I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 129 Not Afraid Of Ghosts And Gods! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

She is fascinated by judges who punish evil and promote good.

I hope that one day I can see the identity of the judge with my own eyes!

Moreover, he also joined many online judge discussion groups.

He and the netizens in the group were discussing the information about the Judge!



Thinking of this, Huangfu Yun had a flash of inspiration in his heart.

Why didn't she think of this?

If a judge takes action, then I will definitely be saved!

As soon as she thought about it, she didn't seem so scared anymore.



But she thought of something again.

That is, how to let the judge know that he has been kidnapped?

There is no way to contact the judge, right?!

However, she changed her mind.

He seemed relieved again.

The judge has powerful supernatural abilities and will definitely notice himself!

That's right.

She is the type of person who believes that the judge has supernatural powers.

Thinking of this, she relaxed a little more. 753

But not long passed.

Huangfu Yun became nervous again.

Because she didn't know how much weight she had in the judge's heart.

You know, crimes happen all the time in this world!

There is only one judge.

He probably can't take care of one thing or the other, right?

What if the judge is punishing other crimes at this time?

Then isn’t he still dead?


Huangfu Yun's thoughts were racing.

Soon, I realized something again.

Just now these two people said that they wanted to attract the judge.

This means that, at least until the judge appears, they will not harm themselves!

If that's the case.

Then you can relax a little bit!

Huangfu Yun sorted out his thoughts, and the fear in his heart calmed down a little.

Because she has absolute trust in the judge.

Trust the judge.

Thinking that as long as he shows up, he will definitely be saved!

Therefore, she was not as scared as before.

Forcibly suppressing the fear in his heart, Huangfu Yun asked Yang Yufu: "Speaking of which, are you so sworn in, are you trying to use me as a bait to attract the judge and catch him all in one go?"


Yang Yufu was noncommittal.

At the same time, he pointed to the surrounding arrangements.

I saw that this abandoned factory had been re-decorated a long time ago!

Around, there are many traps.

What kind of net bags, crossbows, animal traps, muskets......

Even homemade bombs!

It can be said that it has everything!

Huangfu Yun had been in a state of fear just now and did not notice the layout of the factory.

Now when I take a closer look, I find that they are really well prepared.

Therefore, she couldn't help forcing a smile and asked: "Your arrangements are really complete! But do you think you can catch the judge in this way?"

"Humph, otherwise!"

"Under our dragnet, the judge has no choice but to die obediently!"

Zhang Zekun on the side waved his fist.

"But there are rumors on the Internet that the judges are ghosts and gods that are beyond human beings! People probably don't like this kind of thing at all!"

Huangfu's words were sarcastic.

Now, she seems to be completely (bgba) not afraid anymore.

Instead, he started joking with them.


"Ghosts and gods? If there really are ghosts and gods in this world, people like me, whose hands are stained with blood, should have gone to hell long ago!"

"But look, don't I still live well?"

Yang Yufu stood up and let out a burst of proud laughter.

"Since you are not afraid of ghosts and gods, why do you make such elaborate arrangements to deal with the judge?"

Huangfu Yun asked again.

"I don't think the judge is a ghost or god, but that doesn't mean I don't recognize his ability."

"This guy's strength is indeed quite impressive. For us, this makes me sleepless and sleepless for a while!"

"So, I must eliminate him as soon as possible. Only in this way can I feel completely at ease!"

As Yang Yufu spoke, a fierce light shot out of his eyes.

no doubt.

He was indeed very thoughtful.

As soon as he finished speaking, gusts of dark wind began to rise inside the factory.


In an instant, everyone shuddered.

"Where does the evil wind come from?"

Yang Yufu cursed.

However, Zhang Zekun screamed.

This made Yang Yufu feel very unhappy: "What is your name?"

Zhang Zekun, on the other hand, pointed to somewhere on the ground, his whole body trembling uncontrollably.

Looking along his hand, Yang Yufu also noticed it.

On the ground, two things appeared at this time.

Those are two envelopes!

Two envelopes that look extremely quaint!

"Is this a death notice?"

"Has the judge really arrived?"

Zhang Zekun asked twice in succession.

"Death notice? I don't believe it!"

Yang Yufu picked it up.

But when he opened it, he found five big characters written inside!

Death notice!

He is truly a judge!

But Yang Yufu still said calmly: "Humph, it must be those people from the Public Security Department who are trying to trick us out. Unfortunately, they really miscalculated! Even if he is the judge, how could he come out in broad daylight!"

"Yes! The judges all operate at night, and there is no way they will show up in broad daylight!"

Zhang Zekun also followed suit.

I don’t know if this is self-comfort?

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