I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 17 How Many Crimes Are In The Name Of False Love

The scene changed again.

A few years later.

In a dark and narrow mine tunnel.

Li Minghao worked hard.

His career in the black mines had already damaged his body to a state of dilapidation.

He trudged forward pushing the cart.

But after taking a few steps, his body softened and he fell directly to the ground.

"Li Minghao, you are lazy again! Get up!"

Behind him, a fat man kicked him.

This is their foreman, and he hates people who don’t work hard enough.

But Li Minghao didn't mean to be lazy, he really didn't have much energy left!

Because in this kind of black mine.

There is no room for you to be lazy!

You will be treated like an animal.

If you really can’t do anything anymore and die, you will be discarded like a pair of worn-out shoes!

Li Minghao could only get up with difficulty.

Pushing the cart unsteadily, he continued to move forward.

"I'm telling you, you won't be allowed to eat until you finish today's work!"

Behind him, the foreman yelled and cursed.

Beside him, the co-workers also cast sympathetic glances.

Because they know.

Li Minghao has reached his limit.

Li Minghao, who was on the verge of collapse, finally recalled that night.

That night.

Hu Xiaoyan came to see him, crying so hard.

Under Hu Xiaoyan's instigation and deception, he was dazzled by love and was eventually sold into this black mine.

Live a life of darkness!

at this time.

A shrill scream broke Li Minghao's thoughts: "It's not good, the mine tunnel collapsed!"


The screams were quickly drowned out!

Rolling dust and smoke mixed with falling boulders hit.

In an instant, Li Minghao felt dizzy!

He wanted to run away, but Li Minghao couldn't run anymore.

Before he could even run a few steps, his body swayed and he fell to the ground again.

Behind him, a huge roar came.

The landslide was gradually approaching, and Li Minghao had nowhere to escape.


Severe pain came.

The collapsing boulder still directly crushed him underneath!

Until he died, Li Minghao's eyes were still staring in a certain direction.

Zhou Chen knew.

That is exactly the direction of the Magic City!

After reading the tragic experience of Li Minghao.

Zhou Chen was extremely angry.

And this time, there was another Li Qian watching what happened with him.

"It's so abominable!"

Li Qian also said angrily: "Hu Xiaoyan is not satisfied with such a person as her boyfriend. She, she..."

At this point, she even ran out of words.

"We'll take action tomorrow night!"

Zhou Chen spit out a sentence.

at the same time.

A death notice was also sent out!

Magic City.

A certain bar.

Amidst the feasting and feasting, countless men and women were twisting their bodies on the dance floor.

Amidst the loud music, there was a figure mixed in.

It’s Hu Xiaoyan!

Hu Xiaoyan is particularly beautiful tonight!

Her purpose of coming here today was very pure, just to attract the attention of those men.

Fortunately, I found my goal among a group of rich second generations!

She cleverly blamed Li Minghao for Lu Xun's death.

And Li Minghao died in a mining accident again!

This made the people from the Sheriff's Department think that the murderer was already dead.

Naturally, the investigation of this case was abandoned!

And she.

Hu Xiaoyan.

And finally gained freedom.

Live a life of feasting and feasting again!

She even performed a show of deep love between husband and wife at Lu Xun's funeral.

It caused the Lu family to burst into tears.

Lu Xun's father even gave her a large amount of compensation for this!

This fool!

Hu Xiaoyan shook her head to the music.

"Miss, can I buy you a drink?"


A magnetic male voice sounded.

Hu Xiaoyan looked for the sound and found a tall man appearing next to her.

He was wearing a casual suit, and you could tell at a glance that it was an expensive brand name.

Handsome appearance.

There was a slight smile on his face, which was as sharp as a knife or an ax.


Hu Xiaoyan smiled slightly.

After saying that, she drank the wine in the glass.

This is already her third prey tonight!

In the following interactions, Hu Xiaoyan learned that this person was named Zhou Song.

His family is also very rich!

As soon as the two came and went, they left each other's contact information.

We played until it was getting dark.

Hu Xiaoyan then returned to her home.

She suddenly sat on the sofa and stretched her limbs lazily.


At this time.

The phone rang.

Someone in the group sent a message.

That is the so-called "Group of Celebrities from the Magic City".

At this time, someone was showing off his victory tonight in the group.

But Hu Xiaoyan sneered at their results!

She was keen on showing off and loved being liked by others, so she quickly joined the group chat.

"I caught Zhou Song from the Zhou Group today!"

After simply editing a message, Hu Xiaoyan clicked send.

Suddenly, the group exploded.

Zhou Group.

That is one of the top ten outstanding companies in Shanghai.

The same level as the Lu family!

As expected, Hu Xiaoyan's words aroused the envy, jealousy and hatred of many people.

My former classmate Wang Fang was also in the group.

Hu Xiaoyan enjoyed this feeling very much.

Especially the feeling of being surrounded and admired by countless people in front of Wang Fang!

But at this moment.

Hu Xiaoyan caught a glimpse of something.

It was an envelope placed on my coffee table.

The style is old and outdated.

It’s incompatible with the style of her home!

When did you get such shabby things in your home?

Hu Xiaoyan picked it up casually.

Take it apart and take a look.

Death notice!

Five large scarlet characters came into view!

Hu Xiaoyan was so frightened that she seemed to have sobered up even after drinking.

She also goes online.

Why don’t you understand the death notice that has caused a lot of commotion on the Internet recently?

in the Legends.

Anyone who receives a death notice will die!

And this mysterious judge specializes in judging evil people!

Could it be.

Are you also a villain?


she is not!

She is just pursuing a better life!

How can I be a bad person?

In her heart, Hu Xiaoyan had already found a perfect reason for herself!


Ask yourself.

Are these reasons valid?

Hu Xiaoyan couldn't help but shiver!

she knows.

These reasons are untenable!

Therefore, Hu Xiaoyan panicked.

She thought of the father and son Zhao Xinrong and Zhao Yongliang mentioned in the news!

They died so miserably.

I don’t want to become like them!

She started calling!

Toot toot…

The call was answered.

On the other end, there was the lazy voice of a second-generation rich man: "Xiaoyan, is there anything going on in the middle of the night?"

"Luo Sheng, save me, save me!"

Hu Xiaoyan was even a little incoherent.

"What's wrong?"

When the man opposite saw Hu Xiaoyan like this, he immediately became more energetic.

In front of him, Hu Xiaoyan's persona is that of a pure newcomer in the workplace.

Of course I can't see the Bai Yueguang in my heart being so beautiful!


ps: A new book is about to set sail, data is very important, please give me flowers and evaluation votes!

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