I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 123 Enemies From Sakura Country (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

A coastal town.

In an inconspicuous room.

Several people gathered together.

And their faces were extremely solemn.

"I didn't expect that Lord Chunshan would die in the hands of people from the Dragon Kingdom!"

A man said in Sakura language.

The man was tall and thin, surrounded by others.

It seems that he is their leader.

As for the other people, they were all filled with indignation.

As the leader's words fell, someone spoke seriously.

"That's right! The most important thing is that Chun Shanjun's espionage mission was actually discovered by the Dragon Kingdom, and all his arrangements on this line were discovered! Several years of hard work were completely scrapped ["

There was a deep helplessness in his words.

"I didn't expect that such a senior figure as Mr. Chunshan would fall into the Dragon Kingdom. It seems that my previous suggestion was correct, that is, Mr. Chunshan should not be allowed to take on such an important task!"

Another person spoke.

But his words caused dissatisfaction among many people.

"Chunshan-kun himself has strong business capabilities. There is nothing wrong with him taking on this important task."

"That's right! At that time, besides him, there was no better candidate!"

"Everyone is already dead, so what's the use of talking about it now?"

Their words to each other made that person unable to resist.

Let the other person be speechless for a moment.

Apparently he had nothing to say!


At the critical moment, the leader spoke.

He shouted loudly, making the atmosphere in the room calm again.

And everyone's eyes were also turned to the leader at this moment.

They all shut up.

He looked at the leader quietly, waiting for the leader's next instructions.

And at this moment.

There was also an unusual edge in the leader's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, I saw him continue to say: "If you ask me, I don't blame Chunshan Jun for this matter. After all, Chunshan Jun died in the hands of the judge. I still know BIZ about this person's strength!"


The other people looked at each other for a moment.

Unlike their leader, they have not been in the Dragon Kingdom for a long time.

Therefore, some situations in the Dragon Kingdom are not clear.

That's why.

After hearing what the leader said about the judge, they certainly showed confusion on their faces.

However, these people are not fools.

They quickly searched online for information about the Inquisitors.

After reading it.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment.

Then, only one person was heard speaking: "Master Chief, I think this judge is actually nothing to be afraid of.

The leader frowned slightly: "Oh?"

The man replied: "I think this so-called judge should be a group of people. They specialize in creating similar things in the Dragon Kingdom, so as to keep a certain type of people in panic. So, if we can find out these people , we can completely solve our troubles in the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Well, that makes sense!"

“There have also been some so-called groups in our country that punish evil and promote good, and they kill some so-called evil people through highly intelligent criminal methods.

"But in the end, without exception, they were all caught."

"I think we can use the same method to discover this person and eliminate him!"

People around him also expressed their opinions at this time.

While the leader was listening to his companions speak, he just remained silent.

Moreover, he frowned.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

After everyone calmed down, he said: "Okay. We can use our connections in the Dragon Kingdom to recruit some desperadoes. By the way, we can take this opportunity to eliminate some troubles in the Dragon Kingdom!"

At this point, his voice gradually became quieter.

at the same time.

There was also a sly look in his eyes.

"Well, let's do it now!"

The men nodded quickly.

"Not urgent!"

But the leader stopped them: "For this matter, we can divide our forces into two groups. One group will take direct action, while the other group will go to the dark web to collect information about the Judge!

Everyone was stunned.

The leader added: "There is a saying in the Dragon Kingdom, which is that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will be victorious in any battle. Since we are going to deal with the judge, of course it is best to collect as much information about him as possible!"


Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

Soon, he took the order and retreated.

Sea market. (Li Hao) A luxurious villa located in the suburbs.

A girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, carrying a schoolbag, waved in the direction of the house: "Mom, Dad, I'm going to school, goodbye!"

"Xiaoyun, I'm so sorry. Mom and dad are really busy and can't accompany you to the school report!"

Not far away.

A middle-aged couple stood there.

Looking at the girl, they said apologetically.

"It's okay, I'm already that old. Besides, Uncle Fu is with me!"

The girl had a smile on her face.

"Yes, I'm here. Master and madam, please don't worry!"

An old man in his fifties got out of the car parked next to him.

The old man nodded slightly, looking very respectful. .

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