I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 121 There Is Nowhere To Escape, The Villains All Go To The Underworld! (Please Subscribe, Pl

He didn't want to protect Zou Mingwei's safety.

It's just that because of his understanding of the judge, he knows that when this guy appears, he will often kill more than one person.

Some are even people outside of the death notice.

As long as you commit a crime, you will be punished!

Such as himself.

This is such a person!

It is precisely because of this that men would let their men attack each other!

No matter if he is a ghost or not!

My own men swarmed over to kill him, but I didn’t believe that I couldn’t kill this guy!

Think of this.

He roared again: "Come with me!"

This time, his men finally woke up from a dream.

Since the "087" boss gave him orders.

Then of course they can't disobey the boss's wishes.

One by one, they roared, waved their weapons, and rushed towards the bull's head.

But it's a pity.

These people are no match for Niutou!

The machete in the bull head's hand swung.

Just one move is like chopping melons and vegetables.

The lives of these people were completely harvested in an instant!



There were screams one after another.

Amidst such sounds, countless strong bloody auras swept across!

Just a few seconds.

Everyone fell to the ground.

And this time.

There were only two people left standing in the audience.

Zou Mingwei and that leader man!

Their eyes were wide open, looking at everything in front of them.

Without exception.

They were shocked.

Although there are not many people on this boat, there are still dozens of them. And every one of them is a master of karate!

Even if we lose, we can at least hold on for a while, right?

But why was he wiped out so quickly?

Not even the ability to resist at all!

And after killing these people.

A strange sneer came from Bai Wuchang's mouth.

"Ichiro Haruyama, a spy from the Sakura Kingdom. He has been sneaking into the Dragon Kingdom for a long time, bribed people to steal the secrets of the Dragon Kingdom, and has caused a lot of murderous crimes. His crimes should be punished, and he must be punished!"

as expected!

Although this man did not submit a death notice.

But because he is also a villain, Zhou Chen will certainly not let him go!

As soon as the words fell.

Next, the horse roared angrily.

Also at this time.

Waving the sharp blade in his hand, he charged towards Haruyama Ichiro!

At this moment.

Haruyama Ichiro felt a deep chill emerge from his heart.

He knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to resist!

Because the breath of death has enveloped his whole body!

Suddenly, his heart trembled.

But he still wants to escape!

He doesn't want to die here like this!

Therefore, he couldn't help but worry.

Then he said fiercely: "I don't believe it anymore. I still can't deal with you?"

As he spoke, he pulled out a gun.

Aim in the direction of the bull's head and horse's face and pull the trigger directly!

Da da da!

The tongue of fire was hesitant.

In such a dark night, it seems very obvious.


What he was holding was a machine gun bought on the black market.

It is impossible for ordinary people to bear it!

No matter who he is, he will definitely be beaten to a pulp under such intensive firepower!

He wanted to see who was more powerful, his own gun, or this bullshit judge.

Bang bang bang!

However, in his indiscriminate bombing.

But the Bull-Head-Horse-Mian has no intention of being defeated by him!

Instead, they are still approaching step by step, and every step is sonorous and powerful!

Those bullets hit him…………

Being completely ejected!


Both Minotaur and Horsemen were standing in front of Haruyama Ichiro.

That burly and huge ghost is almost like a giant!

It brought an extremely terrifying sense of oppression to Haruyama Ichiro!


The bull-headed and horse-faced people shouted in unison.

At the same time, a huge offensive came, slashing hard!


Blood splatters!

Haruyama Ichiro was killed instantly!

Died in front of them.

And now, Zou Mingwei is the only one left in the field!

Zou Mingwei was already frightened out of his wits!

His mind went blank, and he could only stare blankly at the terrifying ghost approaching him.

And, slowly raised the sharp blade in his hand.

Immediately afterwards.

A fierce blow hit Zou Mingwei directly on the body!

Severe pain came!

It seemed like it was going to tear Zou Mingwei's body apart!

And before he could scream, he felt his body suddenly empty.

The next second.

He actually appeared in a very strange place!

Zou Mingwei looked around.

I just felt that the surroundings were simply filled with chaos.

Everywhere is extremely desolate, almost like a purgatory!

And the next moment.

He saw fierce ghosts with ferocious faces, lunging towards him with their teeth and claws.

Those ghosts look really scary.

In an instant, they gathered around.

Let Zou Mingwei have nowhere to escape!

"Zou Mingwei, your crime is unforgivable! Get into the frying pan and be tortured!"

One of the fierce ghosts roared angrily.

Immediately afterwards, he pushed hard and pushed Zou Mingwei into a huge oil pan.

Suddenly, Zou Mingwei was in great pain.

The heartbreaking pain made him grin in pain.

And those fierce ghosts all laughed wildly!

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