I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 137 Tang Dawei Brainwashed And Li Erya Awakened! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Deep despair filled Li Erya's mind.

She didn't know how long she cried.

After a long time, I finally woke up.

She felt that she should find a way to do something.

After thinking of this, Li Erya immediately stood up and rushed out of the house.

at the same time.

outside the house.

The largest threshing floor in the village.

At this time, many people were gathering there.

The reason why they gathered here was of course because their Tang Daxian was standing on a high platform and preaching his own fallacies.

"Everyone! Mo Junwen was punished by the gods because his faith was not strong enough!"

"In order to avoid ending up like him, we must strengthen our faith and our faith in gods!"

Tang Dawei made an impassioned speech.

After hearing what he said, people all nodded in agreement.

Then, under his leadership, everyone began to bow their heads and pray.

But at this time, a person broke in from outside.

It was none other than Li Erya.

After seeing his appearance, Li Erya immediately shouted to everyone.

"Everyone, you must not be deceived by this person. This person is a liar and is not the so-called spokesperson of the gods at all.

Her voice sounded full of anger.

A pair of eyes were staring straight at the other person, as if they wanted to cut the other person into pieces.

But how could a person like Tang Dawei allow someone to cause trouble at his sermon meeting?

Therefore, his eyes turned cold.

A very sinister look shot out of his eyes instantly.

At the same time, Tang Dawei glared at Li Erya fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, he shouted in a arrogant tone: "Don't listen to this nonsense!"

"What nonsense? Then how can you prove that what I said is nonsense!"

"My husband died. He died under your talisman water! You lied to him and said that talisman water can cure diseases and asked him to pray sincerely."

"Then let me ask you, my husband always did what you said before he was alive. Why didn't the gods you mentioned come out to protect him?"

Li Erya asked a long list of questions like a barrage of questions.

Most of the time in his life, Ji Ery has been in a state of confusion.

She only knows how to face the loess and turn her back to the sky, worrying about her own life every day, and has never considered anything more.

But her husband's death dealt an unparalleled blow to her.

It caused some thoughts in her heart to be greatly shaken!

Perhaps, she thinks about more things today than she has ever thought about in her entire life.


When asked like this by her, Tang Dawei didn't know how to answer for a moment.

And the people in the field, after hearing Li Erya's words, actually started talking quietly.

"Yes! I think what Erya said makes sense!"

"They say the gods will protect us, but I haven't seen much benefit from the gods!"

"And Mo Junwen is one of the most devout people among us who believes in gods. If even he dies, this god will not seem as powerful as imagined!"

The discussions of these people naturally reached Tang Dawei's ears.

Tang Dawei's heart trembled, and an inexplicable hatred emerged.


Of course he couldn't let this shrew ruin his good deeds!

At this moment, his thoughts were spinning rapidly.

Thinking about how to deal with Li Erya!

And soon, he finally thought of something.

Tang Dawei said immediately.

"Do you know why your husband died? It was because there was a poisonous woman like you around!"

"You don't believe in gods, you believe in those messy evil ways. It is precisely because of your ignorance that your husband died!"

"This is a punishment from the gods. You must be fully responsible for your husband's death!"

Tang Dawei's eyes were about to burst and he retorted with sarcasm.

As soon as he finished speaking, the people in the audience became excited again.

Because, many people think so.

This does seem to make sense!


Li Erya's disbelief in gods was obvious to the whole village.

It's just that she usually doesn't show it.

But for the villagers, Tang Dawei's words are obviously more in line with their understanding!

It must be someone like Li Erya who doesn't trust the gods and often acts to slander and insult the gods, which led to her husband's death!

That’s for sure!

Soon, people changed directions again.

They all pointed their fingers at Li Erya!

At this moment, Li Erya was also a little shocked.

Because she didn't expect that the villagers would be inspired so quickly!

With just a few words, he can easily confuse the villagers.

This is too scary and incredible!

It is precisely because of this that Li Erya's expression changed.

But she didn't intend to give up just yet, and still wanted to refute Tang Dawei's words.


She didn't expect that.

Tang Dawei's next move was completely unexpected to her. .

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