I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 143 The Disaster Caused By Ignorance! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

After announcing what Tang Dawei had done, one thing that cannot be escaped is the story of how they forced Li Erya and others to death.

In that case, they will definitely face jail time at the very least.

Therefore, these people are not willing to be punished like that.

It is precisely because of this that when they realized this, everyone shut their mouths.

They reached a very clever tacit understanding.

This puts the investigation progress of the Public Security Department into a very difficult state.

They have no way to get further useful information from these people.

In this way, the investigation of the case reached a deadlock.

But what the villagers did not expect was that there was actually a huge uncertain variable among such a group of people.

That’s Aunt Zhang!


Aunt Zhang is one of the few people in the village who opposes Tang Dawei.

Since Tang Dawei's death, she has not left her home.

It wasn't until the people from the Public Security Department arrived that she walked out of her house and told the people from the Public Security Department everything that happened in the village!

And when they heard it, they were all shocked!

Unexpectedly, in this day and age.

Such a thing actually still exists!

At the same time, after this case was posted online, it also greatly shocked netizens.

"Oh my god, what are all these things? I didn't expect that in this era, such dirty things still exist!"

"I wonder if everyone in this village is stupid?"

"A living person, just because of ignorance, has delayed the best period of treatment! Ignorance harms people, the Tang people are feudal and superstitious!"

"Hey, if they could leave this village earlier, maybe they would have a different fate!"

"He beat people to death! Can the so-called gods take the life of a living person for no reason?"

"I feel that none of the people who participated in killing Li Erya should be left alive!"

"Yes, these people should all be arrested and shot!"


Everyone was talking about it.

Of course, how they express their opinions is also the freedom of the netizens themselves.

How to deal with this matter really depends on the arrangements of the Public Security Department.

But one thing is certain.

That is, although these villagers are hateful, most of them are not ignorant.

Of course.

Those responsible for manslaughter were arrested.

And some others have also received severe sanctions!

In the ward.

Zhou Chen let out a sigh of relief.

He had no sympathy for such an ignorant and backward village.

Because he knows.

If such people are not taught a bloody lesson, they will not wake up!

It is precisely because of this that after Zhou Chen completed his task, he no longer paid attention to matters related to this case.

"Congratulations to the host, for killing Tang Dawei and completing the mission!"

"Get fifty thousand merit points!"

The system prompt sounds.

Fifty thousand merit points!

Zhou Chen prepared to use them all for a lottery draw.

Brush, brush, brush!

Soon, all 50,000 merit points were consumed.

If you want to smoke, smoke it and enjoy it!

Zhou Chen thought so.

Soon, streaks of light flashed through.

In the system interface, rewards also appeared.

Among them, four are soul pills.

This is also a reasonable thing!

And the last one is a character with feathers all over his body, with the head of a bird and the body of a human!

He is none other than one of the top ten handsome guys!

Take charge of the birds in the world!

"very good!"

Zhou Chen was very satisfied.

Now, nine of the top ten handsome men have been collected.

There is only one last one left to collect!

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Bird Beak Yin Shuai template. Nine of the top ten Yin Shuai have been gathered. After the host has gathered the top ten Yin Shuai, he will receive a special reward from the system!"

The system prompt sounded again.

"."What is this? Special reward?"

This surprised Zhou Chen very much.

He didn't expect that the system would be so user-friendly? Would it even give him a special reward?

This can't be done without a needle!

But what exactly is the reward?

Zhou Chen doesn't know yet.

Moreover, even if he wanted to ask the system, the other party would definitely not answer.

But for Zhou Chen, this is indeed a very good expectation!

the other side.

Outside an airport.

At this time, many people were gathering here, waiting to greet the passengers who got off the plane.

And among this group of people.

Some people were also mixed in, appearing very ordinary and inconspicuous.

It is the group of Sakura people headed by Yamamoto!


A plane landed.

This is an international flight from Sakura Country.

Soon, the plane stopped.

Among the people who got off the plane, Yamamoto's eyes quickly locked on one of them.

That's a young man!

It was the person who had a video call with him before!

Seeing the young man approaching, Yamamoto hurriedly greeted him.

"Mr. Xinya's system!"

He bowed respectfully.

And what about that young man?

He also nodded slightly to greet him.

But the young man's eyes are cold, as if there is no emotion!

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