I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 147 Shikigami? Vulnerable! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

However, Yuan Xinya was not to be outdone.

Even though he saw such a shocking scene happening, he was completely unwilling to be outdone!

That’s right!

Yuan Xinya is not to be outdone now!

I saw him gritting his teeth and using all his strength.

Because he knows how powerful the other party is and how terrifying the other party is.

Therefore, you need to try your best no matter what.

But not for a while.

He discovered a problem.

That is, even if I try my best, I can't seem to touch the opponent's hair at all!

In front of such a powerful existence, I can really only act like an ant!

"Kill me!"

Finally, Yuan Xinya issued an order.

In his roar, all the shikigami were mobilized.

He rushed towards the two great gods and killed them!


Even if it is 16.

In front of Zhou Chen, his attack seemed so childish and ridiculous.

There is no way he can be Zhou Chen’s opponent!


Then I heard a loud bang!

Then Zhong Kui suddenly covered it with his big hand!

At this moment, everyone felt a kind of pressure.

An unprecedented pressure!

It was as if Mount Tai pressed down on top, pressing down on Yuan Xingya and Yamamoto.

At the same time, the shikigami summoned by Yuan Xinya exploded instantly!

Bang bang!

A violent noise appears!

Under such terrifying power, these shikigami are no match at all!


Finally, the Japanese and Zhoumu noises broke out.

All those shikigami turned into nothingness!

Yuan Xinya was stunned.

However, he couldn't really think about the current situation at all.

Because of that powerful force, even after destroying his shikigami, he had no intention of stopping!

Next, it was even more like Rula Village.

With an overwhelming offensive, it swept towards them!


Yamamoto is an ordinary person.

He was the first to bear the brunt and was instantly swept away by this powerful shock wave.

The whole person flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

He vomited blood and died on the spot!

As for Yuan Xinya now, of course he is not to be outdone at all!

Although all his shikigami were wiped out in an instant, it did not mean that he had no means of coping.

When he saw Yuan Xinya, he let out a scream.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled out a short knife from his waist.

Directly scratch the palm of your right hand!

A large amount of blood flowed out like a spring.

Yuan Xinya gritted his teeth and at the same time read out a mantra with difficulty.

This mantra is very obscure and difficult to understand.

And as he recited this mantra, the blood flowing out of his palms began to undergo wonderful changes.

The blood quickly condensed into a ring around his body.

It's like a barrier.

Protect Yuan Xinya in it.

It seemed that it was helping him resist the attack from Zhou Chen!


Zhou Chen, who transformed into a judge, observed this scene.

There was also a slight interest in his heart.

Because in Zhou Chen's opinion, if the other party can use such means to resist his attack, it can be regarded as a means of resistance with all his strength!

But it's a pity.

In Zhou Chen's opinion.

Such means of resistance are simply useless!

No matter what means he uses to resist himself, the result will be the same!


With an order.

At this moment, more powerful forces came crashing down.

If we talk about the power just now, in Yuan Xinya's view, it is like Mount Tai overwhelming the top.

So the current powerful offensive is ten times the previous offensive!


Even if Yuan Xinya tried his best, the result he got would be exactly the same!

What awaits him is death!

as expected.

With the terrifying pressure crashing down.

All the defense methods around Yuan Xinya were completely crushed at this moment!


There was another loud noise.

Under such a terrifying offensive, Yuan Xinya vomited blood!

At the same time, he fell to his knees on the ground.

The clothes all over his body were completely torn to pieces.

There are also blood marks on the body!

The heavy burden suddenly fell down, making him feel as if all the bones in his body were completely falling apart.

he knows.

There is nothing I can do to save myself!

Finally, he closed his eyes.

The whole person also completely fell to the ground.

What a life!

Died in front of Zhou Chen’s eyes!

As for Yamamoto, although he was knocked out just now, he was not dead yet.

And now, seeing Yuan Xinya die in front of his eyes.

His heart also skipped a beat, and he finally sank to the bottom of the valley!


Even Minamoto Shinya is no match for him!

Then of course, in front of him, there is only one way to die!

And next.

The gigantic figure also focused his gaze on his side.


Yamamoto's liver and gallbladder were split.

He knew that if Yuan Xinya died, it would be his turn next.

However, he soon discovered.

Next, another figure appeared unexpectedly.

They came out of the darkness and approached them step by step!

And they let out weird laughter, obviously they were ferocious and terrifying Yin soldiers and ghosts!

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