I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 130 Is This Ye Gong’S Good Dragon? (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)


"Since you want to see me so much, then I will do whatever you want!"

At the same time, a strange laughter sounded in the distance.


"Fengdu is open, impermanence comes out, ghosts and ghosts are coming, seducing the soul."

"You will go to Yincao as soon as possible!"

The laughter was hoarse and weird, like a funeral song from hell.

Soon, it reached their ears.

Yang Yufu's heart trembled, and a bad feeling emerged.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately looked forward: "Who is that person? You pretender, come out!"

The words fell.

I heard bursts of tinkling sounds in my ears.

I saw that the originally clear sky was suddenly filled with dark clouds.

Even the sun seemed to have disappeared.

It seems like it’s night!

You know, it's noon now.

How could this happen?

While Yang Yufu was surprised, he saw a thick fog appearing!

In the thick fog, two figures walked slowly!

One of them is black and the other is white, obviously they seem to be the legendary impermanence of black and white!

Yang Yufu, Zhang Zekun and Huangfu Yun were all shocked.

This, what the hell is going on?

They are indeed not the kind of people who believe in ghosts and gods.

Regarding the impermanence of black and white, I only think of it as an underworld in folklore!

I never thought these things really existed in the world!

And now.

They actually appeared in front of me.

This is certainly unbelievable!

Especially Zhang Zekun, who was already trembling a little at this time.

He pulled out a machete and held it tightly in his hand.

At the same time, he said angrily: "This must be someone from the Public Security Department pretending to be a ghost! Brother Yang, I'm going to kill them!"


He roared again.

He suddenly waved the knife in his hand and struck hard at Black and White Wuchang!

He is worthy of being a desperado who once walked in the West!

How could he have such an arrogant side!

However, the next moment.

Something weird happened!

Before he even got close to the black and white impermanence, he heard an even weirder laughter.


"You mortal villains dare to harm Yin Tong Zheng Shen!"

The words fell.

A flash of cold light!


Bloody light sprays instantly!

A scream was heard, and Zhang Zekun's body was broken into two halves!


He fell down on the spot, shocking!

The air was instantly filled with a strong smell of blood!


Huangfu Yun exclaimed in fright.

She is just a little girl who is about to go to college. Where has she ever seen such a scene?

At this moment, I was already frightened!

And what about Yang Yufu?

He also gasped in shock.

Because he couldn't even see clearly how the other party took action!

As if in the blink of an eye, Zhang Zekun died in front of him.

This is really terrible!

Yang Yufu was so shocked that his face turned pale!

However, Yang Yufu is also a ruthless person!

When he saw Huangfu Yun screaming at the side, he immediately thought of buying a cup.

In a flash, he came to Huangfu Yun.

He pressed the knife in his hand against Huangfu Yun's neck and said sternly: "Don't come over. If you dare to come over, then I will kill her!"

Now, he simply gave up.

This guy was so powerful that he couldn't even see clearly the method of killing Zhang Zekun.

In this case.

Then we must die together!

Fight him yourself!

I don’t believe that I can’t threaten him!

However, at this time. .............

The black and white impermanence on the other side showed no fear at all.

They were still approaching him step by step, with strange smiles on their faces.

"Don't, don't come here...

"If you dare to come here, then I will really dare to kill her!"

Yang Yufu still threatened the other party.

But at this time, his tone was already full of fear.

That's right.

It’s fear!

He had never believed in ghosts and gods, but now he was afraid of the black and white.

Because he even felt.

The two in front of me are the legendary black and white impermanence!

And the judge.

Is it black and white and impermanent?!

This shocked Yang Yufu.

"Yang Yufu, Zhang Zekun is dead, you should also go to hell!"

Bai Wuchang spoke.

At the same time, the soul hooking chain is instantly sent out!

Chime chime!

The soul seducing chain was so powerful that it pierced Yang Yufu's body at once.

Then, take advantage of the trend and close it.

Yang Yufu’s soul left his body!

The body fell heavily to the ground!

All this happened in an instant, leaving Huangfu Yun dumbfounded!

To say that I am not afraid would be a lie.

Anyone who sees this legendary black and white impermanence will feel deep fear!



She was more shocked.

Could it be that he was the judge that he had been looking forward to seeing.

Is it the legendary impermanence of black and white?

An idea emerged, which made her heart beat faster!

Is this considered Ye Gong is a good dragon?

However, the next second.

Hei Wuchang waved his hand and Huangfu Yun fainted!

Of course Zhou Chen would not let an ordinary person spy on the identity of the judge!

Therefore, he directly knocked Huangfu Yun unconscious!

When she wakes up tomorrow, she won’t know anything about Knife!.

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