I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 153: Sad Beauty Pass, Chi Yuqiang Died! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

I learned Chi Yuqiang’s thoughts.

His friends all thought that Chi Yuqiang was really too whimsical!

She thinks that even if Huang Yuxia is willing to be with him, she is just interested in his money!

I hope Chi Yuqiang can see clearly.

Don't be blinded by beauty!

And what about Chi Yuqiang?

I heard what my friends said, but they didn’t think so at all!

He even felt that these friends were just jealous of him!

Therefore, Chi Yuqiang didn't take his friends' kind words to heart at all.

Some time passed like this.

Chi Yuqiang finally has everything ready!

Choosing a good day, he made an appointment with Huang Yuxia at a high-end Western restaurant.

Chi Yuqiang had been waiting in the Western restaurant early.

And soon, he saw Huang Yuxia coming in a costume.

Huang Yuxia was carefully dressed today and looked at least several years younger than before.

Although, she originally looked like she was only in her twenties.

She smiled lightly and sat down opposite Chi Yuqiang.

Immediately, he said to Chi Yuqiang: "Well... what do you think of my outfit today?"

Chi Yuqiang has long been deeply attracted by her.

Even now, I can't help but swallow my saliva and say: "Of course it looks good! It's so good-looking!"

Chi Yuqiang, who was always decisive and straightforward in the mall, seemed a little incoherent in front of her.

"How do you like it?"

Huang Yuxia asked again.

And these words directly touched his heart again!

Of course he liked it!

Therefore, at this moment, he nodded repeatedly.

this day.

Under melodious music and in a warm atmosphere.

They had dinner together.

After dinner, Chi Yuqiang warmly invited Huang Yuxia to his home.

During this period, although the relationship between the two developed close, Chi Yusheng never took the final step.

he knows.

Many girls today are like this!

If you don't really get to the point of falling in love, you won't be willing to follow a man home.

And Chi Yuqiang also knew.

Therefore, it was not until this day that he expressed his thoughts.

Where is Huang Yuxia at this moment?

After hearing what Chi Yuqiang said, the expression on her face changed slightly.

It seems that he is a little shy.

But just a moment later, she nodded timidly.

Chi Yuqiang knew that she had promised him.

So, the two left the restaurant and returned to Chi Yuqiang's home.

In Chi Yuqiang's opinion, this was a very romantic night.

But he didn't know.

In fact, this is the beginning of my own nightmare!

That night.

It was windy in the house.

Chi Yuqiang was still immersed in endless joy.

But suddenly, he noticed something was wrong.

Huang Yuxia, who was still lying on the bed, actually disappeared!

Instead, there was a terrifying, ghost-like existence!

Moreover, after the other party noticed him.

With a fierce blow, he quickly rushed towards Chi Yuqiang!

Chi Yuqiang was immediately frightened!

He was shocked, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

But Chi Yuqiang did not give up the idea of ​​resistance just like that.

The survival instinct took over, which made Chi Yuqiang want to flee the scene immediately. But he noticed something, that ghost-like existence pounced on him very quickly.

A pair of sharp claws clamped tightly on his neck.

Moreover, that guy immediately lay down behind Chi Yuqiang.

A pair of feet also clamped down on Chi Yuqiang.

A very terrible pressure was applied to Chi Yuqiang!

There is no chance for him to escape!

Gradually, Chi Yuqiang felt a sense of suffocation coming over him.

This made Chi Yuqiang know that he might lose his life under the opponent's attack.

But even so, he still wanted to save his life as much as possible. He kept hitting the wall with his back.

Bang bang bang!

Trying to knock away the weird thing behind him.

But even so, he couldn't do this at all.

That strange thing seemed to be stuck to his back. No matter how hard he tried, everything seemed to be in vain.

That's it, as time goes by.

Chi Yuqiang finally felt a deep sense of despair in his heart.

He felt that he might have to confess here tonight.

That's right.

That's it!

He now has a feeling in his heart.

There is almost no doubt that Li Zhao) will definitely explain it here tonight.

Even if there are a hundred things in his heart that he doesn't want to admit.

However, in fact there is no way.

After all, he now indeed has no means or ability to escape from the predicament.

that's all.

Some time passed.

He only felt that his consciousness was gradually blurring.

A very strong feeling of suffocation came up, making his body seem to become extremely heavy.

The final sentence.

Finally there was a plop.

He fell heavily to the ground and completely lost consciousness.

At this time, a shadow appeared from the darkness.

She stood in front of Chi Yuqiang.

It was Huang Yuxia with a wicked smile!

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