I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 16 A Few Years Of Deep Love Are Not Worth A Fortune


Li Minghao didn't expect it.

While he was working hard to move bricks on the construction site, Hu Xiaoyan, who was far away in Shanghai, was nestling in someone else's arms.

In order to catch up with the progress of the project, Li Minghao wore the stars and the moon.

Late into the night, he was still working on the construction site.

And at the same time.

Hu Xiaoyan was immersed in the feasting and feasting of the club.

The clothes and jewelry she wears are all famous brands.

She had a beautiful face, but with the blessing of these famous brands, her country atmosphere has long faded.

She looks like an urban beauty!

And all this.

It’s all earned by Li Minghao’s hard work on the construction site!

In the private room of the club.

The music is loud.

A group of men and women lifted together.

Those who drink drink, those who sing sing.

"Hey, Xiaoyan. Why are you still wearing this ring? This is from last year. There are new products this year. Didn't you buy it?"

A fashionably dressed woman came and sat down next to Hu Xiaoli.

Her name is Wang Fang.

Her eyes wandered.

He quickly noticed Hu Xiaoyan's delicate hands.

Hu Xiaoyan is more beautiful than her and more popular with men than her.

Although the two have a good relationship on the surface, they are actually just plastic sisters.

Overtly or covertly, they will compete with each other.

"Oh, you're talking about this?"

"I forgot to change it when I went out today! New product? I have it too! I will wear it to show you tomorrow!"

Hu Xiaoyan was a little tipsy.

She smiled lightly and casually took off the ring on her finger.

Then, he threw it into the trash can nearby.

"Things that are outdated should be thrown away, right?"

Hu Xiaoyan also raised her eyes slightly and met Wang Fang's gaze.

The corners of Wang Fang's mouth twitched slightly, but she did not show any displeasure.

In fact, let’s talk about family background.

She is much better than Hu Xiaoyan.

She is a native of Shanghai, and her family had a lot of house and cash divided up during the demolition.

You can live comfortably on just the rent every month!

But even then, buying the latest fashion pieces isn’t something you’ll be buying every season.

That’s a lot of money after all!

But Hu Xiaoyan can!

Of course they don't know Hu Xiaoyan's true family background.

I thought her family was indeed quite wealthy.

Because the money given to her by the men alone could not support Hu Xiaoyan's expenses.

Wang Fang has calculated it accurately!

But what they don't know is.

All of this was actually earned by Li Minghao through working!

For example, the ring thrown away by Hu Xiaoyan just now was bought by Li Minghao with his savings for several months.

At that time, Hu Xiaoyan was crying and asking for birthday gifts.

Li Minghao felt that his girlfriend had indeed suffered a lot by following him.

So, I gritted my teeth and bought one for her.

But he didn't expect that he would be abandoned by Hu Xiaoyan so casually!

It's like throwing away an inconspicuous piece of trash!

the next day.

Hu Xiaoyan really wore the latest diamond ring!

Of course, this is the money she and Li Minghao want.

The money I had saved for several months was once again emptied by Hu Xiaoyan!

Wearing the latest diamond ring, Hu Xiaoyan once again visited a high-end club.

With her outstanding appearance and fashionable dress, she has become the center of attention!

This greatly satisfied her vanity!

She enjoys this feeling!

time flies.

A year has passed.

Hu Xiaoyan ushered in the moment of graduation.

Today is the graduation ceremony.

at the school gate.

Li Minghao stood in the crowd.

His clothes were plain and simple. But it was clean and spotless.

His face was filled with a happy smile.

Holding a small box in both hands.

Inside is a diamond ring.

It was the diamond ring he bought with his frugality!

He wants to propose to Hu Xiaoyan when she graduates!


Li Minghao can already imagine it.

Hu Xiaoyan looked happy after seeing the diamond ring.


A figure walked out of the school.

She wore sunglasses, designer clothes, and a designer bag.

It’s Hu Xiaoyan!


Li Minghao quickly greeted him.

Standing in front of Hu Xiaoyan, he handed over carefully prepared flowers and diamond rings.

Hu Xiaoyan was stunned at first.

"Li Minghao?"

Li Minghao planned to give Hu Xiaoyan a surprise, so he did not notify her.

However, it was a shock to Hu Xiaoyan.

She didn't expect that Li Minghao would come to the Magic City!

She had long wanted to end her relationship with this rustic man.

At this moment, this man actually appeared in front of his university!

If this is known to my classmates...

Hu Xiaoyan's face suddenly darkened.

"Xiaoyan, this is the gift I prepared for you, please marry me!"

Li Minghao knelt down on one knee and said solemnly.

this moment.

Countless people around him cast all kinds of looks.

Spacious school entrance.

It became completely silent.

"Hey, Xiaoyan. Who is this person? Is he your boyfriend or fiancé?"

At this moment, a strange voice sounded.

Wang Fang!

I saw her arriving here surrounded by several people.

Li Minghao did not stand up, but continued to kneel on one knee.

Now Xiaoyan has graduated.

Their long love run for so many years is finally coming to an end!


Hu Xiaoyan told him.

She has been reluctant to tell her classmates that she has a boyfriend.

It’s because I’m worried about affecting my learning.

Now, Xiaoyan has graduated.

Their romance can finally be made public!

Thinking of this, Li Minghao said seriously: "Yes, I am..."


He hasn't finished speaking yet.

What greeted him was a loud slap!

This heavy slap stunned Li Minghao!

Leave him stunned!

"Li Minghao, please stop harassing me! You are a poor, stinky part-time worker, and you are not worthy of me, Hu Xiaoyan!"

"We are from two different worlds, get out of here!"

Hu Xiaoyan scolded angrily.

She showed no mercy to Li Minghao.

His words were sharp, like a barrage of cannon fire.

Every word is like a sharp sword, piercing deep into Li Minghao's heart!

"And this, what kind of broken ring is this?"

"Come on, how many months of salary did you spend? With this money, you should buy two decent new clothes!"

Hu Xiaoyan opened the gift box and spat disdainfully.

Immediately afterwards, she threw flowers and rings on Li Minghao's face!


Li Minghao still stood stupidly.

Let the flowers fall to the ground and the ring roll out of the box.

Roll all the way into the sewer on the street!

"Xiaoyan, what's wrong?"

At this moment, a steady male voice sounded.

A tall man in a suit and tie got out of the luxury car.

His name is Lu Xun, and he is Hu Xiaoyan's new boyfriend.

His family owns one of the top ten companies in Shanghai, and he is truly a rich second generation!

"It's okay, a poor guy harassed me. Ah Xun, let's go!"

After arranging her hair, Hu Xiaoyan followed Lu Xun into the luxury car.


A kick of the gas.

The luxury car drove away.

The exhaust mixed with the dust on the street blew Li Minghao's head and face!

At this moment, Li Minghao completely collapsed.

He burst into tears!

Could it be that the relationship of several years has come to an end like this?

He is not willing to give in!

He wants to chase!

Chase back Hu Xiaoyan!

Get your love back!

"Yanzi, Yanzi, don't leave! How can I live if you leave!"

Heart-rending shouts rang out.

Li Minghao chased hard.

But the luxury car gradually went further and further away, and finally disappeared from his sight!


ps: A new book is about to set sail, data is very important, please give me flowers and evaluation votes!

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