I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 154 A Strange Case, Everyone Doubts The Judge! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Perhaps Chi Yu was so strong that he would never even think of it.

All of this was actually done by the woman he loved most!

Looking at Chi Yuqiang's body, the smile on Huang Yuxia's face became even stronger.

"Okay, now that the first step has been completed, then the more important task will be carried out next!"

Huang Yuxia smiled and talked to herself.

At the same time, she stepped out of the house.

Swaggering about without any deliberate hiding.

For her, there is no need to fear being watched for what she does.

Because the ghosts she controls will naturally help her clean up all traces!

Even, including monitoring on the road.

Real data will also be lost due to the interference of ghosts!

After Huang Yuxia left, the ghosts began to rummage through the boxes.

Soon, all the valuable things from Chi Yuqiang's house were moved away.

There is only 283 houses that have been turned over and messed up!

And a completely dead body!

In the ward.

Zhou Chen looked at these scenes.

In his heart, he couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion.

He possesses strange skills but does not use them on the right path. Instead, he uses them in such a harmful way. Such people can be said to have reached the extreme of confusion.

Because of the case she committed.

This will make the Public Security Department completely unable to investigate!

As for herself, she could get away with it and not be affected at all.

Therefore, Zhou Chen does not intend to let such people go!

There was no hesitation.

A death notice was sent out!

The news of Chi Yuqiang's death was made public.

In addition to the cases of the judges during this period, the most serious problems that troubled the Public Security Department were cases like Chi Yuqiang (bgag).

Because the victims also lost their lives inexplicably.

And the death was so miserable that the people from the Public Security Department had no way to discover the murderer.

As time passed, disagreements arose within the Public Security Department.

"I think this case must have something to do with the judge!"

In the conference room.

One agent spoke his mind.

And as soon as he said this, he was recognized by many people.

Because besides the judge, they couldn't find anyone else who could do such a thing!


Inside the Sheriff's Department.

A group of people believe that we should still find a way to find the judge.

After all, if the judge is found, regardless of whether he is the murderer or not, it will be helpful to investigate this case.

Even if it wasn't the judge who did it, then he might still be able to help everyone find out who the murderer is behind the scenes!

This idea has been recognized by many people in the Public Security Department.

But a group of people led by Ouyang Meng obviously didn't think this was a good idea!

Because who is Ouyang Meng?

She can now be said to be a die-hard fan of the Judge.

She believes that the Judge, a hero who walks in the darkness, should not have his true identity discovered.

In that case, the judge may be put in danger!

This is the last thing she wants to see!

Therefore, she is from the perspective of an opponent!

Because of this, when her companion put forward her own ideas, she also expressed her own opinions.

"I don't think this is a good idea!"

Ouyang Meng expressed his opinion, "This will put the judge in trouble! Moreover, the judge is a sharp sword hanging in the dark!"

"With him around, those evil people will have some scruples. And if he remains mysterious, those evil people won't be able to find the judge!"

"But if he is found, the judge will probably be in danger!"

When these words came out, some people agreed.

The Sheriff's Department was divided into two factions.

Now, neither side can convince the other!

It can be seen that they all have their own reasons.

The senior management looked at them like this and knew that there would definitely be no good results in a short period of time.


The top management will decide.

Let them put aside the matter about the judge for the time being and put all their energy on other matters!

For example, take the case of Chi Yuqiang.

In fact, about how Chi Yuqiang’s case is handled.

This is indeed a big trouble.

After all, they found no clues at the scene.

Only Chi Yuqiang died miserably at home!

Moreover, there was a strangulation mark on his neck.

It looked like someone had strangled him to death.

But what is surprising is that.

There were no fingerprints or anything like that on the strangulation mark.

It was as if the mark appeared on his body out of thin air, giving people a very strange and shocking feeling.

The Public Security Department has no idea how to investigate the inside story!

It is precisely because of this.

No matter how much energy the people in the Public Security Department expended on this issue, there was no result at all.

"You think, could this be done by a supernatural being?"

Inside the Public Security Department, a detective finally asked a question. .

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