also dead!

Two people died in a row, and the entire fishing team felt very depressed.

Especially the captain Zou Mingwei.

In the eyes of the crew, he seemed to have become decadent!

But no one knows.

All of this was actually done by Zou Mingwei.

In the ward.

Zhou Chen looked at these scenes.

He snorted coldly, he didn't expect the other party to be so mean!

Killing, spying.

This Zou Mingwei has committed many crimes!

It seems that I need to harvest his life!

Think of this.

A death notice was sent out on Zhou Chen!


Zou Mingwei was hugging him from left to right.

The two girls drank a lot of wine, which put him in a good mood!

Especially for your own intelligence.

I admire you even more!

If those two guys are not killed, they will expose themselves.

At that time, how can Zi Mingwei continue to be happy in Xiaoxi?

The other party was very satisfied with this transaction.

Therefore, Zou Mingwei was given a large amount of money.

After Zou Mingwei decided to be free and unrestrained, he hurriedly fled abroad!

after all.

There is no airtight wall in the world.

If you continue to stay in the country, you may eventually be exposed.

Escape quickly, only then can you get rid of the frightening situation forever.

Moreover, with so much money in hand.

He has complete confidence.

You can live a good life after going abroad!

Thought of this.

Zou Mingwei couldn't help but laugh.

But suddenly.

He felt a chill in his heart.

It's like something is about to happen!

This made Zou Mingwei seem to have sobered up a bit.

He found that there was a new message on his phone.

Zou Mingwei opened it and took a look.

Five shocking characters came into view!

Death notice!

Instantly, he shuddered all over.

Of course Zou Mingwei knows what a death notice is!

Therefore, I was immediately frightened.

"Boss Zou, why don't you have another drink...!"

The girl beside him didn't notice anything unusual about Zi Mingwei.

At this time, she even came close to him.

Wanted him to have another glass of wine.

But Zou Mingwei pushed the girl aside with a fierce push.

At the same time, he hurriedly ran outside the house.

For Zou Mingwei, this was really full of incomparable terror!

The girls behind him were confused.

I don’t know what happened to Zou Mingwei!

"what happened?"

"The death notice actually arrived!"

"This is incredible!"

Zou Mingwei felt his heart tremble.

Of course he knew what a death notice was.

I also know why I received the death notice!

But he never thought why he would receive the death notice so quickly.

This made Zou Mingwei extremely worried!

He can't die!

He must live!

I finally risked my life and made a lot of money!

I haven't been able to enjoy it yet.

How could he die like this?

Zou Mingwei is unwilling to give in!

After he left the nightclub (De Zhao Zhao), he hurried back to his residence.

That is, in a rented house by the beach.

The crew also lives here.

They were very surprised when they saw Zou Mingwei running back in a hurry.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"You're so anxious, what's going on?"

But Zou Mingwei ignored them.

He rushed into his room, packed up some things, and ran out quickly.

Let the crew behind you feel baffled!

I have no idea what he is going to do!

At this time, Zou Mingwei couldn't wait any longer.

He wants to get out of here quickly!


Go abroad!

Those people said before that they could take him out for publication.

Contact them now!

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