I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 134 No Matter How Hard You Try, The Sakura People Will Never Change Your Mind! (Please Subsc

the other side.

A small town on the eastern seaboard.

At this moment, a group of people were sitting quietly among them.

The room was very dark.

The air was filled with a quiet and solemn atmosphere.

This made everyone present feel very nervous.

Some of them were the ones who were responsible for monitoring Yang Yufu in the abandoned factory. And now, they are all back.

And each one of them tremblingly told the whole story of the matter.

Just, for them.

Recalling what happened in the factory is like recalling some terrible nightmare.

All of them looked pale.

It seems, not to mention scared.

As for the leader, he looked at them solemnly.

The eyes were full of strangeness and splendor, giving people an unpredictable feeling.


These people have already told everything in 910.

Inside the house, the original silence returned.

They all looked at the leader, showing a bit of expectation: "Boss, forgive us for our incompetence and failure to see clearly the true face of the judge. But one thing is for sure, that is, this judge is definitely not an ordinary person! "

While these subordinates were talking, the leader kept his head down in thought.

To be honest, he didn't quite believe what these people said.

Is that so-called judge really that powerful?

Isn’t it just that my subordinates are talking nonsense?

It was precisely because of this that his face became very ugly.

But my subordinates look very serious about their clothes!

This made the leader think that maybe they were not talking nonsense?

After all, there are indeed many legends about the judges circulating on the Dragon Kingdom's Internet. I think that the judge is very likely (bgbc) to be a supernatural being that transcends human beings!

Although he was a little reluctant to believe it, there were some facts that he still had to admit.

That is that the judge does have very powerful power!

And these powers are enough to make the judge wear a mysterious cloak!

If an ordinary person could complete these tasks one after another, and the Public Security Department would not find any evidence at all.

Then, the judge's strength is indeed too powerful.

"Do you really mean what you said?"

The leader asked again.

When he said these words, there was a hint of questioning in his eyes.

"It's absolutely true!"

"Yeah, we don't dare to cheat at all!"

The men kept saying it.

Looking at their appearance, the leader, after pondering for a moment, finally spoke with a stern look in his eyes: "Well, I will believe you just once!"

When the subordinates saw their leader saying this, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Since the leader said this, they were relieved a little.

Because they all know it.

What a terrifying existence the leader is!

If you are not careful, you may put yourself in a dangerous situation.

It is precisely because of this.

However, one of his subordinates asked again: "Well, boss. Since the judge is so powerful, what should we do next?"

When other people heard this, they all looked up.

Their eyes were filled with extremely expectant looks.

I hope the leader can come up with a good response now!

As for the leader, he smiled mysteriously as a matter of course.

"Since you said that this judge is a supernatural being, then we will use supernatural methods to deal with him!"

The leader snorted.

"Supernatural method? Could it be that you, boss...

The men quickly thought of something.

Soon, they asked directly: "Don't tell me, boss, are you ready to..."

The leader replied: "That's right!"

While talking, he took out his mobile phone.

Then, he dialed a contact.

I made a video call to the other party.

Soon, the video call was connected.

On the other end of the phone is a long-haired male.

This young man looked quite feminine, and his eyebrows moved, as if he was a little dissatisfied: "Why are you making a video call to me so late?"

"Well, we're in trouble..."

The leader did not waste any nonsense and went straight to the point.


The young man disagreed: "You are so capable, what could possibly cause you to get into trouble? It's really ridiculous!"

"Why, can't I get into trouble because I'm strong?"

"A person called the Judge has recently appeared in the Dragon Kingdom. He may affect our mission. Therefore, I hope you can help me eliminate him!"

the leader replied.

"Judge? Yamamoto-kun is so powerful. Apart from the Public Security Department and the special departments of the Dragon Kingdom, who else can cause you trouble?"

The young man seemed a little confused.

The leader did not hide anything and told the young man what had happened.

Finally, he added a special sentence: "This judge is probably a person with supernatural power. So, I hope you can take action!"

After hearing his words, the young man also frowned.

As if thoughtful!

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