I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 119 Escape! Zou Mingwei Panics And Doesn’T Choose A Way Out (Please Subscribe, Please Custom

Taking out his cell phone, he quickly dialed the number.


Soon, a male voice came from inside.

"The money has already been sent to you, why are you still bothering us?"

The other party's Long Guoyu was very jerky.

But Zou Mingwei could still understand it.

"Didn't you say before that you could take me out of the Dragon Kingdom? Please, can you take me out of the Dragon Kingdom now!"

"I want to leave now, I don't want to stay any longer!"

Zou Mingwei spoke hurriedly.

"We agreed before that we will pick you up in three days."

the other party replied.

"No, I don't want three days later! I want to go with you immediately, now!"

Zou Mingwei was impatient.


"It just so happens that we have to transport a batch of things tonight, you can come with us!"

The other party replied.

Later, 943 he told Zou Mingwei an address.

After Zou Mingwei heard this, of course he thanked him profusely.

However, of course, the other party will not let him enjoy the sweetness in vain.

Since you are leaving early, the price is definitely not the same.

The other party demands.

The price will be increased by 20%!

This business allowed him to accumulate millions of assets.

Even if the price has increased a bit, it is still not a lot of money to him.

It is precisely because of this.

Zou Mingwei readily agreed.


He didn't stop at all.

Since he had agreed on a place with the other party, Zou Mingwei of course headed towards the destination without stopping.

Because the other party didn't intend to give him too long at all.

He must reach his destination within half an hour.

Zou Mingwei ran all the way.

I have too much luggage, which is simply a burden.

He simply left his luggage behind!

I’ll buy it again when I go abroad!

Finally, he arrived at the last minute!

When Zou Mingwei finally arrived at his destination, the other party was already preparing to leave.

"Wait for me, I'm coming!"

Zou Mingwei was out of breath.

The ship slowly stopped.

Zou Mingwei saw the light of hope!

He quickly got on the boat and let out a long breath.

At this time, the ship set sail again.

Looking at the receding coastline, Zou Mingwei's heart, which had been hanging on, finally relaxed completely.

he knows.

This means you are out of trouble!


All he had to do was sit quietly on the boat and leave this place.

Never come back!

He glanced at the time.

Zou Mingwei noticed.

It was getting closer and closer to midnight.

However, he has already left the Dragon Kingdom.

No matter how powerful the judge is, there is definitely no way he can deal with himself!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh.

As for the people around him, they all looked at him with strange expressions at this time.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you want to leave Dragon Kingdom quickly?"

The other person seemed confused.

"I, I (bgcd) received the death notice!"

Zou Mingwei answered tremblingly.

The other party frowned slightly.

This person is not from the Dragon Kingdom, but from the Sakura Kingdom not far from the Dragon Kingdom.

But because he often interacted with people from the Dragon Kingdom, he also heard about the death notice.

Knowing what a terrifying existence this thing is!

It is precisely because of this.

After hearing this, he couldn't help but frown.

"So, I need to leave the Dragon Kingdom immediately. Only by leaving the Dragon Kingdom will the judge be unable to kill me!"

Zou Mingwei said with certainty.


But after hearing Zou Mingwei's words, the man raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that Mingwei's words were met with different opinions.

He paused, and then continued: "Then how can you be sure that you will be safe after leaving the Dragon Kingdom?"

As soon as these words came out, Zou Mingwei trembled all over.


Why are you so sure?

As long as we leave the Dragon Kingdom, everything will be safe?

Wouldn’t the other party pursue you and leave the Dragon Kingdom?

As soon as he finished speaking, Zou Mingwei discovered a problem keenly.

That means the surrounding environment seems to have changed!

Everything has become so weird!

On the sea, gusts of dark wind appeared for no apparent reason.

As the waves swept across, Zou Mingwei couldn't help but shiver.

He quickly looked around.

I just feel that this sea area seems to have changed.

It made his heart tremble suddenly.

A bad feeling emerged!

Could it be said that the judge really chased me?

Zou Mingwei's face turned pale!

Seeing his reaction, the man also showed a contemptuous sneer on his face: "I was just joking with you, but you were actually scared like this? How ridiculous!"

"No, it's not!"

But Zou Mingwei shook his head.

He glanced around again, and then said in a trembling tone: "Didn't you notice something strange?"

"What's weird?"

the man asked rhetorically.

"It's just that the yin energy around me seems to have become a lot stronger!"

Zou Mingwei answered.

But the man looked around and found nothing unusual. .

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