I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 120 Impermanence Demands Life, There Is No Point In Escaping The Country! (Please Subscribe,

"You are thinking too much!"

"As you said, you have already left the Dragon Kingdom. Can the judge really catch up to you?"

the man asked.

As for the so-called judge, he has also seen it on the Internet in Longguo.

Some people on the Internet say that he is a highly intelligent killer, while others say that he is a person with supernatural powers.

There are even more speculations.

He is a legendary ghost!

But for men, no matter what the other person’s true identity is, it is impossible to chase him to the sea!

After all, they were now on the high seas.

Can the ghosts and gods of the Dragon Kingdom still cross national boundaries to punish others?


He is not as timid as Zou Mingwei.

At this moment, he didn't take Zou Mingwei's words to heart at all.

But the next moment.

He seemed to realize something was wrong.

Because the yin energy around him has indeed become very strong.

And these yin energy are getting stronger and stronger.

After a while, they were all surrounded.


Their ship slowed down.

In the end, it stopped directly.

This made the man very dissatisfied: "What's going on? Why don't you move on!"

After hearing this, the man driving the boat immediately said eagerly: "Boss, we, we don't know what's going on? There's something wrong with the engine suddenly!"

"Damn it!"

The man also cursed.

He felt that the people under his command were really useless!

Next, let’s do it yourself.

He thought of this.

He was about to run to the wheelhouse of the ship.

But when he just arrived at the cab, he noticed a problem.

Because, the man saw not far away.

A figure appeared!

A figure that looks extremely strange!

The man was startled: "Who?"

This sudden shout startled even Mingwei.

He looked in the direction of the sound.

But just one glance left Zou Mingwei stunned.

Because he saw it.

What appeared in front of him at this time was a man with a bull's head, wearing armor, and holding a weapon!



I have no idea if this guy is even human!

Because with the appearance of this guy, some more terrifying figures also appeared around him!

For example, a person wearing white clothes and a tall hat.

A man with a horse's head and a weapon!


Aren’t these the legendary bull heads and horse faces, black and white and impermanence!

How come they are here?!

Is this the judge?

Could it be that the judge is a ghost from the underworld?

Countless questions appeared in Zou Mingwei's mind.

This shocked Zou Mingwei.

He couldn't think of a reason at all and could only stare at everything in front of him blankly.

Including other people around you.

At this moment, I was completely shocked.

Most of the people on this ship are from the Sakura Country next door.

But in fact, they all roughly know some of the traditional culture of the Dragon Kingdom.

Therefore, I have also heard of things such as bull heads and horse faces, black and white, and impermanence.

When these legendary ghosts appeared, everyone was naturally frightened!

In fact, some people don't have much fear at first.

Because they don’t really think that things like bull heads and horse faces, black and white, and impermanence really exist in the world.

But it didn't take long.

They are still aware of the problems involved.

So when did these guys get on the ship?............

In the eyes of others.

They seemed to appear on the ship completely out of the blue!

This is really incredible!

If that's really the case.

Are these really the legendary ghosts?

A chill swept over me instantly!

"What's going on? Boss, what on earth is going on!"

Someone exclaimed.

And the leading man didn't say anything after hearing this.

But his face became very ugly.

He glanced around, and then said to everyone in a sinister voice: "Pretend to be a ghost! Come with me and kill these guys!"

The man yelled at the top of his lungs.

However, his men.

At this time, he has no intention of taking action!

Because whether it is a bull-headed horse-faced or black and white impermanence, the aura exuding from the body is extremely terrifying!

Suppress them all alive!

Make it impossible for them to resist!

And Zou Mingwei was obviously frightened.

He glanced at the time.

The time has come!

Is this the judgment of the judge?

It’s too scary!

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly became cold.

A terrible thought emerged!

"Zou Mingwei, the time has come, come and accept your orders quickly!"

A spooky and eerie sound sounded.

At the same time, Ma Mian took the lead in waving the long knife in his hand and rushed towards Zou Mingwei.


A fierce wind sounded.

In an instant, Zou Mingwei was heartbroken!

As for the leader man.

At this moment, a roar also broke out.

"Little kids, what are you doing standing still? Come on, come on together! Kill this guy to death!"

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