I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 148 Yamamoto Entered The Underworld And Was Tortured By Being Quartered By Five Horses! (Ple

The first one is black and white.

Right behind him is the tall and sturdy bull-headed and horse-faced figure!

Yamamoto has been in the Dragon Kingdom for a while, and he has heard about some of the folklore of the Dragon Kingdom.

Black and white, impermanent, bull's head and horse's face.

Of course he knew all about these legendary existences.

So, when he saw these four existences appear.

The feeling of fear in my heart also arose spontaneously.

Could it be that it is just like what is said on the Internet?

Is this so-called judge actually the ghost and god in the mythology of the Dragon Kingdom?

When he realized this.

The black and white impermanence and the bull-headed and horse-faced creatures over there had also appeared in front of him.

The terrifying coercion on their bodies also made Yamamoto so suppressed that he couldn't breathe at all.

"You, you..."

Yamamoto raised his head and looked at them in shock.

At this moment, Bai Wuchang let out a series of sinister smiles.

At the same time, the soul-enchanting chain in his hand was instantly released.


Like cutting through the sky, it penetrated deeply into Yamamoto's chest.


There was another crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards, Ben felt as if his soul was in a daze.

When he fully reacted, he found that he had left the villa he originally rented.

Appeared in a very dilapidated, chaotic, and desolate world.

This world is filled with countless depressing atmospheres.

Looking far into the distance, Yamamoto discovered that there were figures in the distance, imprisoned in various ways.

They suffered various punishments over and over again, causing those people to scream in agony.

He took a closer look and realized that those who were punishing those people were obviously not human beings.

But they are fierce ghosts with ferocious faces!

These ghosts are really powerful!

They held whips, steel forks, machetes and other tools in their hands and tortured those people constantly.

And those people, under such terrible torture, have long become bloody and bloody, looking very shocking.

But even so.

After taking a closer look, Yamamoto seemed to find some familiar faces among those people.

He was still a little scared at first, fearing that those little ghosts might attack him.

He didn't dare to get close, he only dared to watch cautiously from a distance.

But after a while, he found that those brats actually ignored him.

This also made Yamamoto's vigilance relax a little.

So, he cautiously moved towards that side.

While walking carefully, he kept his eyes on those people.

After taking a look, I discovered the identities of those who looked familiar among them!

There is no doubt that.

They are obviously some evildoers who were killed before!

The wicked slain by the Judge!

With a thud, Yamamoto finally realized something.

These guys were all evil people who were killed by the judge. Logically speaking, shouldn't they be dead?

How could it appear here again?


Is this place a netherworld?

Could it be that he is also dead?

One by one, ideas emerged in an instant.

There is no doubt that Yamamoto felt unprecedented fear!

A sense of boundless panic suddenly emerged.

This made Yamamoto feel incredible!

He didn't want to believe it.

But soon, he found another old acquaintance among that group of people.

It’s Zou Mingwei!

However, Zou Mingwei is no longer what he was before.

His whole body was covered with scars and countless blood flowed out.

Yamamoto took a breath of cold air, and then slowly stepped back.

But he soon bumped into a figure behind him.

Yamamoto couldn't help but turn around and saw that what he bumped into at this time was actually a green-faced and fanged ghost.

This fierce ghost held a long weapon and looked at Yamamoto with an angry look.

In an instant, Yamamoto's liver and gallbladder were split.

He took a step back and asked tremblingly: "..."What do you want to do?"

Yamamoto's mind went blank.

He asked this question almost instinctively.

I don’t know where I got such courage!

"Ichiro Yamamoto, a native of Sakura Country. He bribed thousands of Dragon Country people to steal Dragon Country secrets, and caused many murders directly or indirectly as a result!"

"The crime is unforgivable and you should be quartered on five horses!"

The green-faced and fanged sharp ghost (Wang Lihao) detailed Yamamoto's sins.

At the same time, Nishi moved closer to Yamamoto step by step.

Looking at the cold weapon in Li Gui's hand, Yamamoto felt extremely uneasy.

All of a sudden, I felt unprecedented panic.

He wanted to retreat, but found that ferocious ghosts appeared everywhere around him.

They surrounded him from all directions, leaving no chance for Yamamoto to escape!

"Be tortured!"

With a roar.

The evil ghosts suddenly swarmed up!

They used ropes to directly tie Yamamoto's limbs and neck.

When Yamamoto saw this situation, of course he kept trying to struggle.

Unfortunately, all this is completely useless!

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