I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 131 Decades Of Debt Must Be Repaid Today! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

In the midst of chaos.

Yang Yufu opened his eyes.

He looked around and soon discovered that this was a very dilapidated world.

Everywhere is gray.

It seems full of depressive feeling.

It made him feel somewhat uncomfortable.

what happened?

What is this place!

Yang Yufu couldn't understand.

I shouldn't have been confronting that black and white impermanence just now!

How come it only took such a moment to appear in this place!

Could it be that………………

This is the legendary underworld!

Thinking of this, his heart skipped a beat.

"Yang Yufu, Yang Yu "four seven seven" blessing!"

But at this time, a very heavy voice brought him back to reality from his infinite thoughts.

Yang Yufu followed the sound and looked over.

I saw a figure slowly crawling towards me.

The figure was not very fast and even seemed to be stumbling a bit.

But as the other party slowly approaches towards him.

Yang Yufu still feels confused now.

Because he felt that this person was somewhat familiar.

But for a moment, he couldn't recognize who the other party was.

I just feel that this person has indeed been seen before and exists deep in my memory.

And in this confusion.

The other party, Xi, is getting closer and closer to Yang Yufu.

When his face finally appeared in front of Yang Yufu, Yang Yufu's mind felt like he was electrocuted.

At this moment, he finally remembered the identity of the other party.

It’s Xu Degui!

A truck driver he killed in the western desert thirty years ago!

In fact, he did not deliberately remember this person's name at the time.

After all, people like him have countless dead souls under his command.

Of course not everyone can remember it.

But then on TV.

But I still saw some reports about him.

Because Zheng Wenqi has been hoping to catch the murderer of Xu Degui for decades.

She has been offering rewards and making appeals on TV.

I hope someone with knowledge can provide clues.

Therefore, watching the news all day also gave Yang Yufu some impressions of this person.

But looking at this scene, Yang Yufu couldn't help but feel a little thumped in his heart.

what happened?

Could this person be Xu Degui?

Yang Yufu thought so in his heart.

He didn't want to believe it.

But there are some things that you don’t want to believe just because you don’t want to believe them.


That Xu Degui really appeared in front of him!

Seeing such a scene, Yang Yufu's mood was full of anxiety!

I saw him start to step back.

And that Xu Degui was approaching him step by step.

That feeling really made him tremble all over.

When Xu Degui came closer, Yang Yufu could even notice that Xu Degui's body and face were covered with mottled blood.

Even his head is damaged!

Inside, there is a lot of red and white flowing out!

It looks extremely ferocious and terrifying!

"Don't come here!"

Yang Yukun was frightened.

He wants to run away!

But soon, he noticed.

Just when he was about to escape from here, he saw something got stuck under his feet.

He looked down.

It was discovered that some ferocious ghosts had appeared.

And these ghosts are obviously people who have died by their own hands!

They looked very fierce, with their teeth and claws bared, as if they wanted to tear Yang Yufu into pieces!

"Ah, ah!"


Faced with such a scene, Yang Yufu was really frightened...

At this moment, he was trying desperately to struggle.

But unfortunately, there is no way to escape.

More and more evil ghosts appear and control him to death!

And, they started to pull Yang Yufu's flesh and blood.

Let Yang Yufu be slaughtered!

Under such an offensive, all he can do is wait for death!

After a while, the flesh and skin on Yang Yufu's body was torn off by those fierce ghosts.

And these fierce ghosts are not other people.

These are the people who were killed by Yang Yufu in the past!

Now, they finally come to take revenge!

This is the blood debt owed by Yang Yufu for decades!

Now, people are coming to ask for it from him!

No matter what, he must repay it!

It was precisely because of this that Yang Yufu let out a series of screams. No matter how much he asks for help, it's of no use!

Gradually, time passed by minute by minute.

Yang Yufu endured the pain of separation of flesh and blood!

But there's no way he can escape!

Now he can only endure this pain silently for 3.5 seconds!

When all the evil ghosts dispersed, Yang Yufu found that the flesh and blood on his body seemed to have been touched by the feet of a ferocious beast.

It has become fragmented!

In many places, there are even bones exposed!

But the scariest thing is.

Even so, his consciousness is still very clear!

This shocked him deeply!


Yang Yufu shouted in pain.

However, what awaits him next is even more severe punishment!

Such as mountains of swords, seas of fire, etc.!

He can only bear it silently!

I will suffer endless torture here forever and ever!.

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