I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 133 New Template, The Handsome Wasp! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

And these people are the mysterious people from the Sakura Kingdom.

The reason why they appear here is precisely because they want to monitor the fighting situation in the factory.

Yang Yufu and Zhang Zekun were also called here by them.

The purpose is to see how strong the judge is!

They originally thought that no matter how powerful the judge was, he must be one person.

They didn't have much faith in the rumors about the Judge on the Dragon Kingdom Internet. I think it’s just spreading rumors on the Internet!

But what about now?

Everything they saw seemed to completely declare their mistake!

The judge seems to be a ghost from hell!

Possessing power beyond ordinary people, able to kill people invisible!

Otherwise, how can we explain what is happening in front of us?

All this is indeed incredible!

After these people were stunned for several seconds, they finally came to their senses.

"What should we do? What should we do next?"

A man asked his companion.

"I think we should go back quickly. The scene here is too terrible, we should tell the boss as soon as possible!"

said another.

As soon as this statement came out, it was deeply recognized by everyone.

After all, there are still people from the Longguo Public Security Department here, and it is impossible for them to expose themselves in front of the Public Security Department.

So, staying here has no effect.

It’s just a waste of time!

It was precisely because they thought of this that they all turned and left.

Soon, Huangfu Yun was sent to the hospital.

People from the Public Security Department quickly notified Huangfu Yun's family.

They rushed to the hospital, and both parents felt extremely sad when they saw their daughter lying unconscious on the bed.

But thankfully.

Huangfu Yun was not injured!

The doctor said that with a little rest, she should wake up soon.

Therefore, Huangfu Zhuo's mood quickly calmed down.

The hostages were successfully rescued, which made netizens who paid attention to this matter finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Especially after they noticed the tragic condition of the deceased, many netizens began to speculate on the identity of the murderer!

"Tell me, who is this murderer? Could he be the legendary judge?"

Someone asked a question.

And soon, someone else quickly replied: "I think it's very possible! After all, there should be no other person in the world who can possess such a weird and cruel method!"

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

When such remarks were published, they quickly aroused discussions among countless people!

"Damn it, if it's really the judge, that would be awesome!"

"Yes! Because the Judge has always acted at night, and I have never seen him appear during the day!"

"I just don't know if the people responsible for the resettlement have seen the true face of the judge?"

"Who knows? I guess even if the Sheriff's Department saw it, they wouldn't be able to tell it!"

"I think so too! After all, the judge is too mysterious!"

"If I have the chance, I would also like to be kidnapped like Huangfu Yun. In this way, maybe I can see what the judge looks like!"

Others have become nymphomaniacs.

"Put it down! Isn't it good to have a good life? Why do you put yourself in danger?"

"That's right! I think we can just silently support the judge!"

But soon.

That person's words received opposition from many people.

No matter what is said on the internet.

Zhou Chen is just lying quietly on the hospital bed now.

He scrolled through his phone.

Looking at the comments made by people on the Internet, I felt a sense of emotion.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained 30,000 merit points!"

The system prompt sounds.

Because this is not a system task, the merit points he obtains are also discounted!

But Zhou Chen actually didn't care about these.

After all, as long as you can save people.

As for how many merit points you get, it actually doesn’t matter!

However, since there are thirty thousand merit points.

Then Zhou Chen plans to continue the lottery!

Three golden spins!

He wanted to see what he could draw this time!



Third level soul elixir!

The second time, it was the third level soul elixir.

Now that Zhou Chen saw the soul pill, he was completely indifferent.

He doesn't care about the mess either.

Anyway, I am already strong enough. As long as I can obtain resources, I (Li Haozhao) can become even stronger!

Therefore, Zhou Chen still took the third draw without hesitation.


With a flash of golden light.

Another template appears!

Zhou Chen took a closer look and found that this was a Yin Master whose whole body looked like an insect.

It has compound eyes like a bee, wears armor, and has four transparent wings behind it!


One of the top ten Yin Shuais is the Wasp Yin Shuai!

Take charge of the world's insects!

Very lucky!

Now there are four great beaks, fish gills, wasps and leopard tails, and I am the only one left with the beak.

Zhou Chen is also very satisfied as he sees more and more templates coming out of his own!

One day, I will definitely be able to gather together the entire Fengdu of Hades!.

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