The opinions of the outside world cannot affect Zhou Chen.

In the ward.

He opened the book of sins again.

The previous mission was reduced to ashes.

New content presented!

[Task code: Don’t you love me? 】

[Target: Hu Xiaoyan. 】

[Reward: 20,000 merit points (merit points can be exchanged for items in the mall, and can be exchanged for money at 1:100)]

[Death limit: within one week]

[Target introduction: Hu Xiaoyan is a young and beautiful woman who graduated from a prestigious university in Shanghai. 】

[Now she is an outstanding woman walking among elite men, but behind her beautiful appearance, there is an unknown past. 】

[She was born into a poor family and her family could not support her to complete her studies. 】

[Hu Xiaoyan’s boyfriend resolutely gave up his academic dream and went out to work to help Hu Xiaoyan complete her studies]

[Boyfriend Li Minghao said to Hu Xiaoyan, I love you, so I am willing to do everything I can to give you the best and fulfill your dreams. 】

[So Hu Xiaoyan successfully enrolled in school and competed with her roommates, while Li Minghao worked hard to move bricks, and even worked several jobs just to support his living expenses and tuition. 】

[Just when Li Minghao and his co-workers were thinking about the future and forming a beautiful family with his future wife. 】

[Hu Xiaoyan from Shanghai is already intoxicated in the feasting and feasting, and has found a rich, handsome boyfriend with her excellent appearance. 】

[After four years of hard work, all he got in exchange was Hu Xiaoyan's betrayal, and Li Minghao almost collapsed in despair. 】

[However, Hu Xiaoyan, who was about to marry into a wealthy family, learned that her boyfriend had a new love. 】

[The two of them even laughed at her behind her back for being a weakling who wanted to climb high. 】

[Hu Xiaoyan got into a quarrel with her boyfriend and accidentally killed her boyfriend. 】

[Extremely helpless, she thought of her ex-boyfriend, Li Minghao. 】

[So she called Li Minghao and told him that she had only now discovered who really loved her, and asked Li Minghao to leave fingerprints and other traces to bear the blame for her. 】

[She promised that she would flee to the end of the world with Li Minghao afterwards. 】

[Li Minghao was dazzled by love and believed it. 】

[Soon, they came to a port. However, what greeted them was not a ferry heading to the future. 】

[Instead, there was a black car, and several men in black got out of the black car and kidnapped Li Minghao. 】

[Hu Xiaoyan skillfully accepted the thousands of dollars handed over by the man in black. It was obviously not the first time. 】

[Thousands of yuan, or even just the price of a banquet, measures the value of life. 】

[Li Minghao was sold to a black mine by his lover like an animal. 】

[Four years have passed, and Hu Xiaoyan is no longer the kind and honest person she once was. 】

[Li Minghao’s job cannot support his luxurious life. 】

[Hu Xiaoyan also does other things after school, and gets to know a lot of people, and even lures homeless people to sell to those men in black. 】

[And Li Minghao, who shed his last drop of blood and sweat for Hu Xiaoyan in the mine, died in the mine collapse. 】

The mission description appeared in front of Zhou Chen's eyes.

at the same time.

A picture appears.

Take Zhou Chen back to the past!

The sun was blazing.

A dusty construction site.

Workers came and went, and the roar of huge machines was endless.

Under the shade of a tree, several workers were gathering together, talking and laughing.

They are queuing up for food.

Most of the people who do hard work on construction sites are middle-aged and elderly people at the bottom with little education and skills.

But among such a group of people, one young man stood out.

He is muscular and tall.

Although his hair was unkempt from the dust from the construction site, his handsome appearance could not be concealed.

this person.

It was Li Minghao.

"Come on this, this, and this..."

"Two more meals!"

Li Minghao ordered.

The aunt who was cooking glanced at him, and she couldn't bear it any longer.

"Young man, my aunt is not talking about you. You are a tall man of about 18 meters and do such hard work. Why do you eat vegetarian food every day and don't have any oil or water to eat?"

She looked at Li Minghao curiously and asked.


Li Minghao just smiled and scratched his head.

He didn't explain, but there was a bit of shyness on his face.

"Hey, auntie will give you a chicken drumstick today!"

The aunt scooped up a chicken leg and put it in Li Minghao's lunch box.

Then, I specially brought him more food and filled his lunch box full!

"Thank you, ma'am, but no need!"

Li Minghao waved his hands repeatedly.

"It's okay, a chicken leg doesn't cost much! After you finish beating it, hurry up and leave. The people behind you still need to eat!"

The aunt didn't care.

"Oh, okay. Mom, thank you so much!"

Li Minghao left with great gratitude.

Li Minghao didn't say anything, and the aunt didn't ask any more questions.

Who comes out to do this business and is not a miserable person?

Who doesn’t have a problem?


This is also a young man who has difficulties at home!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh.

Finding a shady place, Li Minghao sat with several coworkers.

"Hey, Haozi, it's okay today! I'm willing to eat chicken legs!"

A co-worker quipped.

"It's so rare! I remember that you didn't smoke or drink, and you only ate the cheapest vegetarian dishes. You saved your salary and sent it to your girlfriend every month. What kind of girlfriend is she worth? So obsessed with her!"

Another co-worker was also curious.

Li Minghao took a big mouthful of rice and stuffed his mouth full.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead again, and a smile full of happiness appeared on his face.

He swallowed the food and then said to his co-workers: "My girlfriend? She is a college student from Shanghai! Her family background is not good, and it is not easy to get into college. Then I, as your boyfriend, have to pay more." ?”

"Oh, that's how it is……"

The workers were thoughtful.

But soon, a co-worker asked doubtfully: "Well, your girlfriend has a good job after graduating from college, but you are moving bricks on a construction site. How can she marry you in the future?"

"That's right, this is the sky and the earth!"

Other workers also echoed.

"That's not possible! We are from the same village. We grew up together. Childhood sweethearts, do you understand?"

Li Minghao took two more mouthfuls of rice.

He has full trust in Hu Xiaoyan!

After eating, it's lunch break time.

Lying on the simple bed in the work shed, Li Minghao took out his mobile phone.

Looking at the photo of his girlfriend Hu Xiaoyan over and over again, there is always a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

One year.

One more year.

Hu Xiaoyan will be able to graduate from college.

At that time, he would quit his job at the construction site and go to Shanghai to find Hu Xiaoyan.

They will register their marriage.

Form a happy little family.

Have your own children and live a happy life!

Every time I think of this.

Li Minghao's motivation to work will increase a lot.

No matter how hard or tired you are, you will never feel bitter or tired again!


ps: A new book is about to set sail, data is very important, please give me flowers and evaluation votes!

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