I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 138 A Lot Of Evil, Everyone Commits Violence Together! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

"I can tell you responsibly that now it is precisely because of the existence of this poisonous woman that the gods are tired of our village.'

"If this poisonous woman is not killed, all of us may be implicated!"

Tang Dawei's voice sounded very appealing.

In an instant, all the villagers were excited.

They all cast their gazes in the direction of Li Erya, and their eyes were full of very complicated expressions.

Being stared at by so many people, Ji Erya trembled all over.

In just a moment, she realized something was wrong.

A feeling of fear emerged from the bottom of my heart for no reason.


It’s the feeling of fear!

She couldn't help but take two steps back.

At the same time, he swallowed: "You, what do you want to do?"

She seemed to realize what these people might do to her.

"I think what Tang Daxian said makes sense!"

"That's right! If we leave her alone, then the gods will punish us and it will be over!"

"We have to deal with it thoroughly before the gods punish us!"

"That's right!"

People around him said such things one after another.

And to Li Erya, these words were really terrifying!

These people are really so ignorant!

They will believe whatever Tang Dawei says.

The main thing is.

What Tang Dawei said was very inflammatory.

Soon, these villagers who were obsessed with him felt justified.

I saw the villagers walking towards Li Erya one after another, and none of them spoke.

But the way they were approaching each other made Li Erya feel full of fear in his heart.

She knew that these people were now completely bewitched by each other.

No matter what they say, they cannot trust themselves.

At this time, all she can do is to escape from this place!

That’s right!

The only correct way is to escape from here quickly.

After thinking about this, she finally didn't hesitate.

He turned around and ran away into the distance!

And Tang Dawei immediately issued an order: "Chase "°!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone swarmed up and chased after him.

Looking at them, they looked like a group of crazy beasts, with no intention of letting Li Yiqu go!

Although Li Erya ran away for a while, she was just a weak woman after all.

So, how could she escape?

After a while, they were already trapped in a blind corner by the other group of people.

Li Erya huddled on the ground, trembling with fear.

At the same time, he looked at those people with a look of horror: "You, don't come over!"

But those people did not listen to him.

Immediately afterwards, Li Erya continued: "Don't listen to his nonsense! Because killing is illegal! Don't be deceived by him!"

There was even a deep tremor in her voice.

It is obvious that Li Erya now has a deep fear of these people.

However, those people did not want her words.

They were still approaching Li Erya step by step.

"Kill her!"

"Yes, let's kill her together!"

"Illegal? Is it important that the law can be protected by the gods? Without the gods, we are nothing!"

"That's right! When the time comes, the gods will bring disaster, and all of us will be finished!"

The people around are now in a state of excitement.

No matter what words you use, there is no way to change these people's minds.


Then I saw a strong man picking up the stone from the ground first.

Then, the wolf smashed towards Ji Erya.


The strong man hit him with one blow, and Li Erya was hit with a bloody head.

And with the first one, there will soon be the second and third.


I saw people picking up stones one after another.

They hit Li Erya again and again.

Bang bang!

Li Erya was hit hard by these stones.

Suddenly, he could only protect his head with his hands to ensure his own safety.

But those stones never stop!

Continuous stones were thrown at Li Erya, which completely made Li Erya unable to resist.

She could only cover her head and cry non-stop!

And the emotions of these perpetrators became more and more crazy (Wang Zhao's) in the following time.

There was a big man among them who seemed to be unable to hold himself back any longer. He roared directly and raised his fist towards Li Erya.


It hit Li Erya hard on the head.

Li Erya was hit by this blow and felt dizzy immediately!

Next, there was another storm!

Because these people realized that just throwing stones at them was not enough.

If you really want to feel good, you still have to use punching and kicking!

Then, like a storm of fists, they smashed towards Li Erya's head and face.

Under such an offensive, how could Li Erya withstand it?

Finally, not long after.

She was completely out of breath!

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