I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 127 A Promise That Cannot Be Fulfilled! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

She always felt that something might be happening.

Even, it is something bad.

Could it be that Xu Degui encountered an accident outside?


Will not!

Living in this era, of course she knew that it was still very dangerous outside.

Road thugs are everywhere.

But she didn't believe that Xu Degui would meet those people.

In other words, I don’t want to believe it!

This night.

She tossed and turned without falling asleep.

She hopes Xu Degui can return safely!

But she had no way to prove it!

In this era, even telephones are not that popular.

Not to mention cell phones.

The only thing she could do was to silently pray to the Buddha for blessing.

the next day.

Xu Degui did not come back.

The third day.

Xu Degui still didn't come back.

Seven days passed in a row.

Xu Degui didn't even come back.

Zheng Wenqi waited day and night.

When she had something to do, she ran to the intersection and waited eagerly.

Looking forward to that familiar truck appearing in sight.

But, not at all.

Xu Degui's parents died young, and he and his wife Zheng Wenqi were the only ones in the family to depend on each other.

And Zheng Wenqi is still pregnant.

Looking forward to it every day made her mood hit rock bottom.


Not only Zheng Wenqi, but also the surrounding neighbors began to whisper.

Everyone expressed various speculations as to why Xu Degui hasn’t come back for so long!

Some people say that he was killed by road bandits outside.

Others said that he ran away with other women.

Moreover, both of them spoke with nose and eyes, as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

But no matter what kind of guess it is, the result is bad!

However, these neighbors would not say it in front of Zheng Wenqi.

They just chatted secretly behind their backs.

But where in the world is there a wall that is airtight?

Several times, as soon as Zheng Wenqi left, these people started talking again.

The voice was not quiet, as if he was afraid that Zheng Wen wouldn't hear it.

After hearing this, Zheng Wenqi felt extremely uncomfortable!

She didn't believe that Xu Degui would betray her.

Because Xu Degui swore to himself!

I swear he will come back safely this time!

He also promised himself that when he made money from his sports car, he would buy her a big house and install a telephone in the house!

That way, it will be much easier for them to communicate.

When out and about.

Xu Degui can also use a public phone to report that he is safe.

Then, I have to buy her nice clothes.

Introduced from the south!

Stylish and beautiful clothes!


Now forget about those promises.

Even his people have disappeared!

This made Zheng Wenqi have mixed feelings in her heart.

The days passed like this.

Zheng Wenqi's child was born, but she was the only one in the hospital.

Chunhua's family next door occasionally come to take care of her.

While those neighbors were making sarcastic comments to her, only Chunhua and her family were as kind to her as ever.

Moreover, when those people's words were too vicious, they would defend Zheng Wenqi.

This makes Zheng Wenqi feel warm in her heart!

An indescribable feeling of comfort emerged!

"Sister Chunhua, thank you so much. You have been busy waiting for me these days, and I don't even know what to say!"

Zheng Wenqi even had tears in her eyes.

"It's okay, we are all neighbors. As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors.

"We neighbors need to help each other!"

Chunhua expressed disapproval.

"But, but those people..."

Zheng Wenqi couldn't help but shed tears when she thought of the other neighbors.

"They? They are all too busy!"

"I can't bear to see other people's bad habits, so I chew the root of my tongue! I'm not afraid of rotting my tongue!"

"You who just gave birth to a baby, it's better to rest and don't care about those guys!"

Chunhua kept comforting.

"OK, all right!"

Zheng Wenqi nodded seriously.

But at this moment, the door to the ward was pushed open.

Immediately afterwards.

Two people came in from outside.

One of them is Chunhua's husband Haozi.

030 Chunhua saw Haozi walking in empty-handed, and she was immediately dissatisfied: "Haozi, where are the things I asked you to buy? You just came back like this?"

However, Haozi did not speak.

He looked at the person next to him.

A middle-aged man in uniform.

This is a member of the Sheriff's Department!

The detective from the Public Security Department saluted, and then walked to Zheng Wenqi's bed with a serious face.

"Excuse me, are you Xu Degui's wife?"

His eyes were meticulous and solemn.

A little thump!

In an instant, Wen Xian's heart trembled.

An ominous feeling emerged again!


Zheng Wenqi already had this feeling in her heart.

Although in the past few months, my emotions have calmed down a little.

But because Xu Degui did not come back after all, her heart was still hanging on.

And now.

Saw people from the Sheriff's Department arriving.

Her heart skipped a beat, and this feeling came to her again!

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