I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 132 All Parties Are Shocked (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Inside an abandoned factory.

Yang Yufu let out a shrill scream.

The skin and flesh on his body seemed to be torn apart by countless ferocious beasts, and it fell into pieces in an instant.

But if anyone was watching, they would see that nothing was biting him at all.

Those skins and flesh fall off completely automatically.

This scene is so weird!

The severe pain made Yang Yufu roll on the ground. After a while, his body was covered with dust.

And the blood was also sprinkled all over the ground, giving people a shocking feeling!

However, even so, Yang Yufu is not dead yet!

He picked up a knife from the ground and stabbed himself repeatedly!

Belly, thighs, chest...

As long as it could be stabbed, it would leave deep wounds everywhere.

And beyond that.

After a while, this behavior seemed to displease him.

I saw him running towards the predator on the side again!

That was where he and Zhang Zekun arranged to ambush the judge to capture Zeng Qing!

But now, he stepped in himself.


The sharp animal trap can trap even ferocious beasts, let alone a mere human being!

After being caught by this predator, of course he screamed in pain.

Then, he struggled hard.

He actually tore off his own legs alive!

In an instant, countless blood spurted out.

The severe pain made him roll on the ground.

But the more he rolled around on the ground, the more he came into contact with those traps.



The sound of several mechanisms came.

I saw crossbow arrows being shot out from all directions, but Zhang Zekun had no time to dodge.

Just be pierced by these sharp arrows!


More blood flows out!

And at this moment, Yang Yufu's life was completely taken away.

Just hearing a scream, Yang Yufu fell heavily to the ground.

This time, he couldn't get up again!

The screams in the abandoned factory also attracted the attention of the Public Security Department outside.

Although they have been observing silently, they have no intention of rushing in to save anyone for the time being.

Because they don't have any good ideas.

But soon, the screams coming from the factory attracted everyone's attention.

This made people from the Public Security Department look towards the factory.

Soon, the investigators discovered a strange scene.

He reported what happened in the factory to his companions. At this moment, the companions were also completely shocked!

Everyone was in disbelief, they couldn't believe that something like this could happen!

"W-What on earth is going on? Why did they die so strangely!"

One person asked.

However, no one answered.

Because other people don't know how to answer.

I don’t know what kind of reason can be used to explain such a scene clearly!

However, soon.

They realized something.


"Is it the judge?"

One detective asked immediately.

The other detectives, however, looked at each other for a while.

They don't know what to say!

Because now, they are all looking at their other companions with blank expressions.

Although most people in the Public Security Department have heard of the name of the Judge. Moreover, many of them have actually seen the scene after the judge killed someone.

But they have never seen how the Judge kills people!

The scene in front of him was shocking.

Is this the murder scene of the Judge?

This is too terrible!

Is the judge a human being after all?

But no matter what, after a while, the two kidnappers were all dead on the spot.

The detectives from the Public Security Department were completely dumbfounded!

It’s like you don’t even know what’s going on!

But soon, their captain was the first to react: "Since these people are already dead, what are we still doing? Hurry up and save them!"

After saying that, the other team members also seemed to wake up from a dream.

After a while, everyone rushed in!

Huangfu Yun was lying on the ground at this time, completely ignorant of what was happening around him.

She had no idea what kind of situation she was in now.

The detectives rescued her while handling the scene.

For a time, everyone was in a mess.

However, in addition to the detectives from the Public Security Department, there is another group of people observing the situation in the abandoned factory.

Just like the Sheriff's Department detectives.

Everything in the abandoned factory had completely shocked them.

Is this the judge?


As ordinary people, they cannot see the emergence of black and white.

In other words, if Zhou Chen didn't intend for them to see it, they would never see it.

But they can see the scene of Yang Yufu and Nagasawa Kunpei participating in their deaths for no reason!

It’s so shocking and terrifying!

Could it be that it is just like the legend on the Internet?

Are the judges not human at all?!

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