I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 149 Yamamoto’S Death Caused A Sensation Across The Internet! (Please Subscribe, Please Custo

Under the control of those evil spirits, Yamamoto was directly cut into pieces by five horses!

And like everyone else who was tortured.

During this process, he was completely in a state of sobriety.

The pain of tearing bones and flesh came, making Yamamoto grimace in pain.

It's a pity that there is no way to resist at all.

All he could do was to endure it silently.

Suffering this kind of pain of tearing flesh and blood tortured Yamamoto's soul over and over again!

In the ward.

Zhou Chen's eyes were cold.

After taking back the templates of the two judges, he also received the notification message from the system at the same time!

"Congratulations to the host for killing Yamamoto and Minamoto Shinya!"

"Get thirty thousand merit points!"

These 30,000 merit points are not too much to say the least, but not too much to say the least.

By accumulating them, you can make yourself stronger in the future!

For Zhou Chen now, although he hopes to draw the last top ten handsome men as soon as possible, but to be honest, he doesn't think he can draw him at once.

Compared with others, his current strength is 270 strong enough for the time being.

Therefore, there is no need to keep drawing draws.

And compared to these, Zhou Chen has more important things to do now.

After solving Yamamoto, he discovered that the information about Yamamoto was also shown in the book of sins.

At the same time, I also learned about some of what Yamamoto did in the Dragon Kingdom.

You know what kind of bastard this guy is!

He controls some forces in various places in the Dragon Kingdom.

That is the so-called person who was bribed by him!

And all of these people are evil people who are greedy for profit.

In addition to their many illegal activities, what Yamamoto does later can even endanger the national security of the Dragon Kingdom.

Now, Yamamoto is dead.

I believe that this news will reach the ears of those people soon.

Therefore, they will definitely take corresponding measures.

Zhou Chen thought that he could not let those people ignore him.

Now that Yamamoto is dead, it is appropriate for these people to accompany him!

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen mobilized the crime book.

Start locking in the next target!

The deaths of Yamamoto and others were not discovered immediately.

Because they usually live in seclusion and don't have much contact with other people.

Even if they have contact with people from the Dragon Kingdom, they are all people who have business dealings with them.

Therefore, the first person to discover their disappearance was the staff of Sakura Kingdom stationed in Dragon Kingdom.

When the Public Security Department arrived at their rented villa, the bodies of Yamamoto and Minamoto Shinya had begun to stink!


News of the deaths of these two people also spread across the Internet.

This is the second time a judge has killed a foreigner!

But last time, in Zou Mingwei's case.

Because it involves confidentiality, the deaths of those Sakura people have not been announced.

Therefore, in the eyes of many netizens, this is the first time that a judge has killed a foreigner. There is no doubt that this caused an uproar on the Internet.

"Tell me, why did those two Sakura people die at the hands of the judge?"

"No matter what the reason is, I feel (bgad) that they must have done nothing good and were killed by the judge!"

"Yes, Sakura people are not good people!"

"And he died on the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. Maybe he was a spy or something? I heard that the Sakura people have always liked to engage in various espionage activities on our land!"

"It's very possible!"

Netizens were talking a lot, speculating how the two Sakura people died.

But in addition to normal netizens, there are naturally many weirdos.

For example, the filial sons and grandsons of Sakura Country!

They believe that two Sakura people died on the territory of the Dragon Kingdom and still died in such a horrific way. This is a serious international incident!

The judge must pay the price!

The judge must be caught and brought to justice!

"I didn't expect the judge to be such a person! Bloodthirsty, murderous, and cruel! He doesn't even spare those international friends. It's really abominable!"

"Yes! I used to be considered a fan of the Judge, and thought that the Judge was a good person who punished injustice and evil in the world. Now it seems that it is all fake!"

"Actually, I think those people before were right. The judge is just a murderer. The reason why he keeps killing evil people is to give everyone a false impression!"

"That's right, he first killed the bad guys to win everyone's favor. After everyone had a good impression of him, his true face was finally exposed!"

"I have always thought that the judge is a bad person, but I didn't dare to say it before. Now his true nature has finally been exposed, and you all have seen it!"

"Strongly demand to capture the judge and avenge the dead international friends!"

Those filial sons and grandsons of Sakura Country posted similar remarks on various online platforms.

Although their number may not be large, their momentum is indeed not small.

Because many of these people receive subsidies from the Sakura Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Specially responsible for setting the pace on the Longguo network.

It is also commonly known as "the one who receives dog food"!

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