I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 139 The Flame Of Sin Burns Everything! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

However, the villagers had no shame at all.

After they saw Li Erya being beaten to death, only a very disdainful emotion emerged in their hearts.

In fact, I felt extremely relaxed.

It feels like they finally got rid of a big problem!

It is precisely because of this that these people were even more excited in the next period of time.

"We killed Li Erya and finally solved a big trouble. Next, the painting spirit will definitely protect us!"

"Yes, let's take her back quickly and let Tang Daxian report it to the gods. In this way, the gods will definitely reward us!"

These villagers are really too ignorant.

They quickly brought Li Erya's body to Tang Dawei.

They told Tang Dawei all their thoughts.

After hearing what everyone said, Tang Dawei felt ecstatic in his heart!

He didn't expect that after he just said a few words casually, these ignorant villagers would actually listen to his orders.

The main thing is.

They also said a lot of things that they had never thought of.

For example, Li Erya's body was used as a sacrifice to appease the anger of the gods.


Of course he was overjoyed now.

You know, although this village has become his independent kingdom.

But after all, a life was lost. If you are not careful, it may still spread and attract the attention of the Public Security Department.

Just now, he was still worried about how to deal with Li Erya's body.

Unexpectedly, these villagers actually came up with a good idea on their own!

It is precisely because of this that Tang Dawei was even more overjoyed.

He immediately said: "Very good, in that case, let's sacrifice it!"


Everyone nodded in agreement.

Next, under the instructions of Tang Dawei.

People in the village began to take action one after another.

They set up firewood on the threshing floor and then placed Li Erya's body on it.

Then, light the flame.


At this time, it was getting late, and the flames suddenly rose.

The dazzling firelight illuminated the village brightly!

As the flames continued to burn, Li Erya's body finally turned into ashes!

All evidence of guilt was burned in the flames.


Aunt Zhang looked at all this and felt deep fear in her heart.

She didn't expect that these people would be so crazy!

As for Tang Dawei, looking at the scene in front of him, he finally relaxed completely.

He did this for another reason.

That is to show those who oppose him in the village.

Look at what happens to those who oppose you in the end!

Tang Dawei knew.

In this village, there are still some people who have opinions about themselves.

But those people have not surfaced for a long time.

This made Tang Dawei think that there are always some landmines in inconspicuous places.

There could be a thunderstorm at any time!

And now?

After something like this happened, he thought (bgai) those people should not dare to make any more noise, right?

Even if you really want to oppose yourself, you will have to think twice in the future.

See if it's worth sacrificing your life!

Of course Tang Dawei doesn't mind that there are some people who oppose him in the village.

Because he also knows that those people can never be eliminated.

He just needs to suppress those people!

In this way, no one in the entire village will resist his dominance!

Li Erya and Mo Junwen were just one of the dozen victims of Tang Dawei's bewitchment.

In addition to them, many people died as a result.

Either he died of illness, or like Li Erya, he died under the siege of everyone.

Tragedies occur one after another.

But these tragedies did not attract the attention of people in the village at all.

On the contrary, the villagers thought.

These people who were killed were all those who destroyed the belief in gods. And those who died of various diseases were due to impure belief in gods.

There is no question at all whether there is anything wrong with their beliefs.

Do their gods really exist?

If we don't realize this, similar tragedies will continue to happen!

In the ward.

Zhou Chen watched this scene.

There was also a feeling of emotion in his heart.

This Tang David is a typical self-proclaimed leader!

This kind of thing has happened many times in human history. The most typical one is the former medieval monotheism.

They arrested all kinds of innocent people as witches, tried them, and burned them to death.

The current villagers are also of the same type.

Although Tang Dawei was also born as a farmer in the village, it did not prevent him from being slightly smarter than others in the village.

Otherwise, he would not be able to use such a thing to confuse other villagers!

Compared with other people who commit all kinds of wrong things purely out of ignorance, a leader like him is the biggest sin!

Therefore, Zhou Chen did not intend to let him go.

A death notice was then issued!.

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