I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 142 The Handsome Hornet Attacks! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Tang Dawei trembled all over, as if he realized something.

Tang Dawei heard some creaking sounds again.

He saw that the two female corpses stood up slowly again.

He slowly moved towards himself step by step!

However, it's quick.

Tang Dawei seemed to notice something.

That is, a figure appeared at the door of his house.

The figure was very tall, almost reaching the height of the ceiling.

And the most important thing is that although this thing looks like a human being, it is actually not a human being at all.

Because this guy's face is completely insect-like!

"This is………………"

"What the hell is this?!"

Seeing this thing appear, Tang Dawei couldn't help but take a breath.

Because the thing in front of me is even scarier than the two female corpses just now!

That thing can still be described as a fake corpse, but now this thing......

It was really beyond his knowledge!

However, this thing just stood there quietly, with no intention of moving.

But Tang Dawei had a vague feeling that the two female corpses seemed to be controlled by this guy!

What appears now is, of course, Zhou Chen, who transforms into a handsome and handsome hornet.

The reason why he transformed into the Yellow Emperor Yin Shuai was actually because he wanted to see what abilities the Yellow Emperor Yin Shuai had.

But now it seems that Wong Yin is indeed quite powerful.

Although it also has the ability to master the insects in the world.

But there is another most critical ability, which is the ability to control other creatures. Just like queen ants and queen bees among insects.

Take control of your own tribe and make them work for you!

For example, now, these two female corpses are controlled by Zhou Chen!

And these two women actually did not die unjustly!

Because they voluntarily attached themselves to Tang Dawei, and they also used Tang Dawei's power to do some things to exclude dissidents.

For example, the village chief used Tang Dawei to gain a lot of power.

It can be said that besides Tang Dawei, he is the most powerful person in the whole village!

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Chen chose to use them for surgery!

And now?

Zhou Chen's spearhead finally fell on Tang Dawei!

This also made Tang Dawei feel an unprecedented fear!

"Tang Dawei, come and accept your fate!"

The hornet Yin Shuai struck hard and pierced Tang Dawei's body.

Tang Dawei let out a shrill scream, his body was pierced on the spot, and his soul was separated.


Tang Dawei only felt that the world was spinning.

When he finally came to his senses, he found himself in a hell filled with chaos.

What awaits him will be a very terrible punishment!


the next day.

When the sun rose, people seemed to realize some problems.

Because Tang Dawei used to preach his stuff everywhere in the village early every morning.

But today, Tang Dawei was not seen at all.

This made the villagers feel a little strange.

What about the Tang Dawei people?

Isn't he awake yet?

Or is he going to follow the instructions of some god and retreat in his own room?

This also makes people feel very strange.

However, even though they felt strange in their hearts, these people did not dare to go to Tang Dawei's home to find out in person.

At the beginning, people still didn't pay much attention to it.

But after a while, some of them realized something.

Do you think something happened to David Tang?

Therefore, some people advocated visiting Tang Dawei's house.

But there are still some people who dare not. After all, in many people’s minds, Tang Dawei Furniture is actually the so-called holy land!

It is absolutely forbidden to enter!

But as time goes by, more and more people realize that there may be a problem.

So, someone decided to enter Tang Dawei's house to take a look no matter what.


There were still a few brave ones who walked in.

780 But as soon as they entered Tang Dawei's house, they immediately felt a very strong bloody smell coming towards them!

At this time, they all realized their deep fear.

I think something must have happened to Tang Dawei’s family!

Then, a group of people entered the home.

What you can see in front of you is a scene that is unbearable to watch!

Instantly, these people were stunned.

They crawled away from Tang Dawei's house, and then Aunt Zhang notified the Public Security Department. Finally, people from the Public Security Department rushed over.

The Sheriff's Department knows that this case must have been committed by the judge.

They had long since stopped being shocked.

But as to why the judge wanted to kill Tang Dawei, the people in the Public Security Department did not know.

Also, ask the villagers.

The villagers actually kept silent in a tacit agreement.

Although they are ignorant, they are not really fools.

They also know what kind of treatment they will face if what Tang Dawei has done is announced!

Therefore, people are silent!.

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