I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 122 Wei Zheng Template Unlocked! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)


"Someone come and save me!"

Inside the oil pan, Zou Mingwei let out a shrill scream.

But it's a pity.

His screams were not heard at all.

This is punishment for Zou Mingwei!

He will be tortured here forever!

the next day.

A fishing boat is sailing on the sea.

Suddenly, they saw a ship approaching.

At first no one found any problems.

But soon, they noticed that the ship seemed to be heading towards them!

That ship doesn't have any turning capabilities at all!

Although they escaped.

But now, the ship is still for sale.

And very quickly.

They were about to hit a rock.

This shocked them.

They turned around quickly, and at the same time, they shouted at the ship: "Hey, what are you doing? We are about to collide, we are about to collide!"

However, the boat had no intention of stopping. 16Next.

Only a loud bang was heard.

The ship really hit the rocks!

The thick smoke billowing shocked everyone on the fishing boat.

They quickly sailed the boat over.

I saw that the ship was full of corpses!

There are dozens of them!

It looks really shocking!

The Sheriff's Department was called to the scene.

They rushed to the scene.

There is no doubt that I was shocked by this scene.

And they know it.

This must have been done by the judge again!

They have actually become accustomed to what the judges do!

Seal the scene.

The folks at the Sheriff's Department know their way around.

They investigated.

After investigation, people from the Public Security Department found out.

The one who was killed this time seemed to be a very ordinary fishing captain.

This person does not have any black history, and has never even been detained.

Could it be said that the judge killed the wrong person this time?


The news was also posted online.

Netizens believe that it is impossible for those who impose harsh sentences to kill the wrong person!

This fishing captain must have committed something, so he suffered the murderous karma from the judge!

Otherwise, he will not be punished by the judge!


The Sheriff's Department thinks so too.

When they realized this, they started investigating Mingwei without hesitation.

About Zou Mingwei.

Zhou Chen did not intend to provide much information to the Public Security Department.

Because what Zou Mingwei committed was actually very easy to investigate!

He just needs to pay attention silently from behind.

In fact, it was exactly what Zhou Chen had guessed.

The Sheriff's Department is investigating.

Soon, it was discovered that Zou Mingwei's capital flow was abnormal.

After investigation, they realized that this Zou Mingwei was not a simple person.

This person actually hunted and protected animals behind his back.

Moreover, it was also alleged that people outside the country were colluding.

Because there was evidence and records of their transactions on that ship.

So, it’s not too much trouble to find out the truth!

For the people in the Public Security Department, they could finally breathe a sigh of relief after finding out this information.

After the information was published online, netizens became excited again.

"Let me tell you, it's impossible for a judge to kill the wrong person!"

"That's right! This guy looks like an ordinary fisherman, but he's actually a traitor! Damn it!"

"This kind of person should apologize to those compatriots who died in those years!"

"Deserved it!"

"That's right! However, this is quite surprising. I didn't expect that the judge would actually punish traitors!"

"That's of course! After all, the judge himself is from our Dragon Kingdom!"

"Who knows whether he is a human or a ghost? I think the judge's ability is so powerful, he must be a legendary ghost!"

"Even if they are ghosts and gods, they are still the ghosts and gods of our Dragon Kingdom!"

When the truth came out, netizens were excited.

As for the Sheriff's Department.

Realizing that the circumstances of this case were not trivial, of course a deeper investigation was conducted.

More details.

In fact, it involves confidential matters.

Therefore, it is inconvenient to make it public.

But netizens don’t care about those secrets either.

What they are concerned about is the death of Zou Mingwei!

Such people die.

Of course netizens are very happy!

And inside the hospital 283.

Zhou Chen completed his mission.

I also received reward information from the system.

"Congratulations to the host for killing Zou Mingwei and completing the mission!"

"Get a reward, 50,000 merit points!'

Fifty thousand merit points!

The rewards are decent though.

But for Zhou Chen, this is not particularly important.


He has now completed five missions.

What Zhou Chen values ​​more is actually unlocking the Wei Zheng template!

That's right.

Now he has fulfilled the conditions.

Wei Zheng template can be unlocked!


He had a thought in his mind.

Soon, the system light flashed.

Wei Zheng template appears!

In this way, his strength becomes stronger!

Zhou Chen felt very happy.

As for the fifty thousand merit points, he does not plan to use them directly at the moment.

But think about saving it.

Wait until there is an emergency later!

After all, he is now quite powerful.

With these things, it is enough to deal with most enemies!

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