I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 126 A Home You Can Never Go Back To (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Bang bang!

Immediately afterwards, there were several more gunshots.

Several other tires of Xu Degui's car were also shot one after another!

He couldn't control it anymore.

The car hit a boulder on the side of the road and finally stopped.

And Xu Degui also hit his head on the windshield, and his head and face were covered with blood!

"Yo ho!"

"Stop! Brothers, come on together!"


The gang of road bandits followed.

Although his head was broken and bloody, Xu Degui did not get over it.

He endured the pain.

The wound was simply bandaged with clothes.

Then, pull out the machete from under the seat cushion.

Just as he was about to push the door open, he found that the door had been forcibly broken open by the other party.

Immediately afterwards.

A person rushed in directly from outside.

He grabbed Xu Degui's clothes and dragged him out of the car.

He threw it to the ground, pointed a gun at Xu Degui's head and said: "If you want to survive, hand over the money quickly!"

Xu Degui was beaten to pieces by them.

But now, he has no intention of handing over the money.

That is your own wealth and life!

I finally earned it back by myself!

How could it be handed over to these people?

So, he is just indifferent now.

When the road bandits over there saw Xu Degui's appearance, they also guessed what he was thinking.

So he smiled coldly: "Aren't you going to pay? In that case, let's pay with our lives!"

Of course Xu Degui was not willing to trade his life.

At home, his pregnant wife is still waiting for him to return from this trip!

Think of this.

Xu Degui suddenly gritted his teeth!

He forced himself up and waved the machete in his hand!


Spraying blood!

The gun-holding hand of the road bandit was cut off by him!

Xu Degui himself was a worker and was very strong. Coupled with the emergence of the instinct to survive, he unleashed his incomparable potential!


The road bandit screamed.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Degui stabbed him again.

Directly pierced the chest of the road bandit!

Caught off guard, killed on the road!

The roadie swayed and fell straight down!

The other road bandits were stunned!

Even if they are road bandits, they are used to killing people. But I never expected that the targeted prey could actually kill its own companions!

This is the first time!

For a time, everyone was confused.

I don’t even know what to do!

Xu Degui’s murderous intention is strong!

Seeing that the road bandits were all stunned, Xu Degui picked up the knife in his hand and prepared to kill the second person!

Bang bang!

But at this moment, several gunshots broke out.

It’s a person from far away!

The man had cold eyes and held a pistol.

Several shots were fired in succession, hitting Xu Degui in the chest.

Instantly, gurgling blood flowed out.


Xu Degui opened his mouth.

As a result, I still couldn't vomit a word.

He had already died in front of the road bandits.

The person who came was none other than Yang Yufu.

There is a follower beside him.

It was Zhang Zekun.

"Are you guys really useless? One or two of you just stood there stupidly and were killed by him!"

"Are the guns in your hands just toys?"

Yang Yufu looked fierce.

Sharp words, then everyone!

The road bandits lowered their heads and stopped talking.

As for Yang Yufu, he didn't say much at this time.

He waved his hand directly: "Deal with this man and take away all the valuable things in his car!"


The road bandits responded.

Afterwards, everyone took action……

In that era, neither criminal investigation technology nor road surveillance equipment was perfect.

Especially in the less visited parts of the west.

After a roadie bully kills someone, he just needs to throw it into the Gobi Desert and it will be difficult for anyone to find him.

It won't be long before it is buried by yellow sand.

Xu Degui also ended up like this!

And his car was also disposed of.

The road bandits, who were returning home with their laden loads, walked away singing songs and shouting.

They had a great harvest tonight.

I plan to celebrate and wait for the next passing driver!

A small town in the east.

An ordinary large courtyard.

Zheng Wenqi, who has a big belly, is struggling to get water.

"Wenqi, how can you do this kind of work when you're pregnant? Let your old man Xu come to Qianbei!"

A woman came in with a loud voice.

Zheng Wenqi hammered her waist, wiped the sweat from her forehead and said: "Sister Chunhua, look at what you said. My old Xu has not come back from driving a sports car outside. I am the only one in this house. Who else will do it if I don't do it?" ?”

"Haozi, Haozi, come out!"

The woman smiled and shouted into the back room. 3.9

Soon, a man ran out.

The man was smiling all over his face: "Daughter-in-law, what do you want from me?"

The woman pointed at the bucket in Zheng Wenqi's hand: "It's not convenient for Wenqi to be alone, so you can do all the dirty work from now on!"

"Sister Chunhua, how can this be possible!"

Zheng Wenqi waved her hands repeatedly.

"We are all neighbors, why are you being so polite!"

"My Haozi has no other abilities, but he has this strength. From now on, just ask him for such big and small jobs!"

Women clapped their hands.

"That, thank you very much!"

Zheng Wenqi smiled lightly.

It's just her at this time.

Suddenly, I felt an uneasy feeling in my heart!

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