I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 157 The Judge Arrives, And The Great Witch Strikes To The Death (Please Subscribe, Please Cu

People in the village are busy with their own things.

But they don't know.

In fact, everything here is clearly seen by the judge.


With the system's ability, Zhou Chen could clearly see every move of these people.

And, he uses the system.

The identities of these people were also discovered!

These people looked like they were just members of a Wiccan sect. But in fact, he also did many evil things behind his back!

Huang Yuxia is not the only one doing evil!

Among them, the great witch was the most hateful one!

in the system.

All the evil things the great witch had done were finally revealed in front of Zhou Chen.

ten years ago.

A remote mountain village.

In the village, the residents 16 are very backward.

In a place like this, when people get sick, they don't go to the doctor, but instead they go to the gods for divination.

Therefore, characters like wizards are naturally favored by many people.

"Great witch, great witch!"

At this moment, a man was running in the village in a panic.

When other people in the village saw him like this, they all looked sideways.

I think this person is very strange.

Is there something extraordinary happening?

He deserves to be treated like this!

Soon, the man came to a small courtyard in the village.

And this small courtyard is Dawang's home.

He kept knocking on the door, and the courtyard door opened.

I saw the great witch sticking his head out from inside and asking, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

The man said out of breath: "Da Wu, Da Wu is not well. My Cuilian, my Cuilian seems to be having a difficult delivery!"

The man's tone even trembled a little.

It can be seen that he is very anxious.

"In this case, let's go quickly!"

As a wizard, the great wizard also knows some relatively superficial medical skills.

And the people in the village will also pay him. Although there is not much money, there is more or less some food and other things.

Each family gives some, which is enough for the great witch to live a very comfortable life in this village.

Followed the man to their home.

From far away, I heard a very shrill scream coming from the house.

At the door, there were also many people watching the excitement.

When they saw the great witch walking behind the man, they all moved out of the way.

"The great witch is coming, the great witch is coming!"

"When the great witch comes, we will be saved!"

"Yes, let's see how the great witch can turn the tide!"

The crowd was buzzing.

And among the crowd, the great witch also walked into the house.

He has always been so high and mighty, and in the eyes of many people, he appears very arrogant and mysterious.

But the more this happens, the more he enjoys it.

Especially looking at the way the villagers worshiped him.

This satisfied the great witch.

However, when he actually came to the house and saw the woman lying on the bed, he was still a little dumbfounded for a moment.

Because he didn't expect that the current situation was so urgent!

The situation of this pregnant woman was much worse than he imagined.

There is no way he can cope with it!

The great witch knew witchcraft, but he only had a superficial understanding of medical skills.

There is no problem in dealing with some simple difficult situations. But the current situation requires professional doctors to handle it.

He believes in witchcraft, but he is not stupid.

With just one glance, you can see what the current situation is like!

It is precisely because of this that the big witch's face instantly turned ugly.

As for that man.

Then he came to him and asked tentatively in a low voice: "Great witch, can you handle the things here?"

The great witch glanced at him and replied with obvious meaning: "Hey, this matter is more difficult to handle!"

While saying this, he looked at the other person carefully.

I want to see how the man will react.

When the man heard this, he fell to his knees with a plop.

Bang bang bang!

He kept kowtowing to the great witch: "Great witch, please, please save our family's 600 Cuilian. If she dies, our old Liu family will be deprived of offspring!"

His voice was choked up.

Even his forehead was bruised with bruises.

The great witch sighed again and continued: "It's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that your Cuilian has provoked evil spirits and is hopeless!"

"What? Provoked an evil spirit?"

The man was in disbelief.

"Well, it's absolutely true!"

"I just took a look, and there was an evil ghost lying on your Cuilian's belly. It was this evil ghost that tormented her to death!"

"So, it's not that I don't want to save her, but that I really don't have the ability to save her!"

When the great witch said this, he sighed deeply.

"How could this happen? How could this happen!"

The man's eyes were empty, as if he was completely desperate.

The woman's screams on the bed also became more shrill at this time.


"It hurts!"

she shouted at the top of her lungs. .

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