I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 136 Ignorance, False Gods Take Lives! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Soon, the peasant woman brought in the brewed talisman water.

After Mo Junwen saw it, he drank it in one gulp without saying a word.

Seeing her husband like this, the peasant woman became more and more anxious.

She was really worried about her husband's safety.

But her husband's superstition about Tang Dawei also made her not know what to do.

Soon, Mo Houwen drank all the Fu Shui.

He wiped his mouth and looked very satisfied.

Then, he said with a face of joy: "It won't be long before I can be completely healed. Because Tang Daxian said that as long as I pray sincerely, the gods will definitely see me!"

After saying "three to four zero", he drove the peasant woman out.

I locked myself in the room alone and prayed silently.

The peasant woman looked at all this with mixed feelings in her heart.

I never thought that my husband would become like this!

But she had no choice but to walk out of the house silently and sit alone in the corner wiping her tears.

"Erya, what's wrong with you?"

Just then, a man came over.

It's my next door neighbor, Aunt Zhang.

Li Erya sighed and told Aunt Zhang what happened.

Although Aunt Zhang was a rural woman with little education, she didn't believe much in what Tang Dawei said.

Because in the old society, Zhang Zi was harmed by witches and gods.

Her parents both believed in witches and gods and thought Aunt Zhang was an unclean person.

Therefore, the young Changpu was abandoned.

But Aunt Zhang was lucky, and was later rescued by the old village chief and brought to live in this village.

That's why.

In Aunt Zhang's view, those magicians are all liars.

Nothing they said was true!

Including Tang Dawei, Zhang Puzi did not believe what the other party said at all.

It is a very sharp contrast to some other people in this ignorant and backward village!

It was precisely for this reason that Li Erya dared to tell Aunt Zhang what she had encountered.

I hope Aunt Zhang can give me some advice.

After hearing her words, Aunt Zhang also let out a long sigh.

Then, he said to Li Erya: "Erya, it's not that my aunt won't help you. It's just that these things are really not easy to talk about!"

"Aunt Zhang, what's so bad about this?"

Li Erya expressed confusion.

Immediately afterwards, Aunt Zhang told Li Erya her thoughts.

According to Aunt Zhang.

The people in this place are poor and backward, and have lived in a relatively closed state and environment for a long time.

Therefore, people are born with a strong belief in things like gods.

Li Erya can understand this.

After all, she is actually such a person.

It's just that I don't think that Tang Dawei can really represent any so-called god.

And in such a big environment, Tang Dawei can still perform some so-called miracles.

This made the villagers believe in him even more.

It is precisely because of this that many people worship Tang Dawei in various ways.

Treat him like a real god!

Therefore, it is very difficult to eradicate this kind of thinking among villagers.

After listening to Aunt Zhang's words, [Li Tuya also seemed to understand somewhat.

But after a while, she continued to ask: "Zhangzi, under such a situation, how can we make them stop believing in these so-called gods?"


Aunt Zhang sighed sadly...

In fact, she had also thought about contacting people from outside to target people in the village.

But she tried several times but failed.

Because the current situation of this village is not optimistic!

It has become Tang Dawei’s independent kingdom!

The believers under Tang Dawei kept very strict surveillance on all villagers.

In addition to Aunt Zhang, some villagers also expressed dissatisfaction with Tang Dawei. But those people, without exception, just dare to be angry but dare not speak out!

It is precisely because of this that she feels that this is almost an impossible task!

Therefore, Aunt Zhang could only sigh.

And after listening to Aunt Zhang's words, Li Erya also felt the deep despair in her heart!


Could it be that this is all I can do?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel helpless and sigh again.

In the next few days, Mo Junwen's condition became more and more serious.

Within a few days, he no longer had the strength to speak.

But the more he was in this state, the more Mo Junwen believed Tang Dawei's lies.

However, there was no treatment for his disease.

Instead, his symptoms became more severe, so much so that he died within less than a month!

When her husband took his last breath, Li Erya truly collapsed.

She knelt and sat in front of her husband's bed and cried for a long time, hoping that her husband would listen to her words.

However, it was completely to no avail.

Mo Junwen is dead!

He can never get up again!.

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