I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 14 The Public Opinion Is Fermenting And The Public Security Department Is Under Great Pressu

News of the death of Zhao and his son quickly spread everywhere.

In addition to the victims in that demolition accident, they have bullied many people over the years!

at this time.

Everyone was delighted when they heard the news!

"Dad, Mom, you can rest your eyes under the Nine Springs!"

"Zhao and his son have been punished, and the son finally has no regrets!"

In front of the portraits of a pair of old men, a young man stood alone.

He quietly presented a bouquet of flowers.

the other side.

In a hotel room.

Several businessmen gathered together.

"Great, great!"

"Zhao Xinrong bullied those of us who do business honestly. Now that he has been killed by the judge, our shopping mall has eliminated a big harm! You will not come home until you are drunk tonight!"

One of them raised his wine glass high and his face was filled with joy.


Others echoed.


Although several days have passed since the incident.

However, the popularity of the case has remained high.

Countless netizens are discussing this case.

There are even many detective and suspense enthusiasts doing various analyses, trying to find out the judge’s murderous methods!

But without exception.

No matter what these self-proclaimed suspense enthusiasts do, they have no way of guessing the method!


These people all praised the judges for their superb skills!

However, compared to these.

In fact, another thing is more concerning!

Since the judge can kill Zhao Xinrong and Zhao Yongliang and his son in such an easy and strange way, he must be able to kill other evil people easily too!

For a time, countless netizens rejoiced!

"The Judge is so powerful, hurry up and wipe out all the evil people in this world!"

"Do you think the judge is a god? I definitely need some rest too!"

"Isn't this a god? In my eyes, the judge is almost like a god!"

"Indeed! Compared to the judges, I actually want to see what the other villains are going to do now? They must be under a lot of pressure!"

"Hahaha, I want to see it too. I suggest those evildoers find a few more people as bodyguards when they sleep, so that they don't find their heads when they wake up the next day!"

"Are you underestimating the judge when you say that? That Zhao Xinrong had so many bodyguards that he still burned himself to death!"

"Yes, the judge is omnipotent!"

Online opinions continue to ferment.

Various websites and forums are full of cheerful atmosphere!

Some people feel happy, and of course some people feel uneasy.

Who would be upset?

Of course it’s the evil ones!

These two cases are so weird and bizarre!

Now, they only feel as if there is a sharp sword hanging on their foreheads.

It's even an invisible sword!

So that they can't notice it at all.

All we can do is wait obediently for the blade to fall!

Cut off your own head!

These villains had trouble sleeping and eating, and scenes of the bad things they had done in the past came to mind.

The Inquisitors threaten their very existence!

no doubt.

They also want to find this person!

After finding the judge, I want to completely wipe him out of this world!

Stressed people.

Not just the evil ones.

The same goes for the Sheriff's Department.

Their superiors put a lot of pressure on them to handle the case.

They must find out who is the judge behind this!

no way.

Everyone in the Sheriff's Department has to work overtime.

But they were disappointed.

No matter how you investigate, the result of this case will be the same.

They have no clue!

Helpless, the Public Security Department could only bring the girl who was kidnapped by Zhao Yongliang.

Want to get some clues from her.

But there is no way.

The girl also knew nothing about the matter.

Suddenly, the people in the Sheriff's Department were in trouble.

They can only look through past files, hoping to find clues from these files.

Some people wonder if they are being hunted by enemies?

After all, this father and son are also people with very deep criminal backgrounds.

They have done countless evil things in the past!

But the more they read through the files, the angrier the detectives from the Public Security Department became!

"Boss, I don't think we need to continue investigating!"

"These two people have done many evil things, and they deserve to die!"

A group of detectives headed by Song Chen gave this opinion.

They were all shocked by the tragedies in the files!

The numerous crimes committed by this pair of Zhao father and son can be said to be countless!

And since there is no clue to this case, it’s better to just let it go!

"What do you mean by that?"

The director had not yet spoken, but another detective spoke, "As detectives, it is our duty to track down the murderer!"

"Responsibility? Then when Zhao and his son did evil before, why couldn't we bring them to justice? It wasn't because they were so powerful!"

"If they were caught and brought to justice at that time, it would be impossible for this judge to take action to punish them!"

Song Chen has a strong sense of justice.

He had long been unhappy with the father and son.

But in the past, there was really no way.

Now that they have been punished like this, it can be considered as their own fault!


The detective was speechless for a moment.

However, after a while.

He still thought of a reason: "This so-called judge has such powerful means of committing crimes. How can you guarantee that he will not attack good people? Such a person, outside the management of the Public Security Department, is a potential threat !”

They both refused to give in to each other.

It can be said that everyone has his own reasons and worries.

For a moment, it was obvious that neither one was willing to give in to the other.


Such divisions spread among all the agents.

The detectives in the entire Public Security Department were suddenly divided into two groups.

They all work on their own, making the Sheriff's Department full of gunpowder!


"If you have the energy to argue, you might as well use it to find a way to solve the case!"

crucial moment.

It was the director who took the initiative to stand up.

He came to the crowd and glanced at them one by one.

Everyone stopped talking.

The director calmed down his anger a little and said to everyone: "No matter what you think of this judge, we still have to find him!"

"But the judge is so mysterious, we can't find any clues at all!"

a detective asked.

On this point, both parties have reached a rare consensus.

"There's no need to worry!"

"I can tell you the good news. A top female detective who is famous in the country has been sent here. With her help, we will have a better chance of winning!"

A rare look of joy flashed across the director's face.

"The top female detective in the country? Could it be..."

Everyone reacted quickly.

in mind.

A sassy figure was quickly sketched out!


ps: A new book is about to set sail, data is very important, please give me flowers and evaluation votes!

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