I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 135 New Mission: Spokesperson Of The Gods (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

However, after pondering for a moment.

The young man finally spoke: "What about the conditions? If you want me to take action, you can do it, but you have to pay something accordingly!"

"We are all members of Sakura Country, and now you actually want conditions from me? Who gave you this right!"

"This is not my personal request. Helping me complete this task will be beneficial to our Sakura Country, and it will also be beneficial to you!

Yamamoto seemed a little angry.

At this moment, he looked at the other party with a gloomy expression.

After he said this, the young man finally laughed.

He smiled slightly and said, "Okay! In that case, I will book the nearest flight ticket to Dragon Kingdom now."

"Well, as soon as possible!"

Yamamoto responded.

After hanging up the video call, he finally laughed slightly.

Because, the person he contacted just now.

He is a very powerful onmyoji in their Sakura Kingdom!

With the help of this person, he is not afraid that he will not be able to deal with the so-called judge!

"I don't believe it. Is a mere judge as powerful as our genius Onmyoji from Sakura Country?"

Yamamoto said to himself.

Beside him, the other people nodded again and again: "Yes, if Lord Xin Ming takes action, we will definitely be able to defeat this judge easily!"

In the ward.

Zhou Chen opened the book of sins.

He believes that he will be discharged from the hospital in about a month.

After being discharged from hospital.

Maybe life won't be so peaceful.

It is precisely because of this.

He can't wait now.

Want to complete more tasks as soon as possible to gain stronger power!

Soon, a new task appears.

[Task code: Spokesperson of the gods]

[Target: Tang Dawei]

[Reward: 50,000 merit points (merit points can be used to exchange items in the store, and can be exchanged for money at 1:100]

[Time of death: within one week]

[Target introduction: A magic stick in a remote and backward rural area]

[In the first thirty years of his life, Tang Dawei was an ordinary farmer. Later, when he went into the mountains to cut firewood, Tang Dawei got lost in the mountains and disappeared for seven days and nights. 】

[The family thought he might have died, but because it was the severe winter and the environment in the mountains was harsh, the family thought he would not be able to survive at all. 】

[But unexpectedly, he came back safely. As for the reason, he claimed that it was because he met an immortal in the mountains and came back safely with the help of the immortal. He said that he was destined to be an immortal. 】

[At first, the family didn’t believe it at all, but they didn’t expect that after Tang Dawei came back, he seemed to be a completely different person. 】

[He has the ability to judge people's affairs, whether it is Feng Shui gossip, weddings and funerals, or helping people exorcise evil spirits and summon spirits, he can complete it successfully. 】

[Thus, the villagers finally had no doubts about him and believed that he really had very powerful abilities. Over time, everyone called him "the spokesman of the gods". 】

[Over time, Tang Dawei became arrogant. He used this to make money and become greedy. They often use gods as an excuse to make the villagers satisfy their own selfish desires. 】

[Including but not limited to robbing women, expropriating women, etc. 】

[But in fact, Tang Dawei is not able to do everything with one hand and is omnipotent. When he was treating the villagers, he also killed some people. 】

[But Tang Dawei said that it was caused by the villagers not respecting the gods enough and offering insufficient worship. Get rid of all your problems. 】


[Because rural areas are remote and backward, people’s thinking is also more superstitious. Therefore, most people have no doubts about what he said. 】

[Even the few who are skeptical will be coerced and lured by Tang Dawei in various fierce ways, causing them to dare not question. 】

[As a result, the entire mountain village actually became Tang Dawei’s independent kingdom!]

[And the villagers can only live under the pressure of Tang Dawei and lead a very humble life! 】

Along with the mission information, one by one was displayed in front of Zhou Chen.

The things Tang Dawei had done in the past were also revealed in front of him.

A dilapidated farmhouse.

A thin man who kept coughing was lying on the bed.

"Cough cough cough..."


He kept coughing, as if he was about to cough out his lungs.

Beside him, there was a peasant woman sitting.

"Junwen, if it doesn't work, let's go to the hospital!"

The peasant woman said with concern.

But as soon as she finished speaking, the man on the bed objected: "What do you, a village woman, know? Tang Daxian already said that I was attacked by evil things. Hurry up and make me a cup of talisman." Come drink water!”

He said this with a very sharp feeling in his words.

After hearing this, the peasant woman had something she wanted to say, but in the end she did not say it out.

Because she knows her husband.

He is a person who has great trust in Tang Daxian.

Almost regarded what Tang Daxian said as the only truth.

If he refutes it, he will definitely meet his objection!

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